✬ Garroth x reader ✬

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Art class... one of your favorite classes. Not because of the subject, but because Garroth was sitting near you. You had every class with him, but during Art he was sitting at the table opposite you.

'Y/N, you're staring again.'

You looked at your best friend Millie.

'Sorry.' You mumbled.

You opened your sketch book. You grabbed your paints and a brush and paid attention again. After a while you couldn't help but look at Garroth. He looked at you too. You exchanged glances and then you quickly looked away. Your cheeks shot red as you looked back to the teacher.

'He looked at you.' Millie smiled.

'Shut up.' You mumbled.

Millie grinned. You looked back at the blonde haired boy and when he looked at you, you quickly preretended to write something down.

'This is ridiculous! Just talk to the guy.' Millie whispered.

'Are you crazy?! What do I say to him? Hi, I'm Y/N, I've been looking at you for the past year.'

Millie let out a small chuckle.

'No you idiot. Just say: hi.'

'How about... no.'

Later that day you and Millie were sitting outside by the bleachers. It was after four and you were one of the only people still there.

'I'm going to go home.' You said.

You got up and walked towards the school gates.

'Wait Y/N, I have to tell you something... something no-one can know. I don't want to say it here. Meet me at the park... around midnight.'

'Seriously? Is something wrong? You can tell me anything.'

'I just... don't want anyone else to know. What if people will hear us?'

You nodded.

'I'll be there.'

You walked in the direction of your street, leaving Millie. Millie was tired but had to wait. A few minutes later Garroth walked past her, seeming to notice her despite the deep conversation he was having with Laurance.

'Oh... Hi Millie.' He smiled.

'Hi Garroth...' She spoke, trying to sound worried.

'What's wrong?' He asked, giving Laurance a sidewards glance as if to say, 'I'll catch up'.

'I have to tell you something... could you... meet me at the park around midnight? I don't want anyone to hear it.'

'Shouldn't you tell-'

'It's about her.' She quickly lied.

Garroth looked at her and nodded.

'See you then.' He spoke.

He walked up out the gates and caught up to Laurance. As soon as he left up Millie smiled. Plan executed.

You hardly got any sleep. What was so important that Millie didn't tell you? You sighed and got up. It was almost midnight. Your parents were on a business trip, so you didn't have to worry about sneaking out. You flicked the light on and hissed when the sudden brightness burnt your eyes.

You put on your shoes and your coat and ran downstairs. You walked down the street trying not to draw attention to yourself, your parents were good friends with most of the people in your neighbourhood and they would surely tell them if they saw you out in the middle of the night. As soon as you got around the corner you legged it to the park.

'Millie?' You whispered.

She didn't answer. You looked around and saw someone near the lake. You stepped forwards and picked up a stick for self defence.

'Millie is that you?' You heard some ask and the person turned around.

'Garroth?' You asked.

'Oh... erm... uhm.... Hi...' He spoke awkwardly.

You lowered your 'weapon' a bit and looked at him.

'Have you seen Millie? She told me to meet her here.'

'Uhm... no, I was looking for her. She told me the same thing.'

You looked around and then you realized it... she wasn't going to come.

'Oh no... that little...' you didn't finished your sentence.

'What?' Garroth asked.

You crossed your arms.

'She isn't going to show up! This is just a trick so I would...' you stopped.

Garroth waited for you to finish your sentence, causing an awkward silence.

'So you would..?' He decided to say.

'Nothing, never mind. Bye.' You spoke.

You wanted to walk away.

'Wait... you don't have to go.' Garroth spoke.

You turned around and looked at him. Why was he asking you to stay?

'Why? If we get caught, we're dead.' You spoke.

'There must be a reason we had to meet here.' Garroth spoke.

You sighed and looked at the lake. You knew the reason. But you couldn't tell him! It would be so embarrassing! What if he felt different towards you? What if he thought you weren't his type? What if his parents wouldn't approve?

'Do you know the reason?' Garroth asked.

You just nodded and sat down in the grass. Garroth sat down besides you. Yes... it was definitely awkward. You played with the grass.

'Are you going to tell me?'

You shrugged and grabbed a little stone. You threw it across the field. Garroth looked at the stars.

'Beautiful night.' He spoke.


You looked at the sky with him.

'Millie made us come here... because...' you pauzed for a short moment. 'I never had the courage to talk to you... because I like you.' You spoke uncomfortably and a bit awkward.

Garroth looked at you.

'Seriously?' He asked. 'Well... Y/N, I like you too.'

You looked at him in surprise.

'Y/N, will you go out with me?' He asked.

You smiled.

'Of course.'

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