Twenty-Six : Making Moves in Mommy Shoes

Start from the beginning

"I may have invited him here today and to lunch with us after yoga. I didn't know you were bringing Mother Dear." Kim smiled sheepishly.

"Oh Kim.. I'm so big and fat! Look at my nose and my feet." Jazmine teared up.

"Hey! You stop that right now. Look you're beautiful, he thinks you're beautiful and you need to believe you're beautiful, okay." Kim crawled to Jazmine despite her own rather large 5 month belly.

"He thinks I'm beautiful?" Jazmine wiped a loose tear.

"Yeah, I've been trying to get him to stop being shy. Girl since the day he spoke to you at the buffet about his brother, he said the way you reacted had him rather interested."  Kim did a little dance.


"Hey ladies. Hi Jazmine, do you need help getting up?" Vince appeared with his dreads in a neat bun.

"Umm, I got it, thanks though." Jazmine struggled to get up. She almost fell back if Vince hadn't of caught her.

"Come on, stop being stubborn. I'm going to take the class with you and maybe we can grab a bite and talk afterwards?" Vince smiled.

Jazmine looked to Mother Dear and Mother Dear pointed at Vince giving a thumbs up and wiggling her car keys before leaving out.

"Well I guess that wouldn't hurt anything."

"Great. I really like you." Vince mumbled.

"You really like me?" Jazmine looked up to him.

"Damn. Didn't think you heard that but yeah."

Jazmine was about to respond but the instructor came in and the class began. Vince sat beside her but the instructor instructed him to sit behind her with her in between his legs.

"I see we have a lot of you about to pop so now we're going to do the labour yoga. This will help to relieve the stress of actually birthing child. Remember, not to scream at contractions but moan them out. Screaming could cause the dress and blood pressure to rise and prolong the birth." The instructor leaned back into her husband.

Now fellas, or pairs, lean back into your partner like this and arch your back a little. You may feel a little tightness or even pop your back and that is okay."

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Vince grabbed Jasmine's sides causing her to let out a moan. He quickly moved his hands.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"No, just a spot of mine, you're fine." Jazmine blushed in embarrassment. He had hit a spot of hers and now she wanted to jump his bones for the simple fact that she was now drenched down below. It was a good thing she had brought a change of clothes and underwear in her bag.

"I don't want to cause any trouble. You know I just been thinking about you since that time at the buffet. Then when we ran into each other a few months ago, I had to get to you and talk to you but your home girl jumped in front; don't be mad, but she gave me your number. I didn't want to use it until I spoke to you." Vince began to massage Jasmine's legs as they got into another pose.

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