I dont know why i was nervous, but i had this feeling that something would go wrong today..


"ALEX" I shouted happily as soon as I saw him talking to some guy.

He turned at my direction and smiled happily. His green eyes shinning with excitement. "Narmen!" he shouted opening his arms for me.

I ran quickly into his open arms, my long hair flying around me, as I jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly.

Alex held me up lifting me from the ground and turned around in circles happily. I felt like i was flying as i closed my eyes tightly. We both laughed as my hair flew around me sharing our happiness.

Alex stopped turning still laughing and put me gently on the ground.

"I missed u so much, Lexi" i said happily staring into his green ones. I then tiptoed and gave him a long kiss on the cheek.

"I missed u too, NaNa!" he said laughing a bit patting me on the head, teasing me about being shorter than him. I was tall for girls, that's why i play volleyball. But he was a boy, and also a tall one. I slapped his hand away with a playful glare causing him to laugh harder.

This was when my last happy moment with him ended for another 3 years. If I knew that, I would have never asked my next question..

" but why didn't you come yesterday for our birthday,Alex?" i said turning a bit serious. This was the 1st time he had ever missed our birthday. He sure had a really convincing excuse.

His laughter died as he saw the sadness in my golden eyes. He quickly turned his green eyes away avoiding looking into my demanding eyes, something he did whenever he was nervous.

"anyway, did u meet my new friends, NaNa?" asked Alex changing the subject as he gestured to his friends. He put his arm around me and turned me toward his friends. I had my arms crossed with a blank face knowing he was trying to distract me.

I looked at the ones he wanted me to meet with a raised eyebrow. They were all new faces that I have never seen before. I frowned a bit, where were his old friends?

His- whom he call- friends looked so dangerous.. For sure, bad influence. From this first look, i knew i didnt want them to do anything with my cousin. I have lived with Alex long enough to know that he can easily be infleunced by others.

I felt uneasy by their looks at me and their whistles as they examined my body. I felt like they were undressing me as they stared at my body.

Many guys stared at my curvy body like this but Alex will always stand for them like my protector.. So why is he just smiling next to me? Why wasn't he pulling me protectively to him and warning them to never look at me that way again?

I backed a bit to be behind Alex, my small hands grapping his arm. Alex just chuckled softly assuring me that there was nothing to worry about and pushed me gently infront of him.

"Guys, this is Narmen, my beautiful cousin! NaNa, this Sean, Nick and Mike" said Alex as he gestured at each one.

Sean is as tall as Alex and he was so handsome, i must admit. He had light brown hair with amazing grey eyes. His creamy skin looked silky. And as we shake hands, i had no doubt.

 But i knew he was the leader and the bad boy here. He seemed like a womanizer as he winked seducivly at me.

 "Hey Sexy" said Sean getting closer to my body.

I pulled my hand quickly from Sean without responding to him and shook hands with Nick.

 I felt him shake a bit as he still stared at my figure, like he had never seen women before. He wasnt bad himself. He had this orange hair and deep brown eyes. He looked cute when he finally smiled at me. I smiled back making him stare at my face fasinated.

 I couldnt help but laugh softly at Nick as i turned to shake hands with Mike.

I stared at Mike speechless as he leaned down and kissed my hand gently.

 "Nice to meet u, Narmen" he said smiling at me.

 I recognized he was the only one that didnt stare rudely at my body. He was a gentleman!

 Mike was handsome, but not as Alex and Sean. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. I smiled at him feeling my cheeks getting hotter.

"Thanks Mike" i said confidently before turning to Alex.

"so Alex i can see you were with ur new friends yesterday instead of our birthday, right?!" I asked with a cold tone as I raised an eyebrow at him, my face blank as all tarces of a smile were quickly wiped away. Alex shifted a little, uncomfortable, but at that point I wanted nothing but the truth.

"yeah, we were at a night club" he said as he looked straight in my golden eyes trying to show me that he was the big guy here and that he didn't think there was something wrong in doing so, but I knew better. He began to look away as he saw the anger and hurt in my flaming golden eyes.

"WHAT? At a night club? Since when si you even go there! You just turned 14 for god'd sake Alex! Ane when? On our Birthday" i shouted angrily at him. Angry tears began to gather in my eyes as I stared at Alex in disbelief.

"Narmen, come with me! I will explain! Excuse me, guys" said Alex as he took my hand and pulled me with him.

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