Chapter 2- Reasons and Explanations

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"I woke up with my head on something that rose and fell repeatedly in a kind of pattern. Oh bloody hell. I'm on Chase's chest. I rolled over and faced him. He wasn't drooling which probably meant that he didn't have a goodnight's sleep. His face looked disturbed and he was frowning. I thought about waking him up because if I was having a bad dream I'd want someone to wake me up too. I shook him lightly and his lips parted....nothing else happened.... I poked his cheek and he just turned his head, making up his face even more in the process...nothing else happened....I tried tickling him on his lower abdomen and he jumped up right as my hand brushed the area. Must be really ticklish.

"Ugh!" He grunted "What's that?" He sat there rubbing his eyes as his now tangled hair ran messily down his back. I took up what must have been his brush and started to brush his healthy hair from the roots. I really liked the colour, it was so unique. I was humming as my friend sat up. She got excited about his hair that she immediately started to braid his now brushed hair into one long plaited ponytail. He thanked us shyly and examined the bow that I quickly added. It was a blue bow much darker than his eyes.

"Guten Morgen!" he said brightly

"What the hell is hat supposed to mean?" I asked getting upset, remembering where I was.

"I-it's German for Good Morning." he hesitated.

"Are you German?" Anna asked.

"Nope." he replied then chuckled "Anyway," he continued, "we should discuss getting out of here. So as I was saying yesterday, You know how on railways there are points? And like there's always someone in charge of them to like change the tracks and, for example, cause a train to go off onto a sideline instead of keeping on the main one? So I'm thinking that someone built roads over the railways without connecting them so that they could still be changed by whoever is controlling the lever. Follow me outside I want to show you guys something. We're going to have to pass the old lady though so don't freak out. You can hold my hands if you want." as he said this a slight smirk was visible on his lips.

We got up and I headed out first, feeling a burst of confidence and bravery, that is untill we were approaching the body. Anna was already clinging to his left side. I swore she was staring at me. Has her position changed since yesterday? That freaked me out so I quickly ran back to Chase's side and held on to his arm very tightly. He surprisingly wasn't that smelly considering that he was here for five years.

"How comes you don't smell?" I asked trying to block the fact that we were right opposite the body on the other side of the  road.

"Oh um, well cause I don't really do anything to cause myself to get sweaty and stuff."

"That can't be it alone." I blankly said

"OK. I sometimes sneak into the old house that Scottie lived in to shower cause I can't stand the smell of myself after awhile. Yesterday was the last"

"Oh." was all I managed to say.

"Anyway, you see those cracks in the road further up ahead?"

"Yeah?" Anna and I said

"Take a closer look at them and tell me what you think."

We walked further up to the cracks and noticed how even they were...AND SMOOTH TOO! That's strange. Cracks are supposed to be jagged and rough, sharp even, but these? These were the complete opposite.

"Aah so you've noticed how unusual they are I see. These are where I belive the points are. Here is probably where the roads are able to change directions and confuse us. Anyway what do you people think?"

"I think maybe you're right!" I exclaimed. "Another exciting mystery to solve Anna! Hows about it? Let's solve this thing and get out of here."

"I think we should all check out the closed down shop where the old lady is don't you guys think?" Anna asked

"That's an excellent idea Anna! You can lead since it was your idea in the first place." I grinned.

"AHEM no thanks!" she nervously said.

"I'll lead." mumbled Chase. He was so brave.

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