Seto vs Yugi Part One

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I woke up to see it was morning and my head was hurting. I then remembered what happened last night. Nikki...she called out for me and I couldn't help her! I have to saver her and Mokuba. I grabbed my briefcase and made my way towards the castle.
"Ah, Kaiba, I thought after our little talk last night you would have left," I heard the goon from last night say. He walked over. "You're coming with me, Kaiba," he said. I grabbed his arm pulling him forward before I elbowed his ribs and flipped him to the ground. I then picked him up the collar.
"No, actually, you're coming with me, and getting me into that castle so I can save Mokuba and Nikki," I stated.
I looked around the next morning, Nikki hadn't come back yet and I was worried. I kept getting a bad feeling. As we moved around to look for her, we got trapped in a cave, had to battle a kid name Bones, Bandit Keith was there and wasn't happy when Joey wont he duel. Then we had to keep going through the cave where we met Para and Dox. I duel alongside Joey and won. We finally made it out of the cave where I saw Pegasus' castle. I keep having the feeling that Pegasus took Nikki. If so, then hang on, Nik, I'll save you and Grandpa.
I woke up to hear whimpering from Mokuba. I held him to me and hummed the song I sang last night making him calm down. I looked at my wrist and arm that was kinda irritating me. I had gotten burned when I grabbed my deck after dueling Panik. There were also bruises from Kemo when I was brought here. I looked at Mokuba who was waking up with a sad expression.
"Sweetie, it's going to be okay. Seto will save us," I told him.
"I just want Seto back. I had a dream that Pegasus took big brother's soul...can he do that?" Mokuba asked me. I frowned remembering my grandpa.
"Yes, I'm afraid so, sweetie," I told him. He started to cry harder and I held him. "Going fast makes me feel alive. My heart beats in hyper drive. Do you think you can win? Only if lose. Just let destiny choose. I can hear you breathing. I can see you coming. I can feel the wind. It's blowing me around. Take a shot at me runnin' side by side. It's a I go by. I can hear breathing. I can see you coming. I can feel the wind. It's blowing me around. See the sun arise. Fire in the sky. Greatness thrust itself into our lives," I sang softly for him. Mokuba calmed down and gave a small smile.
"Do you really think Seto's coming?" He asked me.
"I know he is, Yugi too. Just don't give up hope, Mokuba. We will get out of this somehow," I told him. I kept thinking about my friends, they must be worried about me. Later on Mokuba told me about his story. His brother practically had to raise him on his own because their parents died when they were really young. It made me respect Seto more for how much he cares for his brother. I then remembered how Seto tried to protect me last night. He actually cares about me. I couldn't help but smile at that. Seto, please hurry.
I finally made it inside with the man Kemo leading me. We were now in an area that looked like a dungeon.
"I thought I told you to take me to the dungeon, this is endless," I said.
"These tunnels are honeycombed throughout the island, you'd be lost down here for years without me," Kemo said.
"Don't get any ideas," I warned. He just scoffed at my threat. He may think I'm bluffing, but I'm far from it.
"Listen, slim. I'm bigger and stronger than you are, you only go the jump on me because you snuck up and took me by surprise. Hey, what's to stop me from spinning around right now and knocking you out? At least the girl didn't put up that much of a fight," Kemo provoke. I felt my fists clench. I turned him and grabbed his collar.
"If you've touched Nikki or Mokuba, I'll drop you where you stand, got it?" I growled.
"Heh, well, when you put it that way, I'll help you find them and I swear I never laid a hand on the girl," he told me. Tsk, coward. He then got back to leading to where my brother and Nikki are. "If you want to find the girl and your brother, I suggest you find them before security shows up," Kemo advised. I wanted to stay and beat him to a pulp, but Nikki and Mokuba need me more. I ran down the hall calling out their names for a few minutes.
"SETO!" I heard two people call out. I some men came running my way and I hid.
"He couldn't have gone far. Put guards around the cell, he'll show up," one of the men ordered. The fools then ran to where the cell was. Idiots are leading me right to Mokuba and Nikki. I then saw about five men as I reached the area. I took them all out one at a time and went to the cell they were at. I found Mokuba and Nikki huddled to a wall. Nikki's arms looked horrible, covered with bruises and a burn on her wrist and some places on her arm, they looked infected from being down here.
