Twitter Trolls

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''Hey, I'm back from the gym, I'm gonna go take a shower!" Niall bellows at you from the bottom of the steps, before running up them into the master bedroom and adjoining bath. You were sitting in the shared home office when you mumble back an "Okay", before continuing some of the things you needed to finish scheduling for him, fittings, appointments, meetings, and such.

When he's not on tour, you try to fill in for Ellie and Tara where you can, and keep up with his social media accounts because the fans love seeing him at home and connecting with him. However, sometimes there are some of his fans that aren't so nice. It gets old, and hearing all of the negative things about yourself starts to get in your head. You finish what you need to do for the day, and start to lose track of time, looking at some pictures that had surfaced of you from the week before.

Niall had gotten home from tour a few weeks ago but a few days early. Usually you would have put yourself more together to go out, but you had quickly thrown some clothes on and ran to the grocery store in a baggy hoodie and shorts, thrown some mascara on, in your haste to replenish your coffee supply before your sleeping husband woke up to find none brewing.

You're pulled from your thoughts when he comes to find you in the office, his broad frame leaning against the doorway. "What are you up to?" you barely look up from the computer that you're hastily typing away at. "Just some paperwork and fan stuff". "Just stay off twitter, okay? My real fans love you and forget what the others say. If they really loved me, they'd love you too. They say those things cause that's the shit they'd do if it was reversed, but you're a better person than that."

He knows you so well. You always try to stay off of twitter, but whenever you're stuck on a call for the band or with one of the other boys wives, it's hard not to sneak a peek at what's being said now. "whatever you say" as you look up and smile, and then go back to the screen, clicking away.

He notices when you to frown and he runs over and grabs the laptop away, shutting it forcefully and tossing it on the couch. "What the hell?" you yell at him. "Stop it. I hate when you read that stuff. I know take that stuff to heart and you can't. I love you and the rest of the world doesn't matter." you put your head in your hands and quietly start to cry. You had struggled with self confidence before you were married, and being in the public eye didn't help, but it was something Niall understood, but did not tolerate.

He comes around the desk and lifts you out of the chair. "Come here, babe," he says as he lifts you and sits you back on the now clear desk. He moves you so he's sitting in the chair between your legs. With one hand on your thigh, he takes his other hand and lifts your chin up to meet his gaze. "I love you. And you are the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I can't believe someone like me is lucky enough to love someone like you."

You smile slightly, and reach down to brush his hair out of his eyes. You make a mental note to cut his hair later, it's getting a little long. "You still don't believe me, do you?" he asks.

You shake your head, "When one person says one thing and 100 say the opposite, it's hard to believe the one. Even if it's you. You're biased, I'm your wife, you're supposed to say those things."

He looks upset as he stands up and for a moment you can't read him. It's hard to tell if he's mad or hurt by the comment. He picks you up, one arm tucked under your legs, one under your back. He doesn't say a word, as you keep questioning him what he's doing, and where he's taking you. He reaches the top of the steps and kicks open the bedroom door before tossing you on it.

You're still not sure what is going on, so you prop yourself up on your elbows and look at him. He's pacing the room, scrolling through his phone reading his twitter feed. He tosses the phone on the chair in the corner of the room before pulling his black tee shirt off, joining the pile of clothes on the floor.

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