And I was back on earth again, not with my head up in the clouds. Disappointment filled me as I awaited the obvious question to hit me when they finally approached. I kept my head down, focused entirely on something in the crowd of moving bodies on the dancefloor when their looming figures enclosed on either side of me.

I blinked, startled. I could feel their eyes on me and that nervous feeling came back to me again tenfold. But this time, it started from the tips of my toes and nestled itself near my core. I nearly fainted on the spot when I peered up behind my curtain of hair, bringing a shaky hand to adjust my glasses.

Mother of lord – there weren't words to express how handsome Superman and Batman were. I could list all the possible adjectives but I doubt they'd be enough to do these two justice.

I swallowed the hard lump lodged in my throat, my eyes shifting between the two as I really took in their features this time.

Superman was like yin; his smile was bright, full of promise with kind eyes and dark skin. His lips were thick and he had a set of wide shoulders that made him seem even bigger than he already was. He looked European, with his dark and foreign looks. I could've been wrong, though, but I was sure I was right. I was adept at observing people and figuring out bits of their life by analyzing them closely.

When you people watched a lot, it was the simple things you had to look out for.

Batman, however, was every bit the yang to Superman's yin. He oozed that 'bad boy' persona with his equally dark eyes and matching dark hair. Even his outfit was dark, jet black I believe. The only thing out of place was the single, gold hoop earring in one ear and the Japanese kanji necklace that hung around his neck. Somehow, the look suited him right down to the present scowl on his face. I didn't think he was scowling at me, per say.

At least, I hoped not. I could feel myself gulp again, darting my tongue out to lick the seam of my lips in my nervousness.

I didn't think much of the action but apparently it drew Superman's attention as well as Batman's because there was a second where they exchanged looks before the former turned his attention back to me. Batman crowded closer, making me stiffen uncomfortably as I tried to make myself as small as possible. His head was turned away while Superman gave me the most brilliant smile I'd ever seen.

Now I truly knew what the term 'Gentle Giant' meant.

"You seemed a bit lonely so my friend and I decided to join you. I'm Silas," Superman supplied, giving me his hand. When I took it, he curled his big fingers around mine, squeezing gently before addressing his friend, Batman. "And this is my best friend, North."

"S-sang." I squeaked out, my face heating up as I looked between the two.

Batman or 'North', turned his gaze down to me and I had the thought that he was going to shake my hand too but 'Silas' still held mine within his callous palms. North surprised me though, when he brought a hand up to tuck my hair behind an ear, moving it away to reveal my face.

"Better," he said, my cheeks flaming as he gave me what seemed like a cross between a smile and a smirk. I couldn't tell but it held something dark and promising. And it wasn't the bad kind.

These two were good. Or just a figment of my imagination, maybe.

"Now we can see your beautiful eyes," Silas said with a wink, staring down at me with those large, soulful eyes of his. I ducked my head, my face growing hotter. 

There was a slight lilt to Silas words as he spoke, like he was trying to curb an accent but couldn't help it with certain words. Even Batman's gruff baritone had me reeling. Their voices definitely matched their good looks. Intimidating, but handsome. It sent tingles all the way down to my feet and back up where it settled once again below my belly.

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