Chapter 19 The Legend Of Planet Nekoto

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         The master of the warewolves fell over. "You can't kill me." It said. "I already did." Matt said as he fired one more bullet into its face to finish it off. "Matt, did it! You killed the master of the warewolves!" Jack exclaimed into the head set. "So I have" Matt said with an ege to his voice.

    "I'm so sorry Matt" Jack said. "It's ok, you never did anything." Matt said. "No. It's my fault, if I never--" Jack got cut off by Matt. "No, it was not your fault, If you never sent us both, maybe your whole planet would be destroyed. Niko died a hero. My hero." Matt said. He started to cry. Jack wished he was there to comfort him.

      "Jack, do you want to see if I can salvage any of there things?" Matt asked. "Only if you want to Matt" Jack said. Matt walked over to where the reactor core was. Now it was just a heap of scrap metal.

    "Hey Matt, look over there, to your left, there is a chest" Jack said. Matt turned to the left, and saw a locked chest. "It's locked" Jack said. "I can see that" Matt said. "Let me try to blow it open with the blaster" Matt said. "Ok Matt, just be careful." Jack said.

Matt took out his blaster, and backed away a couple of feet. He aimed the blaster at the lock, and fired it. The lock fell off. "Good going Matt, now open it" Jack said. Matt walked over to the chest, and when he opened it, it was only a small stone in it.

"It's nothing Jack, it's just a rock." Matt said. "Just hold on Matt, yes it is just a rock, but why is it locked away in a chest?" Jack asked. "Good point" Matt said. "Should I scan it?" Matt asked. "Sure go ahead"

Matt scanned the rock, and Jack got the results. "No way!" Jack screamed. "Huh? What is it?" Matt asked. "I can't believe it!" Jack yelled. "Ok Jack, what is it?"

"This rock is from an ancient planet! Planet Nekoto!" Jack exclaimed. "So it's worth a lot of money?" Matt asked. "It's better than that, well if the legend is true" Jack said. "Legend....what legend?" Matt asked.

"Well long ago, before the planet exploded, they say if you take that very stone, and put it on a dead neko, it will bring them back to life" as soon as Jack said that, Matt ran to Niko who was dead on the floor.

"I hope the legend is true" Jack thought to himself.

Matt ran to Niko. "Ok what do I do?!" Matt yelled. "Ok Matt, put the stone over his ears" Jack told him. Matt did as he was told, but almost dropped the stone, because his hands where shaking. "Take you time Matt" Jack told him.

   "Now put it over his nose, and that should be it" Jack said, and Matt did as he was told.

   Matt waited and waited. "It's....its...not working" Matt said. And he started to cry. "Darn. I'm so sorry son." Jack said. Matt cried his eyes out. "Why it did not work?!" Matt yelled out loud. Matt cried even more.

    "Matt? Why are you crying?" A familiar voice said. Matt turned around and saw Niko looking at him.


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