Chapter 2: "Elizabeth Joyce"

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"Pretending your own death also has some advantages: you get a free make over and to tour with your favourite band, of course." —A

When I calmed down, the boys took me to the mall. They said they wanted to help me with the make over and I had literally nothing so... I got my hair painted, dark red with the fringe at one side. I got some grey contact lens and some new clothes. After that, we took the pictures, ate at McDonalds and came back to the hotel. I looked at myself in the mirror and the tears I was hiding just dropped. The boys were like expecting it and they got relax when I started crying, I guess my behaviour wasn't normal, who would take this entire situation so well? Apart from throwing up, I hadn't showed any weakness till then.

And here I am now, again with the officer James, listening to this story that is supposed to be my life now, while the new ID is getting made with the pictures I brought. All this was scary, weird, crazy... I don't even know how I feel, I can't take my parents face from my head, the expression they must have had when they found out I was dead.

"Are you listening to me? This is serious stuff, your flight is departing in 3 hours; you have to go to the airport in half an hour. Please, pay attention." James told me off.

"I know it is important but I can't help it. You are telling me I have to move to another country, all on my own, learn that stupid story and pretend I'm who I'm not! This is hard!"

The boys went out, we kept talking about my new story and suddenly the boys came in very excited.

"I know you have worked really hard on it but can we change the plan? She is going to love it and it will be great for everyone."

"Okay, this change is very difficult for her and she will be in problems if she goes alone. Besides, if she does that, someone will find out that there's something strange; nobody moves out with no contacts, no parents, no friends..."

"Yeah, but we have the perfect solution for that. She will come with us! We are One Direction, we can afford bringing her with us and nobody will think that she is who she is. She has previous friends, we can say we know her from before and she loves our music, she will be okay. Our security is really good so she will be safe. moreover, she will be travelling a lot so nobody will really be able to find her. We don't know if we can do it still but..."

"Wait, wait, Niall. Are you asking me to go with you? Haven't you heard the dangerous part? I mean, that would be awesome but it will still be weird and people will investigate me. I thought that I had to try to pass unnoticed. " I said confused.

"That's the best part! There, on TV, everyone will see you and know your new story, they will know who Elizabeth Joyce is! Nobody would think that's a lie!" Liam said quite excited.

"Well, I must say that it will be a lot of work to prepare and you still don't know it sure. She has to go to the airport. But it is true that it's a great idea if you want to do it. It's up to her but you have half an hour to decide if she can or not. And bear in mind that this is a risk and nobody from your team can know about this."

"We don't agree with that. I mean, not all the team, but Paul and the boys have to know about it. As you have said, it's a risk and they deserve to decide if they are going to accept it. We don't lie to each other. Besides, Paul is our manager and he can help making the fake past real, you know. The boys are going to come here and we'll explain it to them, they think they are coming because we did something. After that, we will talk to Paul and ask for his help."

"How much will it take? If it is not possible, she has to take that flight." James asked.

"I know but it is going to take them about half an hour at least coming and then we have to discuss it...please, trust us. Let her stay, I'm sure the boys will support our idea. If they don't, we'll personally take her wherever you want to...Please, give us a chance" Niall intervened again.

"It's up to you" James looked at me and I closed my eyes. I would love to be with them on tour and get to know them but...being surrounded of people when I can't get touched by anyone without feeling an urge of running away and putting them in danger...

"Please, I wanna stay. I wanna know if I can go with them." I finally said, deciding to be selfish and do what I really wanted to do.

We waited and hour after the talk, the boys got up and went out screaming and excited, the other boys were here.

Harry's POV

I was with Louis when we got the call, I was very worried for Liam and Niall, nobody knows what they are able to do that makes them call US from a police station. We got the car and drove to the address they gave us. When we arrived, Zayn was parking and we entered together. Three seconds later, the boys were running towards us and screaming. Liam talked the first one.

"Guys thanks for coming. We have to talk about something, it is very important"

"How much money do you need? We have to pay the fine, right?" I said.

"Of course not Harry, I'm telling you we have to talk... it's serious please. There's someone we want you to know" I nodded and we went into a room. There were an inspector and a girl sitting inside.

"Hello, nice to meet you boys. I am the police officer Mr James Folkman. Have your friends already told you?" James shook their hands.

"Well" Niall called for our attention "We want to ask you for something. Look, we found this girl two days ago, she was.."

"I think I'll wait outside...I don't want to listen the story again" The girl went out and sat on a bench, holding her legs.

I can't remember how much time we were in that room talking, maybe 20 minutes. They told us the whole story and we didn't know what to do. Of course we'd like to help her but taking a stranger with us on was strange and there were a lot of things to consider. But in the end, we decided we could do it, or at least try it.

The girl came back and we tried to get close to introduce us but she rejected any touch. We got surprised but we kept talking as if nothing had happened.

"So, she will stay with you two here at the hotel for tonight and then we will meet at the airport to go to Germany. As you are the ones that know her, one of you must have a previous relationship with her, Niall she looks more comfortable with you, she could be your childhood friend" Louis said quickly to leave and go back to our hotel.

"Boys, boys calm down, you too Elizabeth. There are some rules that you have to take into account if you want this to work out. First, nobody gets to know your real information, you are Elizabeth Joyce for everyone, you did well not telling them your name when you met them. Second rule, this Paul has to call me to plan this childhood thing and every change or new info about you must be communicated to me before. I also must know in which country you will be, I'll call you once in a while here" He handed a phone to the girl "And finally, be careful and don't do any silly thing. You guys and Paul must sign a confidentiality agreement, I will prepare it and make sure that Paul receives it" Mr Folkman finished.

"We know. Can we go now? We have many things to prepare for tomorrow." Louis said again.

"Of course... Good luck, I hope this works."

We went out after thanking the policeman for everything and went to Nando's for dinner. It's Niall way to welcome someone to our family...and of course a perfect excuse for him to eat chicken. We ate chatting and laughing as usual and the girl, Elizabeth, just stayed staring at us, this must be very difficult for her. But I thought she was a Directioner... she should be a little bit excited for being with us...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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