Chapter 10

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I'm not trouble at all. I'm just a guy trying to get a girl to give him the time of day. I'm like every song on the radio.

-Hailey Abbott, Boy Crazy

Chapter 10
"Was that a boy?" A voice giggled as I closed the door.
My eyes widened as I turned around, throwing a hand over my heart, "Jesus woman, you scared me."
It was odd, my mom being home, since we hadn't really seen her lately. Between all the jobs, school and friends, it felt like ages since I'd had a conversation with my mother.
She rolled her eyes, "Don't be so dramatic. So, was it?"
"Yeah," I confirmed shyly. "His name's Ryder and he goes to school with us."
"Is he cute?"
"What? I'm not allowed to ask my daughter if the person courting her is attractive?"
I wrinkled my nose, "Uh mom, one - no one says 'courting', two - he's not courting me, three - we're just friends."
"Excuse me for not being up to date on the hip, new lingo of today's age." She said, completely ignoring the last two parts of my sentence.
"Is that one of the people you all had over for dinner the other night?"
I nodded, "Yep. It was Ryder, Jacob, Logan, Penelope, and Lisette."
"Wow," she laughed, "you guys have made quite a few friends already."
"Well, I'd met Ryder when he hit me with a soccer ball and Penelope introduced us to the rest of them." I informed my mother.
"He hit you with a soccer ball?"
"On accident."
"Oh, of course. I wonder what Kaleb had to say about that."
I rolled my eyes, "He was ready to beat the poor kid up. Being over protective as usual."
She smoothed down my hair, "He worries about you, honey. He doesn't want anything to happen to you."
"I know," I sighed. "But it's still really annoying sometimes."
She chuckled, "That's his job. You don't think you annoy him, time to time?"
"That's totally different!" I exclaimed. "I'm his littler sister. I'm morally obligated to do that."
"Sure," my mother laughed in amusement. "I was wondering if you guys were up for brunch tomorrow? I have the day off and I miss my kids."
I nodded enthusiastically, "Definitely. We miss you, too. We really appreciate how hard you work for us, you know?"
"I know," she said with a sad smile. "But, it's the least I can do for you two."
I kissed her cheek, "Okay, well I'm gonna go get ready for bed now. Get some rest, okay? You've been working too hard."
She laughed and bid me goodnight as I headed down the hallway to my room.
I was showered, in comfy pjs, and happily reading my book when Kaleb came into my room.
"You are really against knocking, aren't you?"
"Forgot," he grinned boyishly.
"'Course you did," I mumbled. "Again."
He cleared his throat, "Aren't you going to ask why I'm here?"
"You want me to ask you why you're in our house?" I asked slowly.
He sighed, "No, Kae, why I'm in your room."
"Oh," I drawled. "Well, why are you in my room?"
The grin returned. "The guys want to know if we can hang out tomorrow."
My eyebrows furrowed, "And by 'the guys', you mean..." I trailed off.
He huffed, "Everyone. It was an All Gender Inclusive 'guys'. Keep up, Kae."
I laughed, "Sorry, I'm tired. Had a long day. As for tomorrow, we have brunch with mom, so as long as it's after that we should be able to go."
"Okay," he nodded. "And yeah, you did have quite the day. Wanna explain what Nellie was talking about when she came and told me Ryder was taking you out?"
I blushed, "It wasn't a date!"
"Never said it was, Kae." He grinned mischievously.
I narrowed my eyes at him, "He took me skating and we had a bite to eat. He was just, you know, showing me the town."
"I bet he pretended like he couldn't skate, didn't he? Just so you could hold hands!"
"Shut up!" I screeched, throwing a pillow at him.
"And I bet he paid for your food - didn't he!" Kaleb smirked, ignoring me.
"Get out!" I whined. "Now!"
He obeyed me this time, and laughed all the way to his room.
I woke up late the next morning to my mom calling to me though the door.
"What?" I whined into my pillow.
She just laughed at me, "I was wondering when you were going to actually get up and get ready. We're going to head out at eleven."
I reluctantly rolled over to look at the alarm clock that rested on my nightstand. It informed me that it was already ten'oclock, so I needed to get moving.
"Where's Kaleb?" I asked sitting up with a stretch.
"He's at the gym," She told me. "But he should be back any minute."
"Okay," I said with a yawn, "I'll get ready then."
