So like what dose me do 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Ok y'all quick rant otay soooooo

My best friend he a boy we gone call him gd so
I was at his part for his birthday right and his friend jj kept messing with me he always calls me miss Cindy lu who because for spirt day was who vill right so we always be playing around with each other so we all on the party bus getting litttt🤪🤪🤪 on are way to sky zone so we jumpin and all that and there's this obstacle course they have and so I do it and then he does it and I said the obstacle course was hard and me putting in that work and then he said thats how'll I'll have you in bed 🤐 like umm excuse you I gotta bf but I ain't gone lie jj lowkey cute or w.e 🤐😬 anyway we in the party room waiting for pizza and we just play fighting and shit

Skipppp 20mins

So we watching my best friend open gifts and jj is standing in my way while I'll sitting and watching and I told him to sit down right so he sits right in my way blocking my view and I was like get your big ass booty off of me and he said my butt not even that big but yours is 🤣🤪 so I was like shut up STOOPID and let me sit in front of you so we switch spots let me (remind y'all this sky zone has that glow in the dark shit so we in the dark and me and him both just some how the only people wearing black so you can't really see us) so I'm watching him unravel presents and I feel a pair  of hands on my upper thighs so like I tried to take them off but he got this negro strong grip on them so I brush it off and I give him this glare and looks at me and says what my hands are cold with a smirk

Skippp 10 mins
So we calling our parents to come pick us up but my best friend is giving me a ride home but  his mom forgot she left the heater on in the car so that means the car is dead so she's calling me a lyft home so me and jj once again play fighting so he swiftly like kinda hits my Cheek and I said I didn't wanna play no more and he was like I'm sorry let's call truths and I was like ok and we hugged on it and he was like I didn't even hit you that hard and you got soft cheeks and I was like my cheeks not that soft and he was like yes they are your soft cheeks make you look cute with a lil smile and he was like I'm not hitting on you I'm just giving you a complement (sense you gotta a bf)like I lowkey was smiling but I quickly stop because I got a bf and I'm tryna be a good gf but when he told me about my cheeks being soft like I was really feeling some type of way what do I. Do😩‼️🤦🏾‍♀️

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