That's quite gay

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George's pov 

It was Saturday and I was lying in my bed with a packet of crisps as I normally do, I was scrolling across YouTube trying to find anything good to watch although there didn't seem to be anything good.

Then I came across a video about a guy making his mate a tinder account so I clicked on it and grabbed a handful of crisps, as I looked away I heard a familiar voice. I looked back at the screen and noticed it was my Will, well not my will but the Will I know if you feel me.

He hadn't mentioned this but I guess he didn't need to as I had only known him for a few days. I continued watching as he introduced his friend 'Alex' at this point I noticed Will's jawline and my face immediately became warmer "that's lowkey hot" I mumble before shaking my head at the thought "he's straight" I remind myself.

Then I remembered how I was going to watch the football at his today and Jumped out of bed checking the time 3:63, I have an hour to get ready. I was thankful both my parents weren't around for a few days due to "needing a break from me" that was fine by me.

I pick out some black jeans and a long white t shirt before throwing on some deodorant and random shoes before my phone dings, I pick up my phone and see Will's sent me as message.

Will: When you coming over? x 

George: Be there in a bit x

Will: alright x

I slide my phone in my pocket, pull a jacket on and head out.

time skip :(

I knock on the door before it's opened by the guy I saw on the video, Alex I think it was "Hey you're George right? Will actually won't stop talking about you" he told me signalling for me to come in. I slightly blush at what he said before catching eyes with Will, who was holding more bottles in his arms then I thought was possible. he smiles at me and I smile back before looking away "Yeah I'm George" I said as I followed him over to where the rest of the guys were.

I stood in the same place as Alex introduced me to everyone, "This is Jack, he's a bit annoying to be honest" he said pointing at a guy with silver hair "hey" he says before going back to what he was doing. "and this is Stephen, who is also unfortunately my boyfriend" he gestured over to a  guy wearing a bucket hat smiling like a maniac with flushed cheeks. I sent him a small awkward wave and he waved back.

"George give us a hand" I turned to see Will pointing at the bottles, I nodded my head and walked over to him picking some up. He picked up the rest and we set them down on the coffee table as he thanked me, everyone seemed to take their seats and Will turned off the lights. I panicked as I felt a wave of anxiety approaching . I didn't know where to sit and it's dumb but I feel like if I do one thing wrong I'll ruin everything.

I walk closer and evaluate my surroundings, Jack is sitting on the floor and Alex, Stephen and Will are sitting on the couch. I decide to sit on the floor since there isn't much space on the couch left, I sit cross legged in front of will since I know him best. 

The game starts and it's interesting for a while until it becomes boring, I lean my back against Will's legs yawning slightly. "Anyone want a drink?" I hear Stephen ask, people give their answers as I think "want anything George?" I hear Will ask.

"what is there?" I ask back "uh Stephen what drinks do we have?" he asks Stephen "alcohol and alcohol and sprite and orange juice" he smiles "sprite?" I ask trying to form a sentence "sure" he replies passing me a can before focusing back on the game.

"Stephen can I have some?" I hear Alex ask, I see Stephen's lips press into a thin line as he thinks "I guess but share with me ok?" he asks as Alex snuggles up to his side  "thanks" Alex mumbles as I can see Stephen blushing in the dim light. I smile a little as I turn back to the football.

I squeak as I feel myself being picked up, I sigh when I realise it was Will he had just put me on his fucking lap, I was confused until he spoke. "sorry, my legs were kinda dead" he whispered, I blushed and nodded. I tried to keep my weight off him as I thought I would be too heavy resulting in me moving around a little to much.

"what are you doing?" Will whispered again "s-sorry I just don't want you to be uncomfortable" I whispered back "I'm not, why would you think that?" he asked placing an arm around my waist. "I dunno because I'm t-too heavy?" I replied as I covered my face with both my hands. "you're too light if anything" he said in a worried? tone.

"oh" I mumbled, I slightly panicked as he pulled me so my back was resting against his chest and I guess he noticed as he whispered "It's ok you're fine" wrapping both his arms around my waist as I relaxed.

Little did I know all of Will's friends were thinking the same thing, "that's quite gay"

A/n Alex wanted alcohol if you didn't guess, he asked Stephen since he's 15 and Stephen's 16 so Stephen kinda takes care of him. Also George has anxiety and self image problems because why not.

stORytiMe: I'm 14 and I'm from England right and I've never really drunk since my mum's scary but I went out with my older sister and her boyfriend and he gave me vodka. I'm known as the quiet person at school because of my anxiety and I'm like the one who never shouts out. But I was out with them on fireworks night, so people from my school saw I was drunk and I kept tripping over so my sister and her bf had to hold me up. I had school the next day so I guess I had a hangover? then the day after I had a mental breakdown and tried to toaster bath and apparently school affects my mental health too badly for me to go in anymore so that's fun.

Thanks for reading this strangely long chapter, remember to vote, comment and maybe follow me.

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