"Mokuba? Nikki?" I asked. Their eyes shot over to me and they stood up with smiles. Mokuba tried to come to the door but the chains on his ankles held him back. Nikki placed a hand on his shoulder.
"How did you find us, Seto?" Nikki asked me.
"Doesn't matter, I just need to get the both of you out of here, and get you to a doctor," I told her. I saw that her hand was clutching the necklace I gave her. I couldn't help but let a small smile show. I started picking the lock until I heard an annoyingly familiar voice.
"Well, well, well, the Kaiba brothers together again. I knew nothing would stop you from getting here," Pegasus said. He just stood there wearing a sinister smirk. I felt anger boil in my blood making want to kill him.
"I should kill you for what you did to them," I glared.
"Don't be ridiculous, Kaiba-Boy. My dungeon, my realm, my castle. The only one who makes threats here is me," he told me. A bright light shown and I heard Mokuba's cry for help.
"MOKUBA!" Nikki cried. I looked over, he was lying face down, motionless. Nikki held him and cried.
"You monster, what have you done to him!?" I growled.
"Just a little magic trick. I have ensured your cooperation, for you see his soul has been sent to the Shadow Realm and there he will remain until you beat me in a duel," Pegasus told me.
"You're mad! Duel with you, fine, I'll do anything!" I exclaimed in desperation.
"Not so fast, first you must beat Yugi in a duel. If you don't win, Mokuba stay locked away forever," he told me. I looked at Mokuba...I have to get him back.
"For now...I have no choice, but to play your little game. But on one condition," I told him.
"That is?"
"Nikki comes with me," I glared. He nodded and had Nikki come out. He then handcuffed us together. We then left and Nikki was wiping her tears away. I grabbed her hand. "Nikki?"
"I'm fine, just worried for Mokuba," she told me. I pulled her to me.
"I will save him and I'll keep you safe," I told her. To make it a promise, I kissed her forehead. Let's just say I think she looks cute in the shades of red. We then went to the front of the castle and waited for the others.
"Man, you'd think someone as rich as Pegasus would put in an elevator," I heard the mutt say as they made it up. Nikki smiled hearing them.
"Hey guys, look. You wouldn't believe whose blocking our way into the castle," Taylor told them. They looked up and saw me.
"It's Kaiba!" Yugi exclaims. He looked over and saw Nikki making him grin and hug her. "I was worried," he told her.
"Sorry...ran into a little trouble," she answered.
"What the heck is he doing here?" Mutt asked annoyed. They all ignored Joey.
"I can't let you pass, Yugi," I said.
"I've won ten star chips. So stand aside," Yugi told me.
"You may be won enough star chips to qualify for the Duelist Kingdom play-offs, Yugi, but I can't allow you to face Pegasus. He's mine. You and I are going to have one final duel, you will lose and I will win. The winds of change are blowing, Yugi Moto," I said to him. Nikki looked torn, help her brother or help me.
"He's so smug up there!" Tea said disgusted.
"Step aside, Kaiba," Yugi told me again.
"Not until you agree to duel me," I said.
"I'm not dueling you, I don't have too," Yugi refused.
"So, no longer confident your so called 'heart of the cards' can help you win? Or are you afraid you can't beat me without Exodia? That's it isn't it, Yugi? You're just afraid you can't beat me a second time, you coward," I said mockingly. I noticed Nikki frowning sadly at me which made even me want to take the remark back.
"You back off! He doesn't have to prove anything!" Tea shouted at him. The mutt growls at me.
"You wanna duel, smart mouth? I'll take ya, come on, lets duel!" Joey said. I just laugh at him. "Don't laugh!"
"Joey, don't boy!" Taylor says helping Bakura hold the mutt back.
"Don't forget when you battle him before, he smothered you!" Bakura said making the dog calm down.
"Like you could do any better," Tea said to Bakura and Tristen. They both smiled sheepishly.
"Ha! I can't believe that little barking Chihuahua already has ten star chips. Did you earn them yourself or did Yugi throw you a few bones?" I mocked.
"Seto..." Nikki glared.
"Don't call me a Chihuahua!" Joey growled. I just laughed again.
