Chapter 9

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I haven't dated Clancy-God help me if I do-but he's tipping my all-men-are-jackasses theory completely over the edge of the scale. To add insult to injury, he looks like the damn cover of a romance novel. I hate those covers.
-N.L. Gervasio, Nemesis

Chapter 9
"So, you wanna do something after school?" Ryder asked as we walked to my locker at the end of the day.
He'd been a real gentleman since lunch; walking me to my classes, attempting to carry my books (being shot down), and just being genuinely nice to me.
When I'd asked him about it he just responded with "I'm just doing my princely duties."
Then, chuckling cause he'd said "duties."
"What'd you have in mind?" I asked curiously. "And don't you have practice?" I added as an after thought.
"Not today, princess, Coach has a doctor's appointment. I was thinking dinner at the greatest diner you'll ever eat at and maybe some skating?"
"Hmmm," I tapped my chin playfully, "I don't know if you realize this, but I'll kick your butt in skating. But if you're up for it, I'd love to." I beamed.
My subconscious was going crazy. She had all sorts of ideas, mostly about this being our first "date".
Yeah right.
He rolled his eyes as I put my books in my locker, "You say that now, but when we get there, we'll see who's doing the butt kicking!"
"Of course," I reassured him. "Wouldn't want to bruise your manly ego."
"That's more like it." Ryder said snottily, "Now move woman! We've got butt kicking to do!"
"So impatient." I muttered, "I just have to tell Kaleb real quick." I said searching the halls for my brother.
I spotted Penelope walking towards me, I waved with a smile. "Hey, Penelope!"
"Hey there, I came to see if you were busy, but you obviously are," she smirked with a wink, not so subtly glancing at Ryder.
He just laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Yep, sorry, Nellie. I'm taking Kaeleigh here skating and then to get a bite to eat. Ya know, letting her get a feel of the town." He informed her.
I blushed at Ryder's strong arm around me. Penelope noticed and laughed merrily, "Well that's nice. I'll see you later then."
"Could you tell Kaleb if you get a chance?" I asked.
"Of course," she agreed, walking away. "Behave, you two!" She called and then was gone.
"She's a mess." Ryder chuckled. "Are you ready?"
"Yup," I confirmed closing my locker.
"Good. Now let me escort you to my horse and carriage!" Ryder exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the swamped hallway.
"This is your trusty steed?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, unimpressively gazing at the rusted pick up truck.
"Yep, she's a beauty." He stated, opening the passenger door for me.
"Why thank you, dear prince." I laughed. "And while I could think of a couple adjectives to describe this.... contraption, beauty is not one of them."
"She didn't mean it, baby." He cooed, stroking his dashboard lovingly, "she's a mean princess."
"Well if I'm so mean, why are you my prince?" I stuck out my tongue childishly.
"You're my mean princess, of course!" He grinned.
I felt that familiar heat rush to my cheeks, "Whatever, I'm not even mean." I pouted.
"Nope!" He reached over to tuck my lip in, "Sweet as sugar."
"Ryder," I laughed as he fell for the third time in twenty minutes, "why'd you offer to take me skating if you can't even skate?" I asked incredulously.
"Because," he reached up to take my hand as I helped him up, "I was hoping you'd suck at it, too, so that we could have a cheesy, romantic teach-each-other-to-skate moment."
I blushed at the thought of Ryder trying to be romantic, "Well I appreciate the effort."
"No problem, princess." He grinned. "Can you skate backwards?"
"Yes," I told him, questioning his motives.
"Well then, you skate backwards and I'll hold your hands to make sure I don't fall," he winked.
I rolled my eyes, attempting to fight that stubborn blush that kept appearing. "Alright," I told him, holding out my hands.
He took them and I immediately felt the contrast of his rough, calloused, large hands to my own soft, smooth, tiny ones.
"You have got ridiculously small hands." Ryder observed as I skated us around the nearly empty rink.
"It's not my fault you have giant hands!" I protested.
"You know what they say about big hands...." He trailed off.
"What?" I asked before the innuendo dawned on me, "Gross! That's not even how it goes, it's big feet!"
"I've got those, too." He told me with a wink.
"Disgusting," I failed to hold in my grin.
"Whatever, princess. You getting hungry?" Ryder asked with a smile.
"Why, are you?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Always," he confirmed, "Now let's go get food!"
"I don't even like hamburgers."
"What? Everyone likes hamburgers!"
"Not me. I'm not a fan of hotdogs, either."
"Not even a corndog?"
"Definitely not a corndog."
"You know, if you weren't so cute, I'd have to tell you our friendship was over." Ryder pointed at me with a fry.
"I'm not cute," I rolled my eyes, taking a bite out of my grilled cheese.
"But you are," he grinned.
"If I'm cute, you're adorable!" I retorted.
"Fine," he agreed, scrunching his nose in distaste at the adjective, "You're beautiful and I'm a sexy beast."
I choked on my milkshake at that, "What?"
He rolled his eyes, "I said, you're beautiful and I'm a sexy-"
"I heard you," I sighed, "Can you, uh, refrain from comments like that in the future.
"'Comments like that'?" He cocked an eyebrow, "You mean compliments?"
"Yeah," I confirmed, "those."
"But why?" He asked. "You are beautiful.
My cheeks flushed once again, "You don't have to say that, I'm fine being mediocre."
"You, princess, are anything but mediocre." Ryder said honestly.
"Thanks for this," I said as we pulled into my driveway. "I had a lot of fun."
"So did I, princess." Ryder grinned.
"So.... I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked as I grabbed the door handle.
"Definitely." He said before leaning over to kiss me on the cheek.
I immediately became flustered at the affection, reaching for the door handle and missing.
I repeat that motion about three time, fumbling with that damn door handle, until Ryder laughed and reached across me, putting me out of my misery and letting me out.
"See you tomorrow, princess!" Ryder called before driving off.
My prince driving off into the sunset.
Or, atleast, my prince in his rusty pick up, stuttering and burping along the way, into the seven o'clock light.

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