I sniff the air, trying to pick up his scent. It should be here somewhere, he is in this house I assume.

A delicious scent comes drifting into my nose, my wolf already following it without my consent. I was always bad a naming scents, I can't really place what they smell like. Especially this one. I guess it smells like the woods, when it just rained.

I climb up the stairs, still sniffing the air and following where my nose, and my wolf, take me. It's a lot easier than I expected. I guess my mate's scent is just a lot stronger than any other scent is this house. It's so easy to follow.

I finally end up in front of a brown wooden door on the second floor. I know it's one of the guest rooms in the pack house.

A sudden thought crosses my mind, does he sleep with other people in here? Does he share a bed with a pack member? What if he had a boyfriend of a girlfriend before me in his pack?

I knock on the door, sounding more impatient than I would have liked. I need to know if he shares this room, and maybe even a bed, with someone else. I know I have no right to be jealous but the thought of my mate in a bed with another person just makes me feel jittery in a bad way. I don't like it one bit.

He opens the door.

I can just stop my mouth from falling open.

He just came out of the shower, just a towel around his waist, little water droplets running over his chest. I just want to lick all those water droplets off his chest, hot damn.

Pull yourself together, Oliver! He is so hot, I know, but I got to keep it together.

"I.." what was I going to say again? Why was I here? I let my eyes travel to his face again, seeing his smirk there, making me feel like a fool even more. Damn him and his very good looks.

"We can go out in a minute, I just have to get dressed." Rafael says, still wearing that smirk, like he knows exactly what is going on in my mind, like he knows exactly how this is making my body all tingly.

He opens the door wider, letting me walk through. I step inside the room, looking around. I see a double bed, but that can still mean he is sleeping with other people, in both ways. But he wouldn't do that right? Even though we only met yesterday I already feel like I would never sleep with anyone else. That is kind of scary to think about.

The clothes on the ground appear to be his, I recognize the ones he wore this morning and yesterday when I met him. So or someone tidy is sleeping here, or he is here alone. I haven't smelled anyone though so I'm guessing the latter. I am ashamed to admit that that's a big relief.

Damn him and everything that he's doing to me. I should be more cautious, it should take more time for me to get used to him. I can't just give up on my morals so fast. It hasn't even been 2 days and my mind has done a complete 180 turn. Well, I wouldn't say 180, more about 160.

I wait for Rafael to step out of the bathroom, in clothes now, so we can go out to eat. I'm actually pretty hungry now, my stomach already starting to growl.

He comes walking out, buttoning up his flannel. I'm normally not much of a flannel guy, but Rafael seems to make everything work. Does nothing look bad on that man? I bet he would even look good in a garbage bag.

''So where do you want to go?'' He asks, his dark blue eyes focusing on me. Every time he looks at me with those eyes my train of thought stops for a moment. They are just so breathtaking.

After looking at him silently for a bit too long, I finally remember his question. ''I haven't really thought of that, we could go out in the town or eat here?'' I say, not really knowing what he'd rather do.

''I would like to eat here.'' His tone sounds final, like he doesn't want me to discuss this any further.

Alright then, guess eating here it is. I'll just request a table more to the back where it's a bit more quiet. I know people are probably talking about us anyway, it's not exactly a secret that we are mates.

I walk out of the room, assuming Rafael will follow me. He comes up next to me, a bit of an uncomfortable silence surrounding us. What do I even talk about with him? How do people make small talk? How do you even make friends?

''I like your shirt.'' Rafael says, breaking the silence when we walk out of the house into the cold night air.

I look up at him, not really knowing what to reply to that. He is looking at my bare shoulder, his eyes have a strange emotion in them that I can't place. ''Thank you.'' I eventually say, not wanting to just not reply.

What is going to happen tonight? Are we only going to have uncomfortable silences like this all through dinner? What if we have completely different personalities and can't find anything to talk about? What if he disagrees with everything I say?

We finally arrive at the restaurant. At least I will have food to distract me from this potential train wreck date. ''This is it.'' I say, looking at him to try and see his reaction.

''It looks nice.'' He says, a tiny smile on his lips. Maybe he's nervous too? He doesn't seem like the type but you never know.

I step inside, holding the door open for him to which he gives a genuine smile. That smile calms my nerves a bit. There is probably something that we can talk about, we just have to find that subject.

''Oliver?!'' The restaurant owner and chef, Monica, walks up to us, sounding very surprised but happy at the same time to see me here. My parents are I used to come here a lot. I stopped once they passed away, I didn't want to sit in the restaurant all by myself.

''Hi Monica.'' I say, greeting her. I haven't seen her in a long time.

''It's good to see you again.'' She says, smiling softly. She seems to be over her initial shock of seeing me here. ''So where would you like to sit?'' Some of the tables are occupied, but most aren't. It's never really busy in the restaurant on sundays.

I pick a table in the back, feeling more at ease knowing no one is going to eavesdrop on us.

We both sit down at the table, looking at our menu cards. I always liked the food in here, Monica is a very good cook.

I can feel eyes on me, making me look up from the menu.

Rafael is indeed looking at me. Why is he looking at me? Do I have something on my face? His intense blue eyes drilling holes in my brain. He cocks his head a little, as if trying to figure me out. I can feel myself blushing under his intense stare.

''Are you nervous?'' He eventually asks, seeming to know exactly what is going on in my mind.

''A bit.'' I say, releasing a deep breath. It feels good to have said it. It's okay to be nervous right? Nothing wrong with a few nerves.

''Why? There is no need to be.'' He says, probably trying to ease my nerves. It's not really working.

''I'm just afraid that we won't find anything in common. What if we're not suitable at all?'' I say, laying all my worries on him.

He puts down his menu card, putting his hands flat on the table. I look at them, really wanting to put my hands on top of his hands. I have such a strong urge to just touch him.

''We'll probably have something in common, and even if we don't, that doesn't mean that we can't talk? I still want to know more about you.'' He says, his tone soft and sweet. I never heard him talk like that.

''Yeah, you're right.'' I say, looking into his eyes. ''I also want to know more about you.'' I look down at his hands again. The urge to touch him is so strong. I don't know how I'm going to survive this dinner, sitting so close to him, but not being able to touch him.

I just hope I can control myself.

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