Chapter 9: Distress

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Time passed in a breeze and before they knew it, it was time for the finals. Everyone started preparing for exams. Kyan and his friends stayed back after school every day to have group studies and help each other in the areas they were weaker. Since it was their last year of high school, they all wanted to graduate and move on with their future plans. It was very stressful but they enjoyed it all the same. They knew these would be memories they would treasure for the rest of their lives.

Skye had a hard time with her parents always nagging her about school and exams. It was difficult to even breathe at her own house, which had started feeling like a cage to her. Whenever she went home, she couldn't wait to get out and whenever she was out, she didn't want to go back. She felt alive only when she hung out with her friends, especially Kyan. As the months passed by, they had grown closer, sometimes even meeting up to study at Kyan's place, just the two of them. Skye could tell her feelings for him were growing the more time they spent together. She knew that it wasn't just a simple crush anymore. It felt so much more to her than that.

She was in love with him.

He never left her mind, he was always there, mentally, if not physically. He was a breath of fresh air in her caged world and she loved him so much for that. Skye couldn't believe it took her such a long time to realize that she was in love with him.

The feeling was completely foreign to her. It stretched through her whole body, immersing her in it. It was overwhelming, yet it made her feel complete. It had no boundaries, no length or depth; it was absolute. She felt as though someone had given her peace. She felt lighter than she had felt in ages. It made her feel like she was on top of the world, yet her heart would constrict whenever she laid her eyes on him, and all the oxygen in her lungs would just disappear, leaving her breathless.

It was strange – frightening, even – how you could go from seeing someone as a complete stranger, to being completely infatuated with them and considering them as the most important person in the world. Skye knew she was young, and that most people would consider her to be stupid and naïve, but she knew it was true that she loved him more than she could ever love herself. It just felt right to her. He was her best friend, and as cheesy as it sounded, he was her anchor.

"Hey, where you lost at?" Jane snapped her fingers in front of Skye's face, making her jump out of her reverie. They were both at the library studying even after the others had gone home.

"Huh? What did you say?" Skye asked, coming out of her thoughts about Kyan and her feelings.

"You're distracted. You've been zoning out a lot these days. What's on your mind?" Jane looked at her worriedly.

"It's nothing, just stress about the exams," Skye sighed.

"No, there's something else. Come on, tell me what's on your mind. Maybe it would help when you let it out." Jane demanded.

Skye wondered whether she should tell her. Jane had been friends with Kyan long before Skye even knew her, so she might tell him. But then again, Skye and Jane had grown closer over the past few months. They hung out a lot, going to the mall or movies every now and then. Skye felt like she could trust her. Besides, it might help her since she had been holding it bottled up inside for far too long. On the other hand, saying it out loud would make it seem all the more real, and it scared her.

"I know this is very out of the blue and please don't tell anyone else about this, but I've been thinking about Kyan. I... think I'm in love with him," she said hesitantly.

For a moment, Jane's expression was unreadable but then a huge smile spread on her face, making Skye release a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Oh my god, really? This is so exciting. I can't believe this. You should tell him. You should tell him about your feelings," Jane squealed, her eyes bright.

The Vale Of TearsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora