Hearts may get broken

Love endures

Hearts may get broken

Love endures

And soon as you submit

Surrender flesh and bone

That love takes on a life

Much bigger than your own

It uses you at whim

And drives you to despair

And forces you to feel

More joy than you can bear

Love gives you pleasure

And love brings you pain

And yet when both are gone

Love will still remain

Once it has spoken

Love is yours

Love never dies

Love never alters

Hearts may get broken

Love endures

Hearts may get broken

Love never dies

Love will continue

Love keeps on beating

When you're gone

Love never dies

Once it is in you

Life may be fleeting

Love lives on

Life may be fleeting

Love lives on"

Everyone clapped for her and Sierra smiled and did a little curtsy. "That was wonderful, Sierra." Andrew complimented. "Norm, can you show Sierra around backstage, please?"

He nodded and swept Sierra away. He showed her everything backstage and her dressing room was huge. They sat down on the couch and Norm started talking. "So are you excited?"

"I'm terrified." She admitted with a laugh.

"You have nothing be be scared about, though. We all watched Phantom 25 and you and Ramin were amazing." He thought for a second. "Jeremy, Polly, and I are going out to dinner. Would you like to come?"

"Won't I be intruding on your get together?" Sierra wasn't sure.

"Nonsense. You're part of the company now. You're already in the family." Norm insisted.

"Alright, I guess I'll go." She smiled.

So hours later, Sierra was slipping into skinny jeans, a big purple sweater, and a circle scarf for dinner. It was just the beginning of Winter so it was freezing outside, and Sierra didn't want to be cold.

It was still an hour before Norm would pick her up but she wanted to be ready. Sierra was just finishing her makeup and hair when their was a knock at the door. She was confused. "Hold on!" She called, putting down whatever it was she was holding.

She ran to the door to see Ramin standing there, leaning against the doorframe. "Hello Sierra." He said in a fake British accent.

Sierra pretended to swoon. "Just when I thought he couldn't get any better, he gets a British accent!" She laughed and invited him in. "Where are your kids?"

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