The only sound in the living room became of that Hannah, who excitedly squealed every time her toy jingled in her hands. Lindy bounced her on her lap, only inducing more giggles out of the baby.

"I guess we should have known this day would come," Lindy said obscurely. She was regretful that they were both not better prepared for what was ahead. Lee didn't have much time left.

"We can't be hard on ourselves," Trae commanded, noting the way in which Lindy spoke. "Like I told you, it's got to be all put in the past, right?"

"Right," Lindy echoed. She looked down at Hannah, whose small fingers were now locked around hers as she sprung up and down on Lindy's lap.

"You know how happy he is that you forgave him? Just so he could see her?" Lindy continued, glancing down at her niece. Trae smiled.

"I made the decision that I knew was best. Mom wouldn't have wanted . . ."

"For us to punish him for the rest of his life," Lindy finished. "I know."

"I just wish we could have had another brother or sister," Trae confessed, lowering his voice to a murmur at the mention of the older Hannah's death.

Lindy almost reminded him that everything happened for a reason; it was the same thing she had been telling herself since discovering the truth from Lee, and had he not told her the same thing? But she decided that now wasn't the right time. In that moment, she allowed them both to grieve the loss of their unknown sibling.

The doorbell rang, snapping them both out of their trances and causing Hannah to twist around with interest on Lindy's lap.

"I've got it," Allie called, entering the living room and hurrying down the hallway. She bent down to kiss Hannah's forehead as she passed.

"Expecting someone?" Lindy asked her brother, turning her attention back to little Hannah.

"No, unless you are," Trae said. Lindy felt that he was vaguely referring to Kurt and a potentially spontaneous visit for her birthday, but she shook her head no.

"Lindy!" Allie beckoned from the entryway of their home. "It's for you!"

Trae gave his sister a knowing look, but she continued to shake her head disdainfully as she rose to her feet and adjusted Hannah on her hip.

"Not what you think," she chided him as she made her way to Allie, both of her arms around Hannah.

As soon as Lindy got closer to the open front door, she realized with a great shock who was standing in her brother's doorway — Wendy and Kim.

"Hello," Lindy said, startled as she stared at the two women. She would have been more taken aback if she weren't already so accustomed to the surprises that life constantly dished out to her.

"Hi Lindy," Kim beamed, stepping forward to give Lindy a hug. Wendy smiled, but remained tentative. It had been a long time since she'd seen her son's first love.

"Happy birthday," Kim added. She produced a wrapped box from behind her back, pushing it into Lindy's free hand that wasn't tightly around Hannah.

"How did you . . . when . . ."

Lindy did not know what question she wanted to ask first as she accepted the gift, still unbelieving of who her visitors had turned out to be.

IN THE SUN ↝ kurt cobainWhere stories live. Discover now