Chapter10- Last but not least...Dad

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We headed up the stairs, past where I found the notes and I found another. We all read out, "Just breathing." together then continued our journey. We found a ladder and taped to it was, " Basically dead." We climbed the ladder and it led us to an attic which had a door inside of it and....on that door...there was a note. And that note.....


Chase is in the room. I know we all thought the same thing. "Jenova what do we do?" the two teens asked me. "Guys I don't know." I felt the pressure rise to my head and I mid fainted but Scottie and Anna caught me.  I couldn't take the tension anymore. I barged in to the room but-b-but how can this be? I was so sure....I-it was empty. I felt tears pricking the corner of my eyes.

There was a chair in the center of the room. There were bloodstains on the center of the chair. Their was a note taped to the chair leg written in fine print. I pulled it off and we all read it in unison.

"Clever but not clever enough. Someone's mouth is too loud isn't it. YOU ARE TOO LATE! YOU WASTED YOUR TIME! YOU WERE GOING TO FAIL ANYWAY. CHASE IS DEAD! HIS LAST WORDS WERE "Tell Jenova and Anna that I love them. Tell Scottie that he loves him." Oh and the sweetest part of them all....."Tell Jenova that I had a special place for her in my heart!" HOW ROMANTIC! UGH I Could   just puke. Chase was always an outcast , he wasn't special in anyway. HE WAS A MISTAKE! SHOULDN'T HAVE COME ALONG IN THE FIRST PLACE! OH and Scottie my boy, I am disappointed in you. Let that scar be a permanent reminder of that."

                                                                                                                                                        Yours truly,

                                                                                                                                                You know who I am.

Anna broke down in tears and blamed herself for talking too loudly and giving away that we solved where he was. Scottie tried to comfort her.

"GUYS!" he began, "Chase is not dead. If there is one thing I know about him it's that he is strong! He doesn't go down without a fight. Even the night when my father knocked him out he tried to restrain him. He was weak and nimble then but he is much stronger now and I know for a fact that HE IS ALIVE! WE WILL FIND HIM! Don't give up now. We can do this. Look how far we came. We came this far right? So we shouldn't give up now. Not now, not EVER!" with that inspirational speech our spirits were filled and we were riled and ready to go. I got the urge to look out the window because it was open. The street was quiet and lonely as usual it was getting pretty dark. The air was still and warm and there was ...a rope..hanging from the window!

"Guys there's a rope hanging from the rope I mean window!"

"They must have escaped from there." said Scottie

"Come on let's go." said Anna with a burst of energy.

We all slid down the rope and landed safely on the ground. We ran by a nearby tree and stopped to think. We climbed the tree and sat on the branches. They were sturdy enough to hold us up. "Anyone have any ideas yet?" Scottie asked. His voice was unusually deep, slow and seductive. His words rolled off of his tongue like suave in its fullest meaning;charming, confident, and elegant. I found my eyes wondering all over his body. I wanted to touch him so badly that my hands started to shiver. I think Scottie noticed because the next thing I knew he had his arm around me and brought me closer beside him.He did the same with Anna which made me so furious that I pushed away from him because I felt the jealousy boiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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