⠀⠀𝟯𝟭. ❛ MAD WOMAN ❜

Start from the beginning

     Her chocolate brown eyes scanned the surrounding land, coming to the conclusion that they'd landed at Caruthers City Boat Dock. The area was abandoned, and not a soul was in sight.

     Cracks ran across the ground in every direction, splintering the world in distressed rumbles. The skies rolled in black and dark blue waves as the wind blew violently, sweeping up any and everything it could grasp.

     Looking down at the face that belonged to someone she loved and called family, she pushed back her tears.

     You promised. You have to do this.

     Locks of garnet-red hair blew behind her as she crouched down, hovering over the unconscious woman. Biting down on her bottom lip, Piper Lita raised her arm, vibrating it rapidly as lightning trailed up her bicep. She brought her hand down, mentally preparing herself for what she was about to do.

     At the last second, she hesitated, her hand mere inches away from cutting through the latter's chest. It was then that the cobalt-yellow speedster's eyes snapped open. Reaching up, Aureolin easily caught her wrist and shoved her away.

     Piper stumbled as she stood up, but Athena grabbed her ankle, yanking at it harshly.

     Falling to the ground, the heroine groaned as her head hit the gravel harshly. Athena jumped up and delivered a blow to the redhead's side. Breathing in deeply, Piper used her speed to stand up quickly, bringing her knee up and kicking the blonde in the chest.

     She watched as Athena's eyes faded to a glowing, bright red. Their mere sight caused a spike of anger to hit her in the chest so hard it felt like thousands of push pins were sticking into her heart. Pushing deeper in, her screams from when she was thirteen echoed in her mind. Flashes of her dead parents and sister appeared before her eyes; without realizing it, her eyes faded to a bright purple.

     Piper grabbed the latter's hand, yanking it and lifting her over her body, sending her tumbling back to the ground. Turning around, she walked forward as Athena began to stand up. Stopping in her tracks, Piper grabbed onto the yellow speedster's right arm, bending it back until she heard it snap.

     That was for Ginger.

     Breathing in through her nose sharply, Piper squeezed her hand into a tight fist. Her fingers glowed purple, and she punched her ex-best friend across the face. She followed with an uppercut. Pulling her arm back, she sent a blow to the chest, sending Athena flying across the boat dock, landing next to a pile of fishing nets. A fist-shaped hole was burning in the yellow suit, the edges fading to a burnt red.

     Ignoring the searing pain, Athena forced herself to stand up, spitting out a mouthful of blood as she did so. She narrowed her eyes and raced towards the purple speedster, wrapping her arms around her waist securely before teleporting them to the place where she'd gotten rid of the woman over a year ago.

     The sound of yelps and screams of surprise rumbled to the surface as the two rolled across the ground. Parents scrambled to grab their children, dragging them away as Athena pulled Piper up and threw her across Caruthers City Square.

     "Oh, my gosh!"

     "It's her! It's Expedite! She's back!"

     A mountain of voices and gasps of amazement echoed around the Square as Aureolin marched towards Expedite. Her eyes were glowing brightly as she approached the woman who was getting to her feet.

     In the distance, Piper could see buildings turning to dust as they crumbled down to the ground that was beginning to split in two.

     Athena struck a blow to the redhead's torso, deriving her attention back to the fight at hand. Next, she threw a cross-punch. Piper stumbled backward as a metallic liquid filled up her mouth. Spitting out the blood, she narrowed her eyes. Breathing in through her nose sharply, she projected streaks of purple lightning from her fingertips, using them to grab hold of Athena and slam her into a bench.

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