"Where are you going with this?" You asked.

"You see that bite mark on your arm, that is not going to heal, but, it won't kill you."

"Is it sort of like a healing factor?" Astro rubbed his chin, looking at your bandaged arm.

"In a way.. Your body will take longer to heal away the mark, but it won't affect you in any way. That also means your body is longer lasting.."

"And what does that mean..?"

"Your growing is going to take longer. So you will have a much longer life." O'shay looked out the window. "And you might stay young looking for the rest of your life."

"Compared to the human life span, how long does she have to live?" Astro's voice was a little demanding.

"It's hard to say... 50 years might be 10 years of physical ageing." O'shay shrugged.

You sat back with wide eyes. "We don't know if that passed into the others who had your blood donated yet."

Astro grinned. "(Y/N)! That's great! You'll never grow up! Like me!"

You then smiled, that was right. Astro wouldn't age, just like you! You glanced out the window to see that you were very close to home, this place was all too familiar, but now everything was filled with light and happiness. You felt your stomach fill with butterflies. "That's great Astro!" You took a hold of his hand. O'shay smiled softly, at least you didn't take it too harshly. As you saw the familiar buildings, your heart jumped. You were so close to home!


"We are here (Y/N)." The car stopped and Astro got out first, you found it hard to even open your own door, your hands were shaking so much. You crawled out Astro's side and he helped out the car

"You ready to see your family?" Astro asked, smiling supportingly at you.

"Yes.. Y-Yes I am." You replied and walked up to your home door, before you could knock, to door opened wide and quickly.

"(Y/N)!!!" Lucas cried, jumping onto you. You stumbled back and then returned the hug.

"Little brother!" You couldn't hug him tight enough to make up for all the years you had without him.

"My daughter!" Your mother ran out and joined the hug, kissing both of you. "I'm so proud of you! So.. so proud!" She kissed your head.

Astro smiled softly at the sight of the happily family.


"Goodbye mother! I'll visit!" You waved to your mother and ran off back to the limo with Astro.

"Make sure you visit soon!" Lucas shouted at you. "Or I'll take you room!" He snickered.

You laughed and smiled at the dork of a boy and got into the car.

"What's the next stop (Y/N)?" O'shay asked.

"(S/N) (school name)." You nodded.


You stood at the front of the school. Everything seemed to bright again. No more darkness or overgrown vines. You checked the time and then saw it was about lunch. You glanced to the side of the school where you and your friends would talk and converse. Could they be there? You stepped to the wall of a classroom and peaked around to look and see if they were there.

"Makoto! You're lunch looks so good!" Minako looked at the bento box in awe.

"Do you want some?" The tall girl asked the blond.

"Yes!" Minako quickly scooped up some of Makoto's food.

"What about you, (Y..../N).." Makoto sighed and looked down.

Rei huffed and crossed her arms. "I'll have some Makoto!"

"O-Oh, sure, go ahead." Makoto nodded.

"Ami, what are you reading?" Minako asked.

"It's actually a zombie apocalypse book, it's got some characters called Reno.. Alejo.. Kennedy and.. I can't pronounce the last name." She smiled nervously.

"Oh?" Minako looked at the title of the book.

"The perspective is from a android named Toby."

"Boooring." Rei mumbled.

"This is the first book, I can't wait for the others to come out." Ami smiled.

"Hey Makoto what are you dong this weekend?" Minako asked.

"Nothing." Makoto shrugged.

"Can I come over then?"


You watched the girls laugh and talk together with a soft smile. "Same as always.."

"You should talk to them." Astro suggested, he must have walked up behind you.

"No. Not yet." You shook your head and turned back to face him. "They still haven't moved on. I can't come back into their life then leave again." You began walking back to the car. "And I need to continue my testing and stay with you and O'shay." Astro nodded in understandment.

"Where to now?" Astro asked.

"How about.. the beach?" You asked. "I haven't been there for at least six years."

Astro nodded. "To the beach then."


You and Astro watched as the sun set down on the water making a lovely orange reflected colour. You sighed and gripped your black bag.

Astro shyly intertwined your hand with his. "It's pretty.."

"I know, the sunset looks lovely." You smiled at it.

"Oh, that too." Astro smiled to himself as you rolled your eyes, going a small bit red. Astro turned to you and took a deep breath in. "This is a perfect ending (Y/N), no more fighting, no more loneliness.."

"It really does seem that everything is back to normal again." You agreed.

"How about we seal this up with a kiss?" Astro questioned, his voice telling you he was a little nervous.

"Of course." You nodded, smiling down at him. "There's just one more thing I need to do..." You pulled up your bag and unzipped it.

"And what's that?"

You brought out your knife and sighed. You gripped it's handle and then pulled back your arm, you threw the knife deep into the sea as far as you could. You never wanted to see that thing ever again. After doing so, you smiled, everything was now behind you. There was just one more thing left to do..

You turned around and cupped Astro's cheeks. You pulled him up into a excited and almost forceful kiss. He happily return the enthusiasm in the kiss. You both closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment, feeling like nothing could ever come between you two, not ever.

This was it, your happy ending. You had everything you could have ever need in your life.


The end.

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