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"Beep, Beep, Beep" Is all I hear, waking up slightly. Well, I can hear everything, I just don't want to open my eyes yet. I also can't feel my body. I try opening my eyes but they wouldn't open.

After at least ten minutes of trying they finally pry open. I then realise why I can't feel my body. Isla and Svea lay to the right side of me with Reese my other. All of the guys sat on chairs around my bed, most of them with their heads on the bed. Except Zach who curled up at the end of the bed, half laying on my legs. Well, he was really cuddling with my leg with his body between my legs, his head resting on my stomach. I look over, finding Jonah holding my left hand as he rests his head beside our intertwined hands, facing them.

At the end of the bed, all the parents and other siblings were found, sitting on multiple different chairs while they slept. I notice that this is supposed to be a double room but because of how many people there are, it's just us. I smile, trying to find the time. A nurse suddenly walks in, jumping back a bit seeing all the people in here. I chuckle lightly.

"it's good to see you are awake, how are you feeling?" She asks, staying near the door.

"I'm alright" I croak, barely above audible. "What is the time?" I ask.

"Almost 9 in the morning. Make sure you rest okay and keep the breathing tubes in as a precaution. I will be back at 10 to check in again." She smiles, leaving the room. I smile, continuing to look around the room at everyone. I feel movement on my right arm, meaning either Isla or Svea are waking up. I look over, noticing Svea waking up. I smile at her as her eyes flutter open. I shh softly but not quite in time for her to yell.

"Indi, Indi. You're awake" she yells, causing many people to jump up, startled and afraid. They all look over, noticing I was awake. The only people that didn't wake up are Reese and all the guys. They stayed sound asleep.

Everyone said hello and asked how I was. Most went home except the Herron family and my own. They were waiting for Reese to wake while my family were waiting for me to tell them what happened. I remember a lot of it but there are patches that need filling. Hopefully, the guys will be able to fill them in once they wake up. I lightly rub Reeses head, hoping she will quietly wake up. To my luck, she does, not waking anyone else. The Herron's then go home after I thank Myta for helping the boys when she was on the phone with them. I notice Zach stir a bit, frowning. I rub his head, calming him down. I start to feel myself drift off to sleep again, letting myself rest.

"How is she?" Someone asks the voice masculine.

"She's okay. She wouldn't tell us what happened though." A feminine voice replies. I can link that one instantly to mum. But I couldn't tell who the other voice was.

"It's my fault. I should have stopped Jamie and not let her do what she did" The male voice sighs, instantly letting me know it is Daniel. I keep my eyes closed, listening to what he says.

"Jamie got really needy and I give in to all of her wants, even if it was doing it with her every day for nearly all day. I tried to tell her that we should get out of the house and find a hotel but she wouldn't let me leave the room. It got to the point where she locked me in my own room. The guys left the house, moving between all their parents' houses." He let out a big breathe. " Zach called me to tell me Jonah had given Indi a commitment ring. I was happy and excited for her but Jamie wasn't. She went on about how Indi didn't deserve it. Zach heard but told Indi she was happy so she didn't worry or anything. When Indi and Jonah come home, none of the guys was at home, only Jamie and I. I don't know what happened but Corbyn said she was upset and the whole incident with Jamie and I wasn't helping. I also found out Jamie had been stealing Indi's bras to make her boobs seem bigger. On top of that Jamie had bad-mouthed Indi." He stops, his voice was shaky.

I Had To Fall For Him (Why Don't We)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant