Bucket Hats aRE Cool

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Will's pov

I wait for the guys outside the gate as we usually walk home together, as usual Alex and Stephen are practically glued together "away big gays!" I shout as they get closer to me "says you" Stephen scoffs linking all our arms together.

"Anything worth mentioning happen today?" Alex asked as we saw Jack approaching us. "actually yeah, I met this lad in class right and he seemed decent so I invited him to watch the game with us" I say as I shoot Jack some finger guns.

"Alright mate?" he asks as Alex links our arms together again beginning to walk "yeah you?" I reply slightly shivering due to the weather "decent" he shrugs. I watch as Alex and Stephen swing us slightly, they both have these awful grins on their faces as they look at each other.

"Really though who tops?" I hear Jack ask, as this was a question we've been debating for a while. "you're both so... just twinks really aren't you?" he says with an annoying grin. This starts an argument, Alex saying he does while Stephen disagrees.

I sigh and shake my head turning away from them, when I spot George a ways in front of us. I smile and nab Stephen's bucket hat from on top of his head placing it on my own. I jog to catch up with him as I can hear Jack laughing and Stephen's protests to having his hat stolen.

"H-hey George" I say as I catch up to him, he jumps a bit before turning to face me as I stand next to him. "Oh hey Will" he smiled "mind if I walk with you?" I ask "if you want" he shrugged I nodded as we started to walk. 

"Will why've you got that hat on?" he asks trying not to laugh at me "don't laugh! it's actually really cool, it's Stephen's" I say pointing behind us to the idiots who were still in sight. "okkkk what ever makes you happy I guess?" he says making me chuckle.

"So what's going on?" he asks as we walk. "mates are just being the biggest homosexuals" I roll my eyes. "so do you not agree with all that?" he asks rubbing his hands together probably due to the coldness.

"no I don't see any problem with it, I mean I'm straight but most of my friends aren't" I say explaining quickly. "Oh" George breaths out, a white puff coming out of his mouth because of the temperature.

"What about you?" I ask wanting to know the answer much more than I thought I would "well I'm gay" he says looking at me for a second before turning away "oh ok" I say shriving  "yeah" he replies back, then the awkwardness sets in.

 "The best coming out scene of 2018" George breaks the silence we both end up laughing and George laughs until he's crying, but it's not like we're laughing at what he said anymore we're just laughing because we're laughing if that makes sense.

After we've finished laughing I can hear George's teeth chattering "cold?" I ask and he hums in response "give me a sec" I say stopping us, I take my backpack off my back and rummage around until I find the thing, after I find the thing I wrap it around his neck and his cheeks puff up as he smiles "thanks Will" he says cheeks flushed from the cold. I smile back as we continue walking, our shoulders brushing together from time to time.

A/n Kinda a filler chapter, I don't really like this but I have no creativity so it'll have to do :,)

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