EraserMic Part I

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So school has started for me, and auditions for the musical are coming up, but since it's a Saturday night and I'm kind of an insomniac I'm going to start writing, will probably post these chapters as I finish them.
Disclaimer: I do not My Hero Academia, this story takes place in a separate timeline and has no significance to the cannon storyline, support the official release
(Note auditions ended, I got in!)
(P.S. I have not updated recently, because I have been busy and the musical I'm in is over now. I decided to rewrite this section completely because it was so OOC and stupid it was mind boggling)
(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
Narrator's PoV
When Bakugou and Kirishima came back from Bakugou's birthday dinner the whole dorm was blacked out and silent.
"I swear to god if this is-"
If you didn't realize what happened it's a surprise party, and I bet Bakugou loooooves surprises...
"Nope! No surprise parties!" He started to stomp towards his room when Kiri grabbed his arm
"Come on babe, just this once, if you still find you hate it after two hours we can head upstairs."
"Whatever..." the explosive blonde caved, looking away with a pink tinge to his ears. No matter how hard he tried it was always difficult to deny his Ejiro.
The party kicked off and bakugou immediately noticed something was off. Denki, Mina, Shinso, and Sero were all far too quiet. Hell Iida was louder  than them. He watched his soulmate walk over to them, and Denki passing something to him.
"I swear to Nezu if they are getting high-" the explosive teen muttered walking towards his friends, stopping when he saw a puff of smoke rise from his boyfriend's lips. He wasn't against weed per say, he just didn't like smoking in general, heroes could protect people from a lot of things, but not lung diseases.
"Guys... are you fucking serious? Why tonight?"
"Dude what's today?" Mina laughed
"My birthday."
"Babe, what's the date of your birth?" Ejiro passed the joint back to Denki
"April... 20th... fucking bitch ass why the fuck did I have to be born 17 years ago today."
"Better question is: why are you friends with a bunch of stoners, if you dislike it so much?" Sero inquired
"I don't mind it, I mind fucking up your lungs." He explained
"Well your cool with edibles right?" Shinso muttered sarcastically
"Whatever, I honestly don't care." The birthday boy rolled his eyes
"It's not like these idiots haven't done anything to the food." Kirishima whispered to his soulmate
"Fucks sake... has it been two hours yet?"
"It's been about half an hour babe."
"Well fuck me in the ass."
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Bakugou's PoV
I watched as everyone slowly got quieter and more chill, I could only assume from what Ejiro said the idiots put something in the punch, so the only ones sober were Iida who didn't like punch, and Icy Hot because he came late.
While the whole class was getting high, some much more than others, Midoriya was aggressively hitting on his boyfriend. Making innuendos, and suggestions. When, where, why, and who taught him those things I had no clue but I never want to talk to them again.
"Ochako calm down! Everything is going to be fine! I'm sure my parents will love you." Iida was trying to calm down his girlfriend
"So she's emotional stoned, and Deku is horny stoned." My boyfriend wrapped his arms around from behind
"¥50 says Mina is recording this somehow." I murmured
"Nah, she, Denki, and Shinso all just left to have a three some."
"All three of them? But he doesn't have a soulmate, and I thought he was ace."
"Nah Shinso said he was Demi and was only attracted to those two, I kinda feel bad for him, but at the same time I'm happy for them I guess..."
"Think about the kids those three would have... hopefully they would get Shinso's academic abilities." I snickered
Suddenly the door burst open
Out of nowhere Monoma popped in to ruin the party, and just as quick Kendo was there to put him in his place.
"Je jure devant dieu s'il n'était pas si ennuyant que je le déchirerais plus vite qu'un Américain avec un hamburger"
"I don't speak French but that sounded vaguely dirty." Hagakure said to Ayoma
"Whatever, I'm going to bed." I groaned, Kiri walking next to me, "you know I fully intend to sleep right?"
"I know, I just wanna cuddle a bit."
Next day narrator PoV
"Alright so I got an 'anonymous' report of all of you getting high last night. So Nezu ordered me to give a drug PSA. So I'll make this quick since only Iida and Momo probably care. Don't do drugs, I know it seems cool but it's just going to ruin your life, don't do drugs or you'll end up like Denki, and Mina." Aizawa explained
"Ew." Bakugo grunted
"Not cool Bakubro." Denki clutched his chest
"Denki you are never allowed to say that in my presence again." Aizawa started zipping up his sleeping bag
"Aizawa, shouldn't we be starting class?" Iida asked concerned
"No, we are starting the day out with a study hall/ nap time. If I've learned anything from my husband, you just want to sleep or eat after coming down from a high."
"Wait. You're married?" Ururaka inquired
"More importantly... you're gay?" Kirishima asked in shock
"Like you aren't? Honestly, this class defies the amount of gay that can be contained in one room. It's honestly mind boggling how much gay is in one class."
"Yes, we do have an above average statistic level of humans who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community." Momo stated
"Ok, now everyone go to sleep."
"What about that test..."
"I think we should be studying-"
"Shut up good sleep=good mental health=less stress=good grades."
"Can't fight that logic, you know." Denki pulled a sleeping bag out of his bag, heck every member of the Baku-squad had one.
With that Aizawa forced everyone to take a mandatory nap.
( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
Later that day
"Alright everyone gather round." Ururaka called
"We have gathered you here today to discuss the fact that our teacher is married and we don't know who to." Mina explained pointing to a board
"Any guesses?" Midoriya questioned
"What about All Might?" Iida suggested
"I doubt it, Aizawa seemed annoyed with his presence at the beginning of the year. He also just moved into town." Bakugou explained
"Why don't you just ask him?" Shinso yelled from across the room
"Like he actually likes any of us enough to explain that!" Sero shouted back
"Whatever nerds, I'm going to actually do my homework instead of listening to your plans." And with that the mind controller left the room with a small smirk
( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
I am so sorry...
This chapter has taken so long to get out, and I know I said I would be trying to type up multiple chapters of a story before publishing, but that's not the case with this chapter. It's even more frustrating when I think of how this chapter was the first plot my friend and I came up with and how I know what's going to happen. I just am not motivated to wright.
I wanted to get this chapter out before Christmas and give you guys reasonings to why I have not update so here it is:
Jade's Long List of Excuses that's not so Long:
1) school. I am a honor roll student so I have more homework than your average child, and my school is already notorious for how much homework they give to regular level classes
2)I am involved in theatre. I spend a lot of my time in rehearsals and dreaming about my next performance
3)I recently got an actual job. So I have my commitments and scheduling to work with
4)Anxiety and depression caused by school. Nuff said.
5)Finally one I can't talk about a lot because it's just ideas at this point, but with the friend who has helped me out with a lot of the plot of this story, I am writing an original story, and possibly am making a comic out of it. I'm not gonna say much about it, but I'm super excited for it.
Again I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating as much as I should, but I'm trying to be better.
Thank you for reading and staying with the story,

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