"Don't let him snap his chain. There's no challenge in humiliating you again. There's only one player who's ever beaten me at Duel Monsters and that's Yugi. Yugi, you said you won by tapping into the heart of the cards. After a long time I didn't know what that meant, but now, I think I do. And it took Pegasus to show me," I then picked up his duel locket and necklace. I then looked at the photo of Mokuba. "He gave me a reason to put my heart in the cards," I said. I looked at Nikki and then thought of Mokuba. I then looked back at Yugi. "For the first time, Yugi, I can duel with fire and passion in my heart," I told him. Yugi looked at me
"I can feel it," I heard him say.
"Yugi, you can't accept this duel!" Bakura exclaims.
"You've already earned enough star chips to get into the castle," Tea said to him.
"I've change. I deserve a rematch. Give me a chance to play you now, Yugi. Let me play you for the right reasons," I said to him. This time I truly am fighting for the right reason, I'm fighting to free my little brother and keep the girl I've come to care deeply for safe. I then noticed Yugi's puzzle glow making him change a little.
"Kaiba, I accept your duel. We'll see what you've really learned. You just name the place," Yugi told me. I smirked.
"Yugi, no..." Nikki tried to stop him, but I interrupted her.
"Our dueling field has been prepared. Follow me," I then led them to where we would be dueling.
"Seto, please, don't do this," Nikki pleaded.
"I have to," I told her.
"No you don't. We can help you..."
"I don't want your help!" I snapped. She looked at me with sadness and shock. I practically saw jolt of heartbreak in her eyes. I sighed and kept going regretting what I told her.
"Alright, Kaiba. It's time to duel," Yugi said to me.
"Yugi, here's the deal. We'll each wager five star chips on this duel and the winner will be the only one who earns the right to enter the main castle," I said to him. We threw our star chips into the middle. "We'll use my Duel Disk system. Insert your shuffled deck into the card recognition slot. Life points set automatically at 2000." He followed what I said then.
"Take him! You did it once, Yugi! So we know that you can do it again!" The mutt shouted making the other two brunettes agree.
"Alright, are you ready to duel, Kaiba?" Yugi asked.
"This is it, Yugi. Whoever wins faces Pegasus and whoever loses, well, you'll be left a broken man," I said to him.
"We'll see who gets broken, Kaiba! I will defeat you once and for all!" Yugi told me.
(Seto-2000, Yugi-2000)
"Stand back and prepare for battle!" I spins my disk. "I play Ryu-Kishin (1600 ATK) in attack mode," I said to him. It's then four cards appear around me.
"Look! The cards!" The girl said.
"On your guard," Yugi spins next. "I play Curse of Dragon (2000 ATK) in attack mode," Yugi said.
"Well done. A formidable card, Yugi and a play I would expect from a duelist of your caliber," I told him.
"Don't patronize me," Yugi said annoyed.
"Yugi, I know from playing you you're a talented duelist, but you're just not as good as I am. Listen up, only one duelist is going to challenge Pegasus and that's me!" I told him.
"Wrong!" Yugi refused.
"Then attack and find out. What's the matter, Yugi? No faith in your monster?" I taunted.
"You'll see. He's mightier than yours. Go, Curse of Dragon! Attack Ryu-Kishin! Dragon Flame!" Yugi ordered. The flame then erupts from the dragon's mouth and destroys my monster.
(Seto-1600, Yugi-2000)
"You're good, but you're also predictable. Don't you think I expected that attack? And once again you've played right into my hands, Yugi," I said to him.
"He's bluffing! You've already got Kaiba on the ropes! Go, Yugi!" Mutt cheered.
"It's not a bluff as you will soon see," I played the Sword Stalker (2000 ATK) in attack mode. "Sword Stalker gathers the life force of a fallen ally raising his own attack power by twenty percent. Watch," I said. It's then the Sword Stalkers attack points became 2400...strong enough to destroy Curse of Dragon. "Attack now Sword Stalker! Vengeance strike!" I ordered. My monster went to attack but Curse of Dragon disappears. "What? You're Curse of Dragon disappeared!" I said shocked.
