Chapter One

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Nerida's eyes shot open, her vision blurry as her entire body felt heavy and a throbbing pain shot up her leg. She slowly sat up, her brow furrowing as she realized she was laying on a warm straw bed and covered in fur blankets. She pushed the blankets from her, shocked to see her leg heavily bandaged.

"Please—do not move, your wound has to heal." A soft voice said from the shadows, Nerida's eyes going wide as she saw two blue eyes staring at her, the light from the small fire barely illuminating the figures face.

Nerida knew from the language that she was much farther North than she had intended to sail, her heart starting to race as she realized her dagger was no where on her body. She scooted further down on the bed, her eyes connected to the eyes staring at her from the darkness.

"Show me—You. You—show." She tried to say, her broken dialect of the language reminding her that she was far from home. She had encountered North Men before, but she had been young, and the need to fully learn their language was lost on her. She watched as a young man came from the shadows and dropped onto the bed, her body jerking back as she pushed her back against bed frame.

"Legs? You—legs?" Nerida spoke as she pointed to the mans's legs, legs that were bound together by leather and looked almost broken. She scowled at him, their eyes still locked as she pulled her leg up to her chest.

"Are you hungry?" The young man asked as he waved his hand through the air, a woman coming from the shadows with a plate of food, Nerida looking all around her as fear started to creep into her mind. She was not in shackles like she had been in England all those years ago, but she did not feel entirely free.

She grabbed the plate from the young woman's hands and tore into the meat, her mouth watering as the savory goat meat touched her tongue. It had been so long since she had been fed so well, and she was not going to leave a spec of food upon the plate.

Nerida took the cup filled with fresh water from the servant's hands, the water running down her chin as she savored every drop. "Ship." She said as she wiped her mouth with her hand, confused as to why the young man was gazing at her as if she was Hera herself.

"You need to rest." Another voice said, Nerida furrowing her brow as she saw a tall beautiful woman walk to the bed, her smile was warm, but her eyes were cold. She watched as the man spoke fast to the woman, their words jumbled as she tried to understand them.

"I—go! I go!" Nerida said as she slipped from the bed, her eyes catching movement as she saw two men standing close holding large perfectly crafted shields. Her large jacket was gone, leaving her feeling naked in her black breeches, and a red leather tunic over her grey blouse, a prize she had taken from a princess in Italy.

"No." Was all Nerida understood as the tall Nobel woman tried to push her back into bed. She pushed her down and ran through the darkness slamming into one of the men with shields causing them both to fall to the hard floor.

"Let me pass!" She screamed in her own language of Greek, watching as everyone around her gazed at her in confusion. "Do you know who I am? I am Nerida The Ferocious! I will kill all of you! I am not your slave!" She screamed her eyes turning to the young man who had crawled his way from the bed to her side.

"Please, sit—your wound is bleeding." The crippled young man said as Nerida looked down at her bloodied leg, the blood running down her leg and onto the wooden floor. Her head spun as her body felt weak as she fainted to the floor, her hands and arms pushing away the hands of the cripple.

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