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Four padded walls

Three shades of white

24 scars along your right arm, 29 on your left

One straightjacket

One pane of two-way glass

Five letters engraved in your skin

One name repeating in your head

Karma Akabane

You gritted your teeth, hidden underneath the metal muzzle secured around your lower face to keep you from lashing out at the guards again. It was pathetic, really, to be caged and trapped like a feral animal and called crazy when you were the sanest in the asylum.


The word burned in your brain and you suppressed the churning waves of bile in your stomach from spewing from your mouth. Rocking on your lower back slightly, your eyes slowly glanced around the room once more. Your skin scratched against the rough fabric of the straight jacket, which was littered with unfamiliar stains from previous patients. The room was filled with a sickly humidity that clung to your skin, making it almost impossible to move. You knew if you looked into a mirror you would have been disgusted at your appearance, all matted and unsterile. You wondered when you last took a shower, the musty air smelling like your own stench and clotting blood.

You sniffled slightly, glancing at the white metal door that was your only means of escape. The clean, sterile surface seemed to laugh mockingly at you as it stood silently, a reminder of your current situation. You had tried everything, begging, screaming, pleading, anything that you thought would help you escape this god-forbidden place.

But no one ever came.



They never stopped, the loud and eerie pleas filling your ears every time you tried to sleep. It wasn't easy trying to be at peace when you're surrounded by people that would rather kill you than help you. Grunting in annoyance, you shuffled further under the thin blanket, it's scratchy fabric brushing your straightjacket form. The screams had become your everyday nightmare, leaving you with tormented thoughts of deranged killers which haunted your dreams at night. When the screams wouldn't subside, you whimpered slightly, burying your face into the cot's mattress.

You were terrified, the darkness seeming to hide monsters as you felt each second trickle past. Your heart leaped in your chest, and you feared to turn around in the small cot, in case a monster from hell would pull you into insanity. Your breathing went rapid, and you squeezed your eyes shut, wishing that this was just some twisted nightmare. You prayed that someone, anyone would stop-

It went silent.

And for the first time, you wished the noise back.

The silence was deafening in a sense, leaving you with a sense of dread as you could only stare against your padded wall. Seconds trickled by without any noise, each breath you took feeling like it would be your last. The hair on the back of your neck prickled, and you knew immediately someone was watching you.

This can't be happening, please don't let it be him-

"Hello, (Y/N)-chan~"

Screaming, you whipped around, expecting for the redhead to actually be standing in the room with you.

But there was nothing.

Glancing around the room, you saw no sign of the cruel sadist, just the darkness and silence that shrouded your form. Throwing the blanket back, you leaped over the cot, desperate to find the source of your paranoia. But there was nothing. No sadistic murderer, no teasing calls, and no screams.

Moments passed, and you cursed your mind for playing tricks on you. You breathed a sigh of relief, turning to go back to the security of the thin sheet.

Your foot touched something sticky.

Freezing immediately, you glanced around, already feeling the need to dry heave as the wet fluid coated your foot. Swallowing harshly, you looked down at your foot. Blood seeped around the floor, leaving your foot imprints as you walked around the soaked surface. Your eyes widened in terror, and you almost fainted at the smell. The smell was awful, it reeked of rotting flesh and clotting veins. It was the smell of death. It was everywhere, oozing, clotting, coating every surface until all you could see was red. Screaming, you stumbled around the room, trying to escape this hellish nightmare that you were surrounded in.

You almost fainted when you tripped over the body.

Your hands met flesh, and a sickening crunch sounded. Reku's blue eyes stared into your own, his mutilated fingers surrounding him in shredded heaps. Maggots infested his form, crawling out of his ears and nose cavity, and flies swamped his blood coated head. He has begun to rot, flesh falling off of his form in clumps, revealing dirtied bones that were coated in dried blood.

Tears streamed down your face, and you tried to move away, but your hand was stuck in his chest cavity. His lungs, dry from abandonment, pressed against your hand. You almost retched when his head turned towards you, a centipede crawling out of his mouth. His sunken eyes stared into your own fear filled ones. A sickening smirk adorned his rotting lips, which were grey and dotted with clumps of clotted blood.

"You did this to me, (Y/n)."

He rasped, tongue falling out of his head and onto your lap. You were frozen with fear, unable to move as you could only stare at the monster before you.

"You did this to me, and now you have to pay for it."

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry!"

You screamed, the guilt of his death becoming unbearable as you could only sob out of pity. His body began to spasm, his organs swelling until they began to burst, coating you with goo that you didn't even want to think about where it came from. The world was dark, with shadows playing with your vision, and Reku fading into the concrete. Blood washed around you like a river, swirling down an invisible drain until nothing was left.

It was as it never happened.

It was only you, sobbing on the padded floor, weeping over the events that had just occurred. The screams had started up again, as they always have, but all you could hear were your hoarse breaths. The only thing that was coursing through your mind was the way Reku looked at you before he sank back to the hellish place he resided in.

"Maybe I am going crazy."


Hello!!!! I'm back!!! I hope you like the first chapter, I always like to make it short (evil I know haha), comment on what you think about it! Don't forget to vote! Don't worry, our favorite red-haired sadist will show up once again~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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