"Ooh, do tell. I'll play cupid again." I laughed.

"You don't need to," he said, looking straight at my eyes. My face reflected in his chocolate brown eyes. This was the most intense eye contact I experienced with him. It's this moment where you felt like he's staring deeply at your soul looking for an answer or a query. I immediately brushed my gaze off of him and so does he. We continued walking silently which put us in another awkward silence.

"Let me guess, it's Millie." I faced him and we're still under his umbrella walking towards God knows where we are. "Nope."

"Hmm, Sadie?" he shook his head. "Oh, Sophia!" I exclaimed.

"Not all of your best friends!" he laughed again making me choke on air because of how contagious his cute laugh was.

"Then who is it?"

At that moment, his smile fell. I look for another answer at those captivating eyes but never had one. Silence filled our atmosphere again and I just felt like I'll be the next person breaking it. But no.

Unconsciously, his eyes slowly moved down and I assume it's what I'm already thinking he's looking at. I nervously pursed my lips then gulped. He slowly leans in, his hand barely stroking my skin until he finally intertwines them with mine only to softly pull me towards his chest.

Is he going to—

"Ehem." we both looked at the honking car beside us and saw Iris giving me a lopsided smile. A smirk, in other words.

"I hate to break it out to you," she said looking at us from the window, "But I really need to pass this street so you can save yourselves and your moment later before another car comes honking." she beamed. Finn and I abruptly scuffed out of the middle of the road (why were we there?) then gave Iris a thumbs up. 

And then we both giggled for the nth time until I spotted my father's face from a distance.

Good thing, he's not looking at us, or else I'll be bombarded with interrogations again.

"Uhm, Finn. I'll have to leave now. My house's just a few steps away and I guess this is quite enough. Thanks for escorting me, though." smiling, I waved goodbye and walked away from him. The rain has settled down as well so it was safe to leave him there for a moment. I had my last glimpse of him so I waved another goodbye, flashing a warm smile. He did the same (which triggered my heart again). I sighed, walking in front of my impatient father on the porch.


Two days after...

For the first time, I became an early bird. I came to school at this point because my mom is leaving for an early meeting. My father assisted my little brother with his field trip. I can't be left at home alone so they decided to drop me off at school early. I entered the cold Monday with a smile on my face. I walked inside the campus after waving back at my parents. Slowly, I gripped onto my backpack and stopped in front of my locker.

"Psst." I heard someone call out. I let out a faint gasp, widening my eyes. It was a little dark and I couldn't witness who that is until I heard his voice again and my name coming from no other than Finn Wolfhard.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I whisper-shouted. There was a tiny morning light passing inside the school but it wasn't enough to light his face. He sat on the tiled floor, against the lowest locker area. "Okay I'm sorry." he surrendered his hands just like how he did that two days ago.

"You've never been this early," he muttered out. I opened my locker, taking my things out. After a moment, I faced him and smiled. "Yeah I know right." I grinned.

I settled my bag on the floor before sitting down as well and facing him with my legs crossed together on the cold tiles.

"What do you usually do early in the morning?" I asked him. As far as I know, Finn is from a different city and he usually wakes up early to come to school. The campus is not that horrifying in the morning because the lights are opened and are scattered everywhere. I guess that makes him accompanied aside from the other students of this school.

At least, he's not alone.

"I go somewhere special," he said. "We can go there together if you want."

I cocked an eyebrow, humming in response.

"Close your eyes first." I covered my eyes with my palms then questioned him.

"Just don't open them yet." "Okay."

I felt a figure shifting beside me. My heart beats fast as soon as he held my hands to stand me up. I gulped and muttered his name under my breath.

"Finn, you're making me nervous."

He didn't respond again but I still closed my eyes and continued following him from behind with our fingers intertwined together.

"You can open your eyes now."

With that, I took my hands off my face then faced him. He was so close, I can see his dark brown eyes again. I lightly gasped, covering my face.

"Oh my gosh, Finn. This is not what I was expecting."

The way his curls bounced around his forehead made me soft inside. The moment he gripped onto my hands to take them away from my heating face made me more nervous. I was so close to screaming when I saw his gorgeous face just an inch away from me.

"Hey, don't worry I'm not doing anything stupid."

"Yeah, sure." I looked down madly blushing. Finn entirely faced me with a cute smile forming on his lips. I looked away, mentally panting.

"Don't look away. You're missing the view."


I didn't know we had an overlooking garden and a night sky in the morning. Since it was too early and the skies are dark and twinkling, I decided to watch him witness the lost stars above us. 

It's so beautiful.

"Woah, I never knew how pretty the skies are in the morning."

"Yeah, me too. I usually go here to stroll before classes - oh, look at that."

I glanced at the horizon he was pointing at and gaped in awe. As soon as I witnessed the golden shades of warmth, I immediately grabbed my phone and took a picture of it.

"It's so beautiful."

"It really is beautiful," he said, smiling back at me.

I was busy taking more shots of the sunrise and the beautiful garden when I heard his whisper from behind. I knew it was directed to the scenery we were both watching but as soon as I glanced back at him to flash another warm grin, his figure greeted me. He was too close and I realized he wasn't looking at the sky. 

"You're beautiful."

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