Chapter 10: Serenity

Depuis le début

Flynn didn't know what to say. He knew he paid more attention to Skye than other girls but he had no idea that he could have actual feelings for her. He wondered if his parents were right.

"Go on, introduce us," his mom said.

Shaking his head, Flynn moved towards Skye with his parents following him.

"Hey, I want you to meet my parents. Is that okay with you?" Flynn asked hesitantly when he reached her.

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to meet them." Skye sounded relieved to break the awkward silence. "These are my mom and dad. Mom, dad, this is Flynn. He's one of my classmates," Skye turned to her parents.

"Hello. Nice to meet you," Flynn said with a smile and shook their hands.

"Skye, meet my mom and dad."

"Hello dear, how are you doing?" Flynn's mom addressed Skye as if they had known each other for years.

"I'm good. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Carson. I've heard a lot about you from Flynn. He never stops talking about you." Skye smiled.

Flynn and Skye's parents started chatting a bit when Kyan made his way to them with his parents. Skye had already met Kyan's parents from the times she spent studying with Kyan at his place.

"Hello, congratulations on passing with honors just like Kyan. We're so proud of you," Kyan's mom said, giving Skye a small hug.

"Thank you, it's so nice of you to say that," Skye replied blushing a little.

Kyan's parents joined with other parents leaving them to chat among themselves.

"We have the graduation party tonight huh? I know everyone's invited but my parents are gonna ditch it saying it's all for us youngsters." Kyan said with a sigh.

"It's not gonna be like the usual parties we've had since the teachers will be there too, but we can still have fun." Flynn smiled.

"I don't think I'll go. I feel like staying home tonight," Skye spoke.

Flynn gave a sideways glance at Skye. He noticed that she had become withdrawn and seemed more like the how she was when they first met. She was more guarded and she had turned him down every time he had asked her to hang out with them after the exams. He knew something had happened to her, he just didn't know what. He thought of asking her about it but he knew she wasn't the kind of person to share stuff with others so openly. And besides, he didn't want to make her feel more uncomfortable. If she wanted to tell him, she would. He thought they had become close enough through the school year for her to know that she could trust him.

"No, come on. You should come. It's like the last party of the year. Plus, you deserve to enjoy after all the effort you put into your studies." Kyan spoke before Flynn could say anything.

Skye didn't say anything at first. It was hard for her when he talked to her like everything was normal. He had no idea about the effect he had on her. He was completely oblivious to her pain, which made it all the more difficult for Skye. Was he so in love with Avery that he couldn't even see what was right in front of him? Skye knew she was acting differently towards Kyan. It was a miracle nobody else noticed it, but she would've thought Kyan would.

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