An unlikely companionship

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Olivia's POV

The school day was finally over! I was walking to my car right now. Damon hadn't tried to talk to me again. It hurt like hell to tell him to stay away from me, but it had to be done. Damon had to see that he couldn't have both, my sister and I. He chose Elena. He has to stand by her and forget about me. The thought of losing Damon hurt me physically, but it's the only way I'll be able to move on. Rebekah really enjoyed the classes and I'm glad. She didn't really have that great of a life. I'm happy she's finally enjoying her time on earth.

I was about to open my car door, but then I heard groaning. I turned and looked around the parking lot. There was nobody here. I saw a shed behind the school. The sound was coming from there. I jogged to the shed and looked around. I saw nothing. Just me being paranoid. I turned back around and saw Katherine crawling out from behind a stack of boxes. I took in her appearance. She had on all black clothing and heels with huge curls. She had a stake stabbed through her stomach. I immediately rushed over to her.

"Katherine! Oh god, are you okay? " I asked worriedly.

She gave a small scoff and looked up at me, still in pain, "Do I look like I'm okay? "

I frowned. This girl needed a serious attitude adjustment! I stood up and walked away. If she didn't want my help....then fine by me!

I heard her shift on the floor, "Wait! " I stopped, but didn't face her. She sighed, "I'm sorry. Can you please help? " she asked me, reluctantly.

I turned around and smirked at her. I hated it when people were rude and ungrateful. It's something that I got from Elijah. He was very big on manners ;it was the reason him and Nik hardly got along. That was Elijah. He was so prim and proper that I have never seen him wear something other than a suit! So weird.

I knelt beside her again, "That's better." I commented. She glared at me, but I ignored her glare, "I need to pull this out. " I said, putting my hands around the stake in her stomach.

She rolled her eyes, "I know! " she groaned. "Just do it! "

I took a deep breath and then yanked on the stake, pulling it out of Katherine. She gasped in pain and panted. I stood up and stuck my hand out for her. She looked at me for a moment, before taking it and letting me pull her up.

Once she was steady I let go of her, "What happened? " I breathed. I just realized that I had no clue how this happened to her!

She sighed, "Mikael happened. " she growled, angrily.

My head snapped up to look at her. Mikael was here? At my school? What the hell was he doing here? Why would he attack Katherine?!

"What happened? " I repeated. The vague answers were getting annoying.

She sighed deeply, " He thought I was you. He was gonna kidnap me, but once he found out it was didn't go well. " she explained, standing up straight.

I frowned, "Why would Mikael want to kill you? " I asked curiously.

She folded her arms over her chest, "Back in Mystic Falls.....I kinda helped Damon, Elena and Stefan to kill Klaus....but it backfired and Klaus killed him instead. " she drawled, nonchalant.

My eyes went wide. I know that Katherine hates Nik. She ran from him for 500 years, because she didn't want to die in the doppelganger sacrifice. Instead, she turned herself into a vampire....but I still hated that she tried to kill Nik.

"You what?! " I yelled, throwing my hands in the air.

She sighed deeply again, "Ugh! I was sick of running, okay? " she tried defending herself.

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