The Newbies

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It was another meaningless Saturday of training in the white room under the gym.

Mitch was now talking about how some more new people were going to show up to help us out with our skills and such. Everyone else, but me were listening.

It's not that I wasn't trying to follow with what he was saying it was just that all the events that were occurring around me had me wondering who I should and should not trust or listen to.

Call me silly, but I just couldn't shake off the feeling that I was in a Sherlock Holmes Movie or something. I couldn't tell if I was Sherlock or the victim who's murdered.

Either way, something was going on and someone wasn't to be trusted.

I'm starting to feel like that someone is Mitch. It's like the closer we get to each other, there's something always in the way.

This time, that something is either this stupid army and some guy named Luscious.

Maybe I'm all wrong though because that hybrid did say, 'Also, just to tell you sweetcheeks- you shouldn't trust everyone you meet', but he could have been trying to get into my head.

'Which he's already doing' Sophie, oh-so-graciously pointed out in my time of stress.

At this point, I didn't even know if I should be in tears from being so scared, or just plain angry because everything in my life was just so messed up.

All this shouldn't have happened to me. Why me Moon Goddess? How come you couldn't just let Lyndon not be a jerk and allowed him to just want to be with me?

Then, I wouldn't have met Mitch and I wouldn't even have had to worry about the fact that I kissed my best friends mate.

My mother would be happy.

Luna would be happy.

Alpha would be happy.

Sophie would be happy.

And I. Would. Be. Happy.

But no. My life will never stay that simple.

"Avalon!" I jumped hearing Lyndon's thundering voice echo through the room.

'When did he get in here?' I shook my head and shrugged.

"What's wrong?" I looked up to Lyndon and furrowed my brows. He grabbed ahold my hands and it was then when I could see my claws piercing through my very pale skin.

My wolf was coming out and I hadn't even noticed.

"Are you okay?" I slowly nodded allowing my claws to sink back in.

He gave me one last worried glance before running back over to Callie's side.

"Are you sure?" Mitch questioned one last time by my side and I smiled. I tried as hard as I could to block away my thoughts from before, and I nodded once again reassuringly.

Everyone including Trina, Kale, and Callie gave me worried glances before trailing their eyes back over to Mitch who was halfway to the secret door.

I could here a faint, "come in" just after he opened the door.

About ten people or so walked in the room. Most of which had black hair and blue orbs for eyes. The rest had a mixture of ginger and brown hair with a collection of yellow and dark brown eyes.

You could tell that about half of them were vamps while the others were werewolves, like us.

"Okay guys so I know this is a lot of people to fit in this small space, but we're just going to have to make it work. We still have some people missing so we'll be pretty packed" Mitch trailed, "Most of these people are training like us or are already trained and teaching us. So lets all be nice to one another down here because whether we like it or not, we're all going to be like one big happy family, so let's begin to partner up"

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