Chapter9- Finding Chase

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We followed the mouth watering scent and based on its glorious essence it could only be one thing...

"BACON!" Chase and I shouted at once. We rushed into the kitchen to find Scottie frying some ...Burger patties? I looked over to the packets where he was taking the patties from and read aloud, "Bacon scented burger patties." Who the hell makes these things? Who- no  what are they? Spawn of the devil? That's just plain evil OK? Ugh!

I walked over to the table and sat down in a chair. I was grateful that there was food, it's just that when you smell bacon...YOU WANT BACON!


We finished our cheeseburgers and decided to head outside. Scottie was the first out then I attempted to come outside but I couldn't, something was restricting me from going forward out of the door. "Scottie!" I yelled but it seemed that he couldn't hear me. Then he turned around and mouthed something. Why didn't he just say whatever it was? Or maybe I couldn't hear him either. I wonder. 

"Anna banana! Come here!"

"What is it Jen?"

"Try to walk through the door."

"Is this some sick trick or something Jenova?"

"No I swear! Just try."

She attempted to walk through the door but she too was restricted. "It's like a wall is there but it's not." she said.

"I know right and whatever is there makes me unable to hear outside and anyone outside to be unable to hear inside."

"You mean it's sound proof?"

"Yeah that."

" Chase come here!" I hollered.

"What's up Jenny?" *GASP* he gave me a new pet name! I feel so special but weird inside. 

"Um, try to go outside."

"OK." He went towards the door and his foot passed through to the other side on the step below the door. I quickly pulled him back in.

"Wooah! What are you doing."

"I get the feeling that once you go fully out then there's no way back in. Wait stick your head out past the door and call Scottie will ya?"


"Yeah?" I heard a faint voice in the distance surprisingly.




"OI!" and with that Scottie's sarcastic face filled my vision.

"Scottie." I said


"Try to come inside."

"Why? What are you up to Missy?"


"Alright Alright stop yer noise." he tried to come in and he suddenly couldn't. I felt this shift in atmosphere as he attempted to step inside, almost like an invisible thing just blocked any outside air from coming in. There was also a strange rumbling noise that I heard just then too. I heard it when I tried to go outside earlier also. "I can't get in." is what I got while reading Scottie's lips. Did I mention how plump and pink they were? They were so kissable and they complimented his tan skin colour. Scottie put up his pointer finger then walked around to the back of the house. Shortly after I heard some ruckus upstairs. We all ran up and saw Scottie half in the window and half out. his jeans were attached to a tree branch. Chase ran up to him and attempted to pull him in.

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