"Don't fall asleep!" She called as she shut the door.
I rolled out of my comfy, warm bed and padded over to my closet.
I pulled on a loose, tribal print tank top and capris with lacy toms. I stuck my diamond studs in my ears and headed to the bathroom.
After washing my face, brushing my teeth, and applying eye liner and mascara, I was twisting my hair into a messy bun as I exited the bathroom.
On my way out, I heard the front door open, "Kaleb?"
"Yeah, Kae?" He suddenly appeared in front of me, clad in basketball shorts and dripping with sweat.
I scrunched my nose, "How was the gym?"
"It was alright," he shrugged, "we got a good work out in."
"'We'?" I repeated.
"Yep, Ryder was there so we decided to lift together."
I automatically blushed, "Oh, that's nice."
He grinned mischievously at me, "Are you a little flushed, Kae?"
"Shut up, Kaleb!" I exclaimed. "Go take a shower, you stink!"
He laughed as he took my place in the bathroom, "Whatever, little sister."
"Three minutes and forty-five seconds!" I reminded him.
As I approached the kitchen, voiced started to float in.
"Mom?" I asked, confused.
"In here!" She called back.
I walked in the kitchen and saw Ryder leaning against the counter as he conversed casually with my mother.
"Ryder is going to be joining us for lunch!" My mother exclaimed, eyes twinkling.
"Oh," I responded dumbly. "Hi, Ryder."
"Hey, princess!" He greeted me enthusiastically and planted a kiss on my cheek.
Right in front of my mother.
Who was silently "awww"ing from behind him.
I blushed furiously, "I'm just gonna, uh, go get my, um, thing! Yeah, that's right, I need my... thing. So, I'm gonna go get it. Yeah." I stammered before all but running out of the kitchen.
I banged on the bathroom door, "Kaleb Riley Evans!"
"Yes, little sister?" His smug voice rang out from behind the door.
"You didn't think to maybe give me a warning before you fed me to the wolves?"
"These metaphorical wolves are our mother and a boy who likes you, you do realize that, right?"
"He does not like me!" I screeched.
"Actually, I do." Said boy spoke from behind me.
I squeaked in surprise and my eyes widened. "Um, huh?"
"I actually do like you." He told me nonchalantly, eyes sparkling with humor. "So 'your thing' was really code for your brother?"
I turned and hit my head on the bathroom door.
"Lord, I don't know what I did, but I'd like to apologize for it now before you throw any other situations like this at me, in the future."
"Kaeleigh?" Ryder asked amused.
" - And I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me when I throw myself out of my window - "
"Princess, your window is like four feet above the ground."
" - because I think that my reasons are quite valid. I'll be willing to fill out any forms I need to once I get to you, cause I don't think my heavenly insurance covers that. Amen." I finished my prayer and I heard Kaleb's laughter from the shower.
"Princess," Ryder drawled.
"Yes, oh-mighty-prince-who-lives-to-embarrass-me?" I mumbled back.
He chuckled, "All I said was 'I like - "
"Don't say it!" I blurted out. "Just do not say it."
"Whatever you want, princess," he laughed throwing an arm around me as I began to channel my inner tomato.
"And then I have to tell you about the time when Kaeleigh just absolutely refused to wear clothes!" My mother said enthusiastically to Ryder.
I buried my face in my hands, "God, I thought we talked about this?"
Kaleb's shoulders shook from the force of his laugh, "Mom tell him about the time - "
"Kaleb, I can not wait until you get a girlfriend." I hissed.
"Not gonna happen," he snorted.
I was trying to kill him with my glare when Ryder took my hand underneath the table. I gulped and stole a glance at him.
"Relax, princess." He leaned over to whisper in my ear, "I think it's cute."
"I'm sure you do," I murmured, cheeks aflame.
"Aw," mom cooed. "Young love is so romantic."
"Mom!" I exclaimed, trying to yank my hand from Ryder's.
"And my grand babies are going to be so completely adorable." She continued.
"Oh my god," I moaned as Ryder released me, only to wrap an arm around my shoulder and pull me close.
"Kaleb, remember when I got knocked out when he hit me with a soccer ball? Remember that?"
"God, that was hilarious!"
My jaw dropped, "Really, Kaleb? Now you want to be the cool brother?"
"I am always the cool brother, Kae." He said confidently.
I rolled my eyes, "Sure."

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