Stephen is a prick

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Will's pov

"Will get up we're gonna be late for school!" I heard my roommate shout,
Groaning I slipped out of bed and put on some decent clothes consisting of a black hoodie and some black jeans.
I brushed my teeth and styled my hair "standard" I smiled looking at my appearance before leaving my room.

"Calm down you absolute nonce" I say walking down the stairs to the kitchen where Alex was.

"No you" he replied starting to pack his backpack for the day.

"Uno reverse card mate" I reply smirking while walking over to the cupboard to get some Jaffa cakes.

"Right, whatever" he rolled his eyes
"Morning guys" yawned Stephen walking over to Alex to give him a hug.

I look at them and roll my eyes not because it's not adorable I mean it is but I wouldn't admit that I'd look like a right spanner, I think while finishing my Jaffa cakes.

"Now who's making us late?" I question tapping my foot on the ground for effect.

"Shut up you knob" Stephen says grabbing Alex's hand and starting to walk towards the door.

"You coming or what?" Asked Alex unlocking the door

"I guess" I reply grabbing my backpack then walking out of the house with them.

After we get to school Stephen heads off to his class and it's just me and Alex trying to find our first class.

"Stephen is a right prick" I frown putting my hands in my hoodies pockets.

"Well at least he don't have a square head you wanker" 

"Fucking dickhead"

"You love me though"

"Sure about that?"

Alex frowned and crossed his arms which made me laugh.

"It's just banter now go find your class you minger" I say turning to him.

He smiles and hugs me, his head about up to my shoulders

"You're such a mong" he laughs starting to walk away I laugh again and continue walking

"I guess I should go find my first class" I think to myself sighing.

A/n I wasn't planning to write anything else but then I had this idea it's not a good one and I apologize but never mind

They live in England and are 16 except Alex is 15 also I decided to change Mr beast to Stephen

Hope you enjoyed, remember to vote and comment x

WillNe x Memeulous [Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora