New Life In Korea

Start from the beginning

"Where you headed off to?" He asked

"To Korea," I say

"That's going to be a long long flight." He says while chuckling.

"It will be, but it's worth it," I say with a smile.

The drive to the airport was smooth there wasn't much traffic as usual but the ride was good. I gave the Uber driver five stars while we were coming close to the airport. Once we made it, he pulled my luggage out from the back and handed it to me once I got out of the car.

"Thank you. I gave you five stars by the way." I say

"Thank you, I didn't expect that." He says before going inside of his car and driving off.

Here I was at Los Angeles International Airport, with crowed people and lots of foreigners. Once the security was done checking my purse and everything. I put on my shoes and I get a phone call from my mom.

"Hey, mommy," I said in a soft tone.

"Hey sweetie, you at the airport?" My mom asked

"Yeah, you at work?" I asked

"Yeah, just checking up on you because I know once you get on the plane you won't be able to talk to me FOR FIVE DAYS!" My mom says loudly.

"Yeah, I know. I am gonna miss your voice, five days is too long." I say in frustration as I got my purse and things and started walking to the waiting area for my flight to be called.

"Am going to miss your voice too, I love you more than anything in this world you know that?" My mom asked

"Yes, I know. You tell me every day I love you too." I say as I sat down in the seat.

"One last thing, before you go." My mom says

"What's that?" I asked

"Your father would be so proud of you." My mom says and it just warms my heart to hear her mention my father.

"I know, I miss him," I say looking down so, no one would see my tear that fell down my cheek.

"I miss him too, don't go crying on me now. You have a job to attend to, I love you and be safe out there." My mom says making me chuckle, I wiped a tear off my face and inhaled.

"Bye, mom," I say

"Bye, honeybun." My mom says before hanging up the phone.

I sit in silence before my phone goes off again and it was my friend calling.

"Hey, Amanda," I say softly.

"Hey, Rachel. You didn't tell me you were leaving Los Angeles." Amanda says

"I know I totally forgot to tell you," I say

"Forgot to tell me what?" Amanda asked

"I got the job!" I say excitedly.

"NO WAY!" Amanda says loudly almost giving me an ear infection.

"How did you know I was leaving Los Angeles?" I asked

"Your mom just texted me," Amanda says

"Oh wow, that lady right there she can't help herself," I say shaking my head.

"I wouldn't know how to help myself either. You got an amazing job but it's all the way in Korea. I am gonna miss seeing you around." Amanda says making me laugh.

"Am gonna miss you too," I say

"You know you gonna have to leak me up with some cute guys over there, you know that right?" Amanda says making me laugh.

I Fell In Love With My Boss Who Is A Spy (Gong Yoo) AMBW ™Where stories live. Discover now