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All you wanted to do was finish your last paper and the presentation that you were supposed to give with it, but your boyfriend would not let up. He wanted to throw you a party to celebrate you graduating from college. He was ecstatically happy and more proud of you than you could even imagine. He had left school early to start his career and never got the chance to finish or even think about college and it impressed him that you were about to graduate from it.

"Niall, just let me finish this, okay? We'll talk later about the party. I don't even want a party. Just let me get through graduation and we can just go to dinner or something."

He frowns and puts his hands on your shoulders. You're sitting at the kitchen counter typing away at your laptop and you know he's not going to let this go. He's insistent on a big celebration for you, but you've been protesting since the beginning of the semester and he just doesn't get it.

"Petal, I just love ya and I want to celebrate how smart you are, and I wanna show off how amazing my girl is."

He leans in and kisses your neck, under your ear. He knows where on your body to touch and kiss at this point to get what he wants. You shrug him away and go back to your typing.

"I've got 3 days to finish this project and if I don't, I can't graduate so if I promise to talk about a party will you let me work?"

He smiles and says "okay, but you have stop working for a little to eat some lunch. I know how you get when you're working."

You're so frustrated with this conversation but you know he means well, "Fine, but you have to listen to what I want for this party and all I want is some cereal. Don't overfill me or I'll be too sick to work."

"Deal" Niall says and heads out of the room to let you work in peace. Finally.


Three days later you have finished your project, given your presentation and had a few free days before graduation. You figured you'd let your boyfriend finally plan his party for you.

You walked into his office, leaning on the doorframe watching him work for a few minutes before he finally says something to you.

"You gonna come in or are ya gonna just watch me for a while longer?"

"I just like to watch you." You smirk, leaning up from the doorframe and making your way towards his desk. When you reach him he pulls you into his lap and wraps his arms around your waist. "I missed you, Pet." He says burying his face in your neck.

You wrap your arms around him and bring his face close to yours to kiss him. "Maybe I missed you too." You lean your head against his. "I thought we could talk about this ridiculous party you want to throw me."

His face lights up at your suggestion and he swirls the chair around so you can both see the computer screen. "I put together some ideas for it and made a little presentation of my own," he says completely enthralled with this idea. He starts rambling about all of his ideas and for someone who is as good at business as he is, he's really going nuts with this.

"I thought we could do it here in LA cause it's warm and we could have an afternoon turns into evening barbecue and everyone could bring swimsuits and we'll hire a DJ and a caterer and-"

"Niall!" You cut him off.

"What's wrong?" He looks at you concerned, running his hands up and down your back.

You start to fiddle with your hands in your lap and stare down at them. You love him so much and don't want to hurt his feelings, but you don't want any of that.

"Don't be upset, I know you worked hard to work all this out and find all these people, but I don't...really...want any of that. Is that okay?" You look up at him with tears starting to form in your eyes. He looks back at you with more concern in his eyes than anger and that makes you cry even more. He wipes the tears falling from your face away, asking you, "Well you promised I could do something for ya, what do you want instead?"

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