Nevaeh's POV I'm sorry for the switches Wolfies

"Let me in!!! I'm her mate! That's your Luna in there and you're denying her the presence of her mate?!"


Is he here to do another confession?

Hurried apologies and a door slam follow. Then silence.

A chair scrapes beside the bed.

(This feels like a horror movie lol.)

"I'm sorry Nevaeh. This is my fault. When you wake up, feel free to hit me or hurt me because I deserve all of it."

My hand twitches.

Keep talking, please.

I wanna wake up.

I don't like this.

"You don't have to worry about your mother anymore. You killed her, I don't know how but you did. She won't even have a burial, warriors took care of the body."

Not what I wanted to hear exactly.

I slowly flex my toes, testing them.

Should I open my eyes?

What's gonna happen when I do?

I didn't realize it but the heart machine started beeping really fast. Shouts filled the room. I'm assuming doctors came in. Everyone was talking at once, it was overwhelming. My heart was running a marathon.

A hand grabbed my hand, tingles shooting up my arm. My heart slowed, by just a tiny bit. The room went quiet. Some rustling came from around the room. A door quietly clicked.

I know you're awake.

I'm sorry, Alpha.

I hear a sharp intake of breath beside me.

Why are you sorry? I should be the one saying that.

Because this is my fault.

What is your fault? I don't remember anything being your fault.

Annoyance flared in my chest.

The cure begins with me, remember? It's my fault that I don't know what that means which means I can't cure the pack. I've basically failed as a Luna before the ceremony.

No one ever said you've failed.

"I got mad for no reason, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laid a hand on you. I was just worked up because they haven't found the cure. I should have been proud of you for getting something out of Romave, but instead, I became the Big Bad Wolf like I used to be. I hurt you and I deeply regret it."

Deciding I've had enough of the darkness, my eyes open. I lift my free arm to shield my eyes, groaning. I saw Xavier get up from the corner of my eye, and suddenly the lights are dimmed. Eyes feeling much better, I move my arm. Xavier stands at the foot of the bed with tears glistening in his ice blue eyes.

. . . Neither of us says anything. I'm waiting for him to say something and I have no idea what his problem is.

"Who's the big bad wolf?"

Xavier looked flabbergasted for a second before facepalming and sighing.

"I'll tell you later. Right now we need to discuss some things."

Xavier's Regretful RejectionWhere stories live. Discover now