"That's because I laid a monster replace magic card on the field. This card switches the monster on the field with the monster in my hand with the highest attack power. And you know what that means. The creature with the highest attack power in my hand is the Dark Magician. Dark Magic attack!" Yugi ordered as his Dark Magician appeared. The Dark Magician did his attack and destroyed Sword Stalker.
(Seto-1500, Yugi-2000)
"The Dark Magician vanquishes your Sword Stalker," Yugi said.
"Alright! Hey, Kaiba, Yugi put the moves on you again!" The dog grinned.
"Clueless. If those fools only knew what I have in store," I murmur.
"Now I can play Curse of Dragon in attack mode! Your move, Kaiba!" Yugi said as his dragon appeared. I pulled my disk back making my cards disappear.
"I'll take on your magic with a magician of my own! I summon La Jinn, the Mystical Genie (1800 ATK)!" I said. My genie then appears. "My wish is his command," I said. Yugi then sends his Dark Magician in to attack.
"You're attack activates my trap! The Ancient Lamp! First it protects my Genie by drawing him into the lamp," I told him.
"What?!" Yugi was stunned.
"Then the lamp deflects your attack turning it back on your monsters," I said as the attack destroys Curse of Dragon. "Which lowers your score equal to mine. Reflect upon me incredible defensive power of my ancient lamp." I said.
(Seto-1500, Yugi-1500)
Yugi pulls his disk back, sets another card, and throws it back out.
"My deflective attack may have destroyed my Curse of Dragon, but still have the Dark Magician. Kaiba, for all you're bragging the score is tied. We're evenly matched," Yugi told him. Huh, Yugi doesn't expect so far that my maneuvers, clever as they are, are all just ploys to distract him from my real plan. To assemble all three Blue Eyes in my deck and create a monster more powerful than anything he's ever seen. When combined they create the ultimate creature of destruction, the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
"This is way too intense," I heard Taylor say.
"Remember, Tristen, Yugi beat Kaiba once before," Bakura reminded.
"I'd like to beat Kaiba alright," I heard the mutt say.
"What's with Kaiba anyway?" Gardner asked.
"What's the matter, Yugi? You look a bit worried. Finally realizing that without your precious Exodia cards that you don't stand a chance against me?" I taunted
"I won't need Exodia to defeat you, Kaiba!" Yugi tells me.
"If I keep drawing cards like this you will. I arm my Genie with the De-Spell card. The De-Spell card can deactivate any magic card and that's a loss I'm quite sure you can't afford, Yugi," I said playing the card. It's then Yami's Sword of Revealing Light is destroyed. "That's a tough loss, Yugi. Your swords could've paralyzed my monsters for three turns, but I guess you'll just lose three turns soon," I told him.
"Ha, don't count on it, Kaiba," Yugi smirked.
"That Genie's big trouble, but as long as he has the lamp to hide in, Yugi can't touch him," Bakura said.
"Is there any way to destroy the lamp?" Gardner asked. Yugi then summoned his Dark Magician.
"I'm surprised you put your magician at risk, Yugi, but you have no idea what I have in store for you," I told him.
"Then perhaps before I attack I'll have to see what you're planning for yourself," Yugi then plays his Eye of Truth magic card. "So called because the Eye of Truth knows all, sees all, and it will reveal every card in your hand," Yugi told him. Seto's cards flip around revealing De-Spell, Ancient Lamp, Saggi the Dark Clown, and his Blue Eyes White Dragon. "What's this? You've got a Blue Eyes White Dragon in your hand but you haven't played it?" Yugi asked.
"You can always count on Kaiba to have a Blue Eyes White Dragon or three up his sneaky slimy sleeves," the mutt said.
"Kaiba sure loves his Blue Eyes," Taylor said.
"Three Blue Eyes White Dragons? That's got to be near enough impossible for Yugi to beat!" Bakura exclaimed.
"Yeah, well, Yugi's beaten three Blue Eyes before and he'll do it again!" Gardner cheers confidently. Yugi may have glimpsed the Blue Eyes in my hand, but I doubt even he can suggest what I'm planning. Because it's never been done before, I'm going to take all three of my mighty Blue Eyes White Dragons and fuse them together into one incredible creature of unsurpassed power. The Ultimate Blue Eyes White Dragon.
