"I was just out with the girls having some fun it's not that late." I tried explaining

"Yet, here you are running through the door crying? What? Did someone take advantage of you? I wouldn't be surprised, leaving the house looking like a cheap corner whore." She yelled at me. "Well, you know how whores are treated.." I stood back in fear as I watched her slowly advance towards me.


( No ones POV )

On the drive towards Olivia's all Elliot could think of was that he needed to protect her. He needed to make sure she was okay. The revelation of her conception did indeed shock him, but it definitely did not change his view on her, except for the fact that she seemed just that much stronger and that much more amazing. He knew how it felt to have an abusive parent, but, but he didn't know the true extent of just exactly what she went through. The only thing he knew for sure, was that he would try and keep her safe at all costs. Speeding up just a tad bit he raced down the streets. Him and Casey pulling up at the same time they both hurriedly rushed out of their cars, dashing up towards the front entrance of the house. Both Casey and Elliot stopped in their tracks when they heard an ear piercing scream. Tears instantly filled Elliot's eyes as he pushed through to barge through the front door.

"Wait Elliot don't!" Casey yelled, grabbing his elbow, yanking him back with surprising strength.

Elliot fumed looking at her like she had a huge head, "Don't!? What! Am I supposed to just sit out here while I listen to her inside beating my girlfriend!?" he roared. "I'm sorry, that might be something that you all do, but I am definitely not going to sit back and listen to her in there in pain." He faulted saying the last bit.

Casey's eye teared up a bit as she looked down, "Please..Trust me when I say you are doing more harm interfering then you would be just waiting it out and comforting her afterwards. You don't think that the girls and I haven't tried to help her in her situation? Last time Melinda interfere, we didn't see Olivia for a week, and when we did, we kept quiet and never tried again."

"Why haven't you guy's gone to the police, or told your parents, something, anything could have helped."Elliot stated, still angered at not being able to do anything. Hearing Olivia's mother inside yelling the most god awful things to his Liv was breaking his heart and all he wanted to do was run inside, scoop Olivia up and run away with her.

"Elliot, I will say this one more time. We. Have. Tried. She doesn't want us to do anything, okay?" Casey had tears running down her eyes. She knew that there was more that they could've done over the years of being Olivia's friend, especially knowing what was happening inside the walls of the Benson home, but they also knew that by interfering it would be treading on thin ice with Olivia. " Let's just wait. Okay?"

Seeing Elliot about to protest she quickly started up again, " I promise that she is almost done.. Please believe me."

No soon after Casey said that, they heard the front door opening and quickly hid on the side of the house, watching as Serena and a random guy walked out of the house, getting in their car and zooming off, most likely to a bar, Casey presumed. It usually always was.

"Told you." Casey mumbled.

Both Casey and Elliot waited until the car was for sure gone before they made their way up the front steps of the porch. Both looking at each other, nervous as to what lay inside the Benson home.

"Do we knock, or do we just walk in?" Elliot asked, not wanting to overstep any boundaries, but also being scared as to what lay inside. He knew for certain that there is no way he would be leaving without checking for himself that she was okay. There was also no chance in hell he would be leaving her alone for the night.

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