Embers of Passion - A delightful burning out

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"Passion arrived at my doorstep, sensuously dressed.

Gazing eyes met, embrace followed suit, bodies pressed.

"The night was young; to paint it with a vibrant emulsion,

We splashed on our virgin canvas, hues of lustful compulsion.

"Together we felt Invigorated, yet stuffed with ineffable hunger.

Beastly Love scratched the surface waiting to conquer & plunder.

"I freed her skin, slipping her from the Satin dress.

Leaving it crumpled on the gleaming floor, as we progress.

"I circled the proximity, as she gazed at me with anticipation.

My fingertips tracing her skin, raising the expectations."

Distance ceased, intentions aroused and bodies entwined.

Their dance fiercely clinging, silhouettes fusing well timed.

Pearls of sweat on her sculpted curves, cascading with every touch.

The nuzzling against her soft bosom, caused them to smudge.

They twirled and curled, they tugged at each other & rolled,

Pulled and crushed each other, breaths raced in their embrace.

Tides rolled into waves, their worlds of fantasies collided,

Drowned in each others needs and yet secrets were confided.

Touched and filled her depths, in each thrust of growing passion.

As eyes poured out muted words; words of pleasure and satisfaction.

"Orgasmic tides swelled in size, as huge waves cocooned us together.

Ah! Our canvas complete with master strokes of playful surrender."

-Harish Vaid

Thanks for reading, this was my nascent, hesitant attempt at handling a sensitive topic. I was worried that i may end up writing something vulgar.

I Hope you enjoyed reading it. I would love to know your insights, criticism is welcome too :P

Happy Reading:)

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