Garcia flung herself off her bed and grabbed for her things. Fine, she'd go inside. But she wasn't going to lie down. She was going to come up with a plan. Or something.

Rossi watched her stalk off, an amused expression on his face. He felt bad for her as he knew she was right. But it wasn't for him to say anything and he could understand why the two wanted to keep things quiet.

It was just a shame they hadn't kept things more quiet last night. But he'd made a trip to the local pharmacy that morning, picking up some ear plugs. He'd let them have their fun and not say anything.


Garcia had broken all of the rules of friendship. She'd snooped. She shouldn't have but she did although all she found through hacking Y/N's phone was a brief text conversation last night from Y/N to Spencer asking if he was still awake. The conversation had ended once he'd replied saying yes, which made Penelope sure that the only reason it had ended was because Y/N had gone into his bedroom.

She couldn't come clean about her findings though, Y/N would crucify her for going through her personal texts. She was just so frustrated with her friends though. She'd have to try a different tact.


"Y/N, those two hotties over there wanna buy us drinks. Come on!" Penelope reached for her friends hand, attempting to tug her off her bar stool.

The group had ventured out for food that evening, ending up in one of the bars nearby. Spencer and Y/N had sat next to each other, theirs thighs pressed against one another, the only contact they dare risk in this close proximity. They'd managed a few kisses out on the sandbank earlier but nothing more. Penelope had vanished around twenty minutes ago to buy drinks for them all, returning with two full pitchers and a plea for Y/N to come and join her.

"You're all right Penny, you go. I'm happy here."

"Noooo, it has to be both of us. Come on, Mitchell is just your type."

Y/N felt Spencer stiffen beside her and she cursed her friend for her comment. What the hell was this anyway? One minute Garcia we practically pushing her towards Spencer and now she trying to drag her away to another guy.

"I'd rather just stay here." Y/N was more sterner this time and
Penelope's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Why? Back home you'd have been game. It's just a drink. One drink. Come and have some fun. Unless there's a specific reason you don't want to. It's not as if you're tied down to anyone, right?"

What the fuck was up with her? Y/N had rarely seen her friend like this, her tone was almost nasty. Even Derek looked over at her in shock.

"Penny, leave her be if she doesn't want to."

"No. It's just one drink. I don't understand why she's being such a party pooper about it. She's single, so let's mingle."

Making a split decision Y/N slipped off her seat. "Fine. But let me go and freshen up in the bathroom first."

She felt Spencer's eyes on the back of her as she picked her way across the bar to the ladies room, Garcia trotting after her and telling her to join her and the boys in the booth. As soon as she got into the toilet cubicle she whipped her phone out and texted Reid.

"She wasn't going to let it go until I went with her. Somethings up with her tonight and fucked if I know what it is. Do you trust me?"

He texted back seconds later. "Yes, I trust you."

"Good. I have no interest in them, only you. Please remember that."

She tucked her cell away and went to join her blonde friend, praying that one drink meant one drink.


Y/N and Garcia had been over there for an hour now. Spencer was watching as carefully as he could without being obvious. Y/N was laughing and smiling but Reid knew her. It was the same laugh she'd use to create rapport during interviews, the same believable but false smile. Every so often she'd try to slip out of the booth and Garcia would reach her arm out, pulling her back. Y/N didn't want to be over there, and Spencer knew that.

"You okay kid, you've been very quiet this evening?" Derek followed his gaze over to the girls.

"Yeah, fine."

"You sure? You been keeping a very close watch over our girls over there."

"Just wanting to make sure they're okay." Spencer swallowed the rest of his beer quickly.

"They're big girls. They can take care of themselves. You want another drink?"

Spencer nodded and Derek grabbed their empty glasses and made his way over to the bar.

Rossi leaned over to his younger colleague.

"You know, Penelope's got it into her head that there's something going on between you and the delightful Y/N. And that you're lying to her about it.... " He raised his eyes pointedly.

"If she thought that then when would she be practically throwing Y/N at another guy?" Spencer detected something in Rossi's voice that he wasn't sure of.

"Perhaps she was hoping that one of you would jump in and protest to what's she doing..... "

Oh. That actually made sense.

"Well... Erm... There's nothing to protest to..."

"Spencer, kid. I sleep in the room next to you. I'm happy for you both and I'm not going to open my mouth and spoil your fun because I get it. It's new, you want to keep it to yourselves for now. You do know what Garcia is like though. She's relentless when she gets an idea."

Shit. So they hadn't been as quiet as they'd thought. Rossi continued on. "Might just be worth mentioning to Y/N that Penelope has a bee in her bonnet about you two. Maybe throw the girl a bone, she's your friend and she's just wants you to be happy."

"So why is she doing this then?"

Dave shrugged. "She feels excluded and lied to. Says she outrightly asked Y/N and was told there was nothing going on at all. Which you, me and the ear plugs I bought this morning all know isn't true."

"Sorry Dave."

The older man clasped his shoulder. "Don't be kid. Like I say, I'm happy you're both getting your rocks off and I hope it's not just a holiday thing. Just be thankful it's me and that next room and not Derek. And maybe consider telling Penelope."

"I'll talk to Y/N later."

"Talk to her about what?" Derek was back, sliding the drinks onto the table.

"Erm... About driving me to that outlet mall tomorrow. I need another book."

"Hey if that guy gets his own way, Y/N might not even be back at the house tomorrow.... "

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