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fuck me! i'm seriously pulling out throns from my heel. why was i the only person in the woods, why am i even here. 

i got a stupid note saying i was the only one in the woods, and i couldn't be more scared. i was perfectly fine with the others because i knew i had someone to help me... but i'm alone. in the woods. did i mention i'm fucking alone? and weak.

i've been wandering around these woods for hours finding a way to get somewhere.

i decided on going up a tree, even thought i can't see jack shit, maybe i could see some lights from that fucking lake house. 

i grabbed a branch and pulled myself up, branch after branch i'm finally on the top. 

it was a better view that i thought i could see from miles and miles with perfect lighting during the night. i looked ahead of me to see i could get an even better view if i jumped the next tree and that's what i did, man i felt like a monkey.

i looked to the dock and did a double take.

i saw ashton sitting (taped) in a chair, blindfolded with cement blocks around his ankles, his head to the side of his shoulder. 

"fuck fuck fuck fuck." i said seeing there was a guy walking to him. 

i jumped to the next nearest tree and jumped and jumped until i was right above this guy on the dock.

should i risk my beatiful face and fall on the guy or watch him kill ashton? i guess i'm gonna fall on him.

he ever so slowly walked over to ashton who was screaming for help and i cringed, how the hell did i get so unluckly. he was bald and very small, i could easily crush him

i pulled off two sticks quietly and looked down, a pretty far jump.

"here goes nothing." i whispered and closed my eyes as i jumped and landed hard on the guy who whimpered in pain and i did as well.

"aw fuck, my boobs." i said seeing the sticks all in my shirt.

"what the fuck was that a monkey?" the guy weakly called and i stood up from the strength i had left and kicked him.

"ashton it's chole." i said and un-taped him and un-blindfolded him.

"chole oh my god." he said crying himself the nile river. 

"chole watch out!" ashton screamed and threw my fists back hitting the guy in the nose.

"here let me tie the blocks around his ankle." i said, what else could we do? i wasn't letting this guy go. one person down, better for me. 

ashton held down the guy as i tied the ropes and cement blocks on his ankle.

"what's your name?" 

"paul." he groaned and i smiled.

"bye bye paul." i said and me and ashton threw him into the lake and we high fived each other.

"oh ashton." i said and hugged him, my emotions suddenly went threw the door and straight into my heart.

"we're gonna die aren't we?" i sobbed and he patted my head, "i hope not." he said i hugged him tighter.

"we should find the others, i'm not walking around this place by myself for a minute longer."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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