"So, Yugi, the Monday Magic of your wimpy Eye of Truth allowed you a sneak peak at my hand, but what does it do you? The fact still remains that your Dark Magician can't do anything against my Genie La Jinn. Not while he has his lamp to protect him," I said.
"Then I'll extinguish it! Through the magic of my Mystic Box. Now watch closely, Kaiba as my Dark Magician is sealed inside the box," Yugi smirked.
"A trick?!" I asked shocked.
"It's much more than a mere magic trick, as you're about to find out, Kaiba. Now watch and be amazed as the Mystical Box is skewered," Yugi said as the swords impale the box. "But have I destroyed my own Dark Magician? Or have I magically extinguished your Ancient Lamp just as I promised?" Yugi smirked. It was then Ancient Lamp was destroyed.
"No! You destroyed my Genie's lamp!" I said shocked.
"And the magic's only half done, Kaiba, for my Dark Magician emerges from the Mystic Box unharmed," Yugi added as his Dark Magician appeared.
"But how?" I asked.
"You know a good Magician never reveals his secrets," Yugi said as Dark Magician shook his finger at me. Dark Magician then destroys the Genie.
(Seto-800, Yugi-1500)
"It's just as you said, Kaiba. The Ancient Lamp may have protected your great Genie La Jinn, but once it was destroyed, your Genie was no match for my Dark Magician," Yugi said.
"Your little magic show may have been entertaining, but let's not lose perspective. You know I've got a Blue Eyes waiting in the wings and I know you have nothing that can stand against it," I told him.
"You know nothing, the Eye of Truth showed me your hand. Not the other way around," Yugi told him.
"I don't need to see your hand, but I think you need to be taught a lesson. And I'd be happy to make my next play as painfully instructive," I place my cards and throws the disk. This combination of Saggi the Dark Clown and the Crush Card will help me infect Yugi's life points. "Behold, Saggi the Dark Clone (1500 DEF)," I said. Yugi brings his disk in and sets another card down.
"And he will defeat Saggi once again. Gaia, the Fierce Knight!" Yugi summons. Gaia appears on the field and destroys Saggi. "Your Dark Clown has been vanquished, Kaiba!" He told me.
"Vanquished and sacrificed are different things, Yugi. Look again," I smirked.
"No! What's happening?!" Yugi asked as Gaia was fazing in and out until it was destroyed. "Gaia!" He shouted.
"Not just Gaia, Yugi," I told him.
"No, my Dark Magician! What have you done, Kaiba?!" Yugi growled angrily.
"It's really quite ingenious actually. Knowing that you couldn't resist attacking my Dark Clown I infected him with the Crush Card virus. By destroying the infected Saggi, you released the Crush Card virus. A virus that is so highly contagious in Duel Monsters, that even as I say these words, it is infected all but the weakest cards in your precious dueling deck," I smirked.
"No! My cards!" Yugi exclaimed. I laughed.
"The only monsters that aren't infected by the Crush Card virus are those with an attack power weaker than 1500. Looks like I've broken the heart of your cards, Yugi," I laughed again.
"Well played, but it will take more than a virus to win this duel, Kaiba!" Yugi told him. I chuckled.
"Yes, I expected that it will, Yugi. Actually, I'm really looking forward to subjecting you to a wider way array of debilitating cards," I said.
"Keep talking the talk, big mouthed Kaiba! Just don't forget that Yugi beat you last time!" Mutt reminded.
"Yeah and now Yugi's an even better duelist," Taylor agrees.
"Yes, but last time Seto did have the Crush Card forcing Yugi to play just magic cards and weak monsters," Bakura informed.
"You're kidding? You mean he's only allowed to play magic cards and his wimpy creatures?" Tristen asked.
"He'll still win!" Tea said confidently.
"You're turn, Yugi. Let's see how your diseased written deck serves you now," I said. I then felt Nikki trying to yank the cuff off. I tried to stop her until I heard a yelp escape her lips. She had gotten her hand out, but ended up injuring herself even more. She ran over to her friends then, keeping her back to me. I then noticed Yugi looking at his sister with worry as Bakura bandaged her hand and wrist. She looked at him and nodded. He gave a small nod back. We were going to finish this.

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