Hate is a Strong Word*

Start from the beginning

"So why were you guys dressed like that, anyways?" I let out a pitiful laugh, a little bothered that I went through all the trouble of the dress and make up for nothing.

"We were invited to stay for dinner, and I guess they like to dance off their food" She nods again. I put my hands over my eyes. "Don't be envious, it sucked. the fancy tuna wasn't even THAT fancy." I hear her laugh.

"Just thought it was kind of funny, Sora looked like a prince." I scoff.

"When doesn't he?" Shh! God DAMMIT, Rea.

"When he stands beside Riku." I take my hands off of my eyes.

"What do you mean?" She joins me, laying down and staring to the ceiling.

"I mean-- This guy is so... gorgeous." She sighs. "He makes anyone around him look average." I scoff.

"So he's just like you?"

"Huh?" She turns to me, her pink eyes filled with curiosity. I turn on my side.

"You're kidding me, right?" I laugh, "You're gorgeous. I can wear a freaking fairy tale dress, put my hair up all nice, and put just the right amount of make-up on and yet Sora still looks at you." She shakes her head, I put up a hand "Ha. No, don't argue. Your eyes are wide and look innocent, not to mention they're a beautiful color. Your hair just brings it out more, and doesn't seem to frizz or static-i-tize." I pat down my silver hair. "Not to mention your skin is flawless and, well-- Don't think wrong of me for noticing but..." I wave my hand over my breasts and then do the same to hers. "You win." She snorts.

"Then please tell me why they both only ever seemed to look at Kairi?" She asks, almost bitterly.

"Do you hate her?" I whisper, maybe the smallest bit hopeful, and Blair simply blinks.

"I have no problem with Kairi. I'm just envious of her." damn. "Why, do you hate her?" I look to the side.

"Uh, don't really know her so can't form an opinion... So what do you mean by they only looked at her?" I pray she falls for that. She laughs and tucks her arms under her head, staring back up at the ceiling.

"Well, when Kairi first appeared on the island, let's just say I wasn't playing center stage anymore." I lay back again as well, letting her continue. "Riku and Sora seemed very fond of her, and I didn't exactly like it. It seemed like my two best friends were just snatched out from underneath me, so I tried so many things to get their attention." She laughs "I remember one time, I climbed all the way to the top of a palm tree and got these Seagull eggs Sora wanted so badly-- nothing. He ran off and showed Kairi and Riku. Eventually, it got to the point where I was alone every day and I just... Started bawling." I frown, knowing what it was like to be alone. " I guess I was pretty loud, because Kairi found me in our secret spot. She asked me what was up, she comforted me..and since then, her and I have been pretty good friends." She gets a small smile "but the only reason I seemed to even be there most of the time was because Kairi wanted me there. Riku seemed so intent on impressing Kairi, on talking to KAIRI. I was envious of her-- I still am envious of her." I chew the inside of my cheek.

"You really like Riku, huh?" She scoffs.

"Is that ALL you got out of the story?" I laugh.

"Well you do get pretty dazed when you talk about him, I couldn't help but notice." Blair rolls her eyes.

"Whatever." She turns to me "So what's your story? Why are you here?" I lean on my elbow to face her, feeling a frown come to my face.

"It's kind of a long story but.. I'll try to trim it for you." I rub my arm "Two days ago, my best friend and I were sitting on the beach when these heartless started attacking. This woman appeared, told me she could give me something to protect Mikoto and I-- so long as I did her a favor in return." I laugh, a bit bitter " --and I was stupid enough to accept. She told me to stop Sora at all costs and gave me this... thing" I make the Poison Ivy appear in my hands, holding the keyblade above us. "And she disappeared with Mikoto. Sora came, saw me with the key blade, saved me before my world disappeared, took me to some great wizard, who told me about everything Sora, Donald, and Goofy are doing. Made some fairies make me new clothes, and we went this place called 'The Land of The Dragons' kicked some ass, unlocked a door, and here we are now." She stares wide eyed "Oh yeah-- and my key blade is a piece of shit. It only casts magic, which WOULD be powerful if I could only use it right, it cant lock doors, no light in it. Pretty much just darkness." I shrug "So I'm a nuisance, and feel incredibly out of place, but I go on because I want my little sister back."

I Want to be a Hero {KH Romance}Where stories live. Discover now