No promises!

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Damon's POV

Liv wanted to talk to everyone. Things got a little.....or a whole lot heated. Nobody was left in the living room, but Stefan, Liv and I.

After a while, Stef and Liv cleared some things up between them. I couldn't help but be nervous since I knew that she'd probably want to talk to me, too.

I felt a bit relieved when my brother left the room and it was only her and I. I tried lightening up the mood.

"Am I in trouble? " I smirked.

She turned to me with a smile. I looked over every inch of her gorgeous face and savoured the small, quiet moment between us.

"No, I just want to talk. " she shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes, "About what? " I accused.

If she was gonna try to make me leave her alone again, well then she better have a Plan B!

She sighed, "Us. " she told me calmly.

Ugh! I knew it!

I rolled my eyes, "Didn't we already have this talk? " I said, sarcastically.

I stood up and started walking around the room, pretending to be interested in the paintings and books on the walls.

"You tell me to stay away from you- I ignore start going out with 'Kev'! " I mocked harshly, turning to look at her.

She looked down and sighed.

"Is that the talk that you wanna have, Liv? " I spat with a frown on my face.

She took a deep breath and stood as well.

"No, Damon. " she shook her head, finally speaking.

She didn't continue, so I raised an eyebrow at her and silently asked her to elaborate.

"I want us to start over, " she started and took a deep breath again.

"I want us to go back to the way we were when all of this drama was nonexistent.........I want to be your friend, I want us to hang out and have fun like we used to without having to worry that you'll snap my brother's neck! " she scolded, harshly.

I looked down ashamed.

"I don't want my relationship with Kevin to affect the way that we act with each other. I want everyone to be happy..... " she trailed off.

I looked up at her confused. She took a deep breath and continued again.

"Elena, Stefan, my, " she bit her lip nervously, "I just think that everyone will be slightly happier if you and I were just friends. " she finished with a sigh.

I looked at her dumbfounded. She wanted us to be what?!

I couldn't even picture myself not wanting to be with her. We haven't known each other for long....but I feel like we've known each other forever. It's weird. Usually I wouldn't have cared and just accepted her wishes but I didn't want to.

I took a sec to think about this, just staring at the ground....she was right. Everyone would be a lot happier if we just decided to be friends and enjoy each other.

"I-" I cut myself off.

She stepped closer to me, "Damon.... " she silently begged me to agree with her wishes.

I sighed, "Okay.... " I agreed hesitantly.

Her face broke out into a smile, "Thank you. " she breathed quietly.

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