Chapter 1 ~ A new gang at PDH

Start from the beginning

"Well, what do you guys do for fun?" Gene asked.

"We just go shopping, and because of me, we don't get into trouble," I answered.

I suddenly got a text from my older brother and looked at my phone.

I suddenly got a text from my older brother and looked at my phone

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I put my phone back into my back pocket and looked back up to Gene

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I put my phone back into my back pocket and looked back up to Gene.

"Aliana! Dispose of the cans! We're gonna take this beginners on a feild trip!" I yelled at Aliana.

Gene gave me a questioning look.

"Kittens! Grab The Shadow Knights' and let's go! We're going to the mall!" I yelled to the Kit Cats.

Aliana grabbed Sasha, I grabbed Gene and Jack grabbed Zenix. Zenix struggled and was difficult so I ended up with Zenix and Jack with Gene.

"What are you doing?!! Let me go!!" Zenix yelled.

"Would you shut up already?!! We're almost there!!!" I yelled back.

Zenix continued to struggle but I still dragged him.

Once we got to the mall a security guard stopped us and glared at us.

"Shouldn't you kids be at school?" He asked.

"Shouldn't you be retired Matt? These kids are with me, don't worry we won't cause any trouble this time, Jack!" I replied.

"Alright, Miss Lycan." Matt replied.

The way The Kit Cats and I never get into trouble is because I know all the security guards personally.

Once inside I noticed Gene was looking at me in shock.

"What?" I asked confusedly.

I finally noticed that Zenix wasn't struggling and I started to get really confused.

"Y-You're related to the delinquent?!!" Gene asked shocked.

I threw Zenix to the ground and walked up to Gene, picking him up by the collar.

"How dare you call my older brother a delinquent!" I yelled. "Do you have any idea of how that makes him feel?!!"

"I-I'm sorry! It's just that I don't know his name!" Gene said.

"Aaron." I said sternly.

"What?" Gene asked.

"His name is Aaron!" I yelled. "You hurt his best friend last year and now I don't know why I'm doing this for you!"

"Lilith! Calm down! Matt's starting to get suspicious and is watching us!" Jack said.

I dropped Gene on the ground and walked to my favourite store; Jay Jays. I walked in and grabbed a Riverdale South Side Serpents shirt and went and tried it on. The shirt fit so I went and paid for it, walking to Urban Wear after. I walked in and looked for black hightop converses. I found my size paid for them and walked back to the Kit Cats.

"We have to go to school now Kittens! See you all after school?" I said.

I got yes' from all of them and we left. I walked to school and saw dad's car outside.

"Dammit!" I mumbled under my breath.

I walked into school and bumped into Aaron.

"Finally! I've been looking for you! You need to go to the principles office, dad's already there!" Aaron said.

"M'kay." I replied.

I walked to the office and walked into the principles office and sat next to my dad.

"What has Lilith done now?" Dad asked.

"She skipped school and has only just arrived." Principle Chad replied.

"And? It's just the first day, get over it." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Lilith Lucan! You will treat your elders with more respect!" Dad said.

"Thats big talk about respect for a man who doesn't give his adopted daughter any. Besides, respect is earnt, nobody and nothing here has earnt my respect." I replied.

"Lilith Lycan! You are grounded for two weeks!" Dad replied.

"When am I not?" I asked.

I heard the door open.

"Excuse me, Mr Chad? The delinquent is here to see you." The secretary said.

I stood up and turned around.

"He is not a delinquent! Sure he gets into fights but do you ever think to find out why?!" I yelled.

"Lilith sit down." Dad said.

"No! I am sick and tired of hearing people call my brother a delinquent when he clearly isn't!" I yelled.

Dad grabbed my arm and pulled me into my seat.

"Bring Master Lycan in please." Mr Chad said.

I heard my brother walk in and he sat next to me.

"Aaron, you are aware of what Lilith has been doing since she started here are you not?" Mr Chad asked.

"Yes, but I do not get involved." Aaron said.

There he goes being a goody-too-shoes again. I thought to myself.

The Beautiful Loser (Gene x OC {Lilith}) ~Book1~Where stories live. Discover now