Chapter 1: "Upside Down"

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"Never go in the middle of the night to buy ice-cream alone. Even if it was the most delicious ice-cream in the world, it was free and it came with an unicorn as a gift. Even if you really like unicorns. Just. Don't." —A

There was this party everybody was excited to go that night. Everybody except for me and my best friend who though we could do something way less reckless than getting drunk and having sex with a stranger anywhere, so I invited her over to watch films. I decided to go to the supermarket for some chocolate and cheesecake ice-cream and then ZAP! When I went out I noticed some hands taking me by the arms and guiding me to a really creepy street... I don't remember it quite well, nobody would like to... All I have clear is that I was trembling and afraid, I could notice their hands all over me; it was disgusting. I couldn't do any other thing than moving and trying to resist but they were much stronger and all I got was to get beaten up by them. They made a mistake though and I managed to ran away as fast as I could. I was tired and it was very painful but I knew I could not stop so I kept running, I could hear people complaining but I didn't care. Then I tripped over and fell down. I wanted to keep running, no, I needed to keep running but I collapsed.

Next thing I saw was a man carrying me, I automatically screamed trying to let go and we both fell down. I crawled away from him and looked around me. There was another man with him and we were at a hotel room. They both looked at me worried and tried to come closer but I kept the distance.

"Hey, hey, relax." said who was carrying me "We found you like this on the street and brought you here. It is very cold out there...Do you remember what happened?" He waited but I did not answer "Okay, look..."

"Why don't you go for some clothes for her, bro? Let me handle this" The other interrupted and waited silence till he heard the door slam "I know you are afraid, I don't know what has happened to you, but it must have been really traumatic judging on your appearance. Nothing is going to happen to you here, okay? You can have a shower, my friend will bring you some clothes and then you can go to sleep and rest."

I stayed quiet for a bit and then nodded and followed his directions to go to the bathroom.

This is how everything started. But even there, I could not imagine all that that night was going to mean to me. The following day, I did not want to get up. I just stayed in bed, no eating, no talking...basically without giving any signal of life.  The boys were worried and they talked to me.

"I know you don't want to do this but you have to. You have to go to the police and tell them what happened to you."

"It may be difficult but you should do it. Relieve that burden and help the police so other people don't have to suffer the same thing too. And think about your family, they must be dying worried about you."

As I didn't answer, they made me get up and got me into a car. I don't know how it happened but suddenly I was in front of the police station, going up the stairs and then with a police officer in a room.

"Thank you for bringing the lady here but I will take care of this. She may be uncomfortable with you two standing here and listening to her" The police officer looked suspiciously at both of them "She needs privacy."

"No! Please...let them stay. I don't want to be alone" I talked for the first time. I felt someone holding my hand and fear invaded me but I held it back.

"Fine, What do you want to report?"

"Well...I...yesterday" I breathed deeply and told them everything I remembered "When I went to the shower I saw all these marks too" I said rolling my t-shirt up, showing several bruises that looked pretty bad and I sat down.

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