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Channary couldn't stop, her sister had angered her to the point her mind was racing, furious. She watched in horror as her sister's skin burned, and blistered. Levana's screams were deafening, but they never seemed to end. Channary's eyes began to water. She didn't know how to stop.

The thaumaturges burst in, they looked around the nursery, looking for the cause of the scream. Their eyes widen when they spotted Channary and Levana's body in the flames. Channary stood frozen, shaking. A hand grabbed her shoulder. She jerked back and finally lost control of her glamour on Levana. Her ears were stilled filled with Levana's screams. Nannies and Maids rushed in.

Still being in shock, she heard only muffles. She heard only Levana's screams until Dr.Elliot stood in front of her shaking the princess gently that she realized Levana wasn't screaming anymore. Channary still ignored everyone asking questions, she walked right out of the Doctor's grip toward her sister.

People crowded around the body, people giving orders and crying. The room was filled with the smell of burnt flesh and smoke.

What had she done?

She gasped, there her sister lie, motionless, her entire body was burned, some parts only blistered but red. Her hair was burned off leaving bald spots all over her scalp, her face was facing the other way, but Channary didn't even want to know what her face looked like, deformed like the rest of her burnt body.

With a shaky hand, she grabbed Levana's wrist.

So slack, no resistance. She grabbed it tightly, tears beginning to fall down her face. She felt for a heartbeat, nothing. She gripped harder, she did not believe she had killed her sister.

Though there was no sound, she felt a faint beat of Levana's heart. Bursting into a sob, he called for her sister. She never reacted. Soon enough more nurses and doctors filled the room.


12 hours later, Levana had been under supervision from almost all the doctors on Luna, she still only had a faint heartbeat, she was losing the battle. Channary knew it, though her mind tried to deny it. Her sister would die.

Levana would die because of Channary.

Channary spent most of her time in the waiting room, Dr.Elliot informed her about every hour on her sister's condition. Though she didn't say it Channary knew she was worsening.

Almost a full 24 hours past. Her parents finally came down to the hospital, she was terrified to think of what had happened. For the first time since she was an infant, she embraced her parents. She knew she had caught them off guard but they said nothing. When she pulled away, for the first time her mother was teary-eyed. She glared at Channary with resentment and disappointment.

Channary's heart sank to her stomach. Dr.Elliot came into the room, wiping tears. She didn't look startled to see the Queen and King. She breathed in and out, her wispy blonde hair falling from its ponytail.

"I'm sorry your Majesty, we lost her. T-The burns were too severe to treat. How will you announce this to the public?" She glanced at Princess Channary out of the corner of her eye.

"That is for us to decide Dr.Elliot." Said her father. His voice was bitter, it felt like a blade had cut through the princess' heart.

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