Chapter 5

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I'm not going to make a big deal about a few tummy flutters because...dead people, old people, even furniture would get butterflies if they met this guy.

-Anne Eliot

Chapter 5

The next morning I set an alarm so I wouldn't have the misfortune of the previous day. I woke up early enough to take a long shower, in which I enjoyed the luxury of shaving my legs and armpits, thoroughly conditioning my hair with my favorite peach scented conditioner.

I wore a sleeveless, floral tank top that flowed around me and dark skinny jeans with gold sandals.

I applied my daily routine of face powder, eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss before scrunching my wet hair into beachy waves. I spritzed myself with flowery perfume and went to go interrupt my brother's peaceful slumber.

"Brother dearest! Wake that lovely ass up and get a move on!" I pounded on his door.

I heard him mutter, "Damn sisters," and headed down the hallway, satisfied at my accomplishment.

Mom wasn't back from her shift at the retirement home, so I popped some cinnamon rolls in the oven for Kaleb and I.

Speaking of the devil, he came rumbling down the hallway.

"Please tell me you're going to feed me," my brother begged with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, Kaleb, there are cinnamon rolls in the oven, if you must know." I said with an eyeroll.

"You're the best," he smiled, ruffling my hair.

"Hey now, don't mess up my work of art!" I pouted.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes back at me and went to go pull the cinnamon buns out of the oven.

He threw them on two paper towels and started heading towards the door, me scurrying after him, grabbing my bookbag on the way.

"Hop on it, short stuff." Kaleb called over his shoulder.

"I'm not short, I'm average!" I defended walking out of the door.


"You're trying to tell me you feel no sort of attraction to him, not even the slightest?" Penelope asked in disbelief.

"Nope, non at all." I muttered. "Please, use your inside voice" I added, "People are staring!"

"Of course people are staring," She replied unbothered. "I'm hot and so are you!"

I chuckled, "They're staring because you are extremely loud in a library."

"You're the one who wanted to come here!" She defended.

Yes, it was free period and I forced Penelope to come to the library with me while my brother played soccer with the guys. I like books, sue me.

"Stop getting off topic, anyways." She resumed. "I know there is going to be something going on between you and Ryder. I can feel it!"

"You're slightly delusional." I informed her.

"Whatever, deny all you want. Where's that delectable brother of yours?" Penelope asked.

"Ew, he is anything but delectable. Detestable? Yes. Delectable? No." I said in disgust.

"You never told me where he is," She reminded me.

"He's playing soccer with the other guys." I told her.

"Hot guys, shirtless, playing sports? Let's go!" She exclaimed.

"Oh lord," I mumbled as she dragged me off to the courtyard.


"Go Kaleb!" Penelope yelled, dramatically waving her arms in support of my brother.

"Really?" I asked unimpressed.

"What? They need our support!" She exclaimed.

"Ryder," she began to shout, "Kaeleigh is cheering you on, on the inside! I promise!"

"Oh god," I buried my flaming face into my hands.

He chuckled, "I'm thanking her, on the inside."

"I bet there are some other 'insides' he'd like to be in," Penelope muttered, winking at me.

"What the hell?" I hissed. "Kill me now. Today. Soon. Quickly."

She just laughed at my misery and patted me on the head, as if I were a dog.

"It's normal not to admit desire," she consoled as I scowled at her.



I heard a voice call me from behind me, as I whipped my head around to see Ryder waving me over.

I turned to Penelope, looking for permission.

"Go on girl! Tap that!" She whispered to me with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Ryder.

"How can I help you?" I asked curiously.

"Well, let me start off with saying you look very nice today." He smirked at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up at his compliment, "Thank you," I replied.

"Secondly, I think I'd like to be friends with you." He informed me.

"I think I'd like that," I responded honestly.

He slung a muscled arm across my shoulder and began leading me back to the school. "And as your friend, I think that requires your phone number," he tells me.

"Oh, um, I don't have a phone." I told him quietly.


Now he was going to ask about that, then I'm going to have to lie to him, which I suck at, he'll find out, know that I'm an abuse victim with daddy problems and no money and never talk to me again.

"That's no problem, does Kaleb have one?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied, thinking back to the phone Kaleb bought for himself soon after the "incident".

"Then I'll just give him my number and call you from his phone." He concluded.

Or, he could just do that.

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