Joey vs Rex

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I can't believe I didn't see this coming! And I can't believe it didn't stop that bastard from taking Mokuba. Seto, I promise, I'll find a way to get your brother back. We have been looking for Mokuba for the past couple of hours. I was tired, hungry, and a little dirty. After I was done, I made my way back to the others.
"Anything?" I asked. Everyone gave me a negative response. "This is so messed up. Mokuba is just a little kid," I sighed. Yugi grabbed my hand.
"We'll get him back, Nik. When we save Grandpa, we'll save Mokuba too," he told me. I smiled a little and nodded. I look at Joey and Tristen. Joey sees some duel cards on the ground.
"Awesome! Today must be my lucky day," Joey grinned picking the cards up.
"Hands off! Those are mine!" Tristen said catching us off guard.
"I didn't know you were into Duel Monsters, Tristen," Yugi said.
"Well, I figured if a guy like Joey can hold his own in a game, I'd probably be an expert," Tristen said. I then see Joey pick up a card.
"Whoa, I recognize that monster," Joey said. I looked at it.
"Haven't I seen the card in your deck, Joey?" I asked.
"Not this one, but I think I've got something just like it," he told me. He then looked through his cards. "Bingo! Swamp Battle Guard. Well, would you take a look at this, these two look like they're long lost brothers! Of course that doesn't mean you guy packs the same wallop my guy does," he grinned at Tristen.
"His wallop is just fine! My Lava Battle Guard has never let me down! Try him out, you'll see," Tristen told him.
"Thanks, it does say they work best together," Joey said. Tea smiles.
"You know, I can see the resemblance between you two and those couple of muscle heads," she says. Yugi and I laugh at that.
"Laugh it up, I take that as a compliment!" Joey told the three of us as we laughed. We then made our way to the meadow where we see other duelists.
"Wow, after all the crazy duelists we've been running into, it's nice to see some normal kids for a change," Tea said.
"No! You'll jinx it, Tea! Shush!" I told her making my friends let out small laughs.
"Yeah, how about it, tough guy?" Tristen asked Joey. "Any of these tikes good for you to take on or do you want to go look for some three year olds?" Tristen teased.
"Come on. Be nice. You know Joey's just biting his tongue till he finds a dueling monkey to challenge," Tea teased next making me and Yugi snicker.
"Dueling monkey, nice one!" Tristen praised.
"Who wants some?! Just one more word about dueling monkeys..." Joey was cut off by a laugh. Joey and I frowned.
"Tell that's not who I think it is," Joey and I said together. We looked over and saw Mai.
"How are you, Joseph? Nikki? Glad to see me?" Mai asked.
"Ecstatic," Joey and I said sarcastically.
"So, Joey, are Yugi and Nikki still fighting all your battles for you? Everyone knows that if Nikki and Yugi weren't there to hold your hands you wouldn't have beat me. Isn't that right, Yugi and Nikki?" Mai asked us. I glared at her.
"That's not true!" Yugi and I told her.
"Oh really? Then I propose he steps out of your shadows here and now. If Joey thinks he's so tough, let's see him play for himself," she pointed to Joey. He was shocked as we all were. "I'm waiting, Joey. Think you have the guts to step up and face the duelist I've arranged for you?" Mai asked.
"It's not you?" Joey asked. Mai chuckles and Rex Raptor steps into view.
"I'm dueling on Mai's behalf. Recognize me?" Rex asked.
"Great, dino breath is here," I grumbled.
"Rex Raptor," Yugi said.
"This twerp's supposed to scare me or something?" Joey asked. "I betchya he ain't so tough," Joey said with confidence.
"Don't you remember, Joey? Rex placed second in the regionals," Tea reminded him.
"Well Joey, you gotta ask mama's permission or what?" Mai asked.
"No way! This is my fight!" Joey said.
"Joey!" Tea and Tristen said.
"Really, Joey," Tea said.
"Pick your battles," Tristen agreed.
"Oh and by the way. If little Yugi and Nikki does any of their backseat dueling, the Joey is disqualified and the match automatically goes to Rex," Mai told us. We all gasped. "What do you say, Joey? This is your big chance to prove yourself or are you gonna back out?" Mai asked. Tea tried to tell that she wanted Joey out, but Joey stopped her. He said this was how he wanted it. Joey believes that he wants to battle for himself and prove that he not only got his star chips because of mine and Yugi's help. All his life people were trying to help him because they thought he couldn't do it himself and now he doesn't need to be babied this time.
"You've lost it, Joey! You can believe whatever you want, but I won't just stand here and let you throw your chips away. I hope you guys don't mind, but little Joey won't be coming out to duel today. Maybe once he grows up we can arrange a playdate," Tristen said to Mai and Rex. I frowned at Tristen as I saw Joey growing angrier.
"That's it!" Joey then shoved Tristen.
"Hey, what did you shove me for?" Tristen asked.
"Didn't you just hear what I said, wise guy? I'm tired of everything thinking they have to run to my rescue," Joey told him. I placed a hand on Joey's arm.
"But that's not how it is. Friends look out for each other," I told him.
"Keep out of this, Nikki. You too, Yug. Just let me do what I gotta do," Joey told us. Tristen stood up and narrowed his eyes at Joey.
"Great idea. Do what you've gotta do, even if that means losing the chance to help your sister," Tristen told him.
"Come on, let's just cool off for a sec," Tea said.
"Forget it! If Joey wants to lose, he can do it by himself," Tristen then walks away.
"Tristen!" I called.
"Let him go," Joey told me.
"So trouble in paradise?" Rex asked. I glared at him making him flinch.
"You stay out of this or I'll make you join your extinct friends," I growled. Joey placed a hand on my shoulder making me look at him.
"So, what's it gonna be? You gonna run off with your friend or stay here and act like a real duelist?" Mai smirked. Joey smirked back
"I'm still here, ain't I? Yugi, Nikki, no offence, but I want you two to stay out of this one," Joey said to us. I sighed.
"Okay. Just know that we're fighting right beside you. Fight for your sister," I told him. He nodded at me with a smile.
"Got it, Nik. Thanks," he told me. That's when the dueling stadium appeared. Joey and Rex went up then. I had to do something though, Joey needs all of us and that means Tristen too! I looked at Yugi.
"We need to talk to Tristen," I told him. He nodded and looked at Tea.
"Tea, keep routing Joey on, Nik and I have to go take care of something," he told her. She nodded and we took off.
(Rex-2000, Joey-2000)
I draw from my deck and with great luck, I got Baby Dragon and Time Wizard now in my hand! I let out a quiet giggle to myself then I look over at my friends...Nikki and Yugi gone. Where did they go? Oh well, they won't be able to see that I can prove myself. I place my card down.
"Baby Dragon (700 ATK), defense mode!" I said. I see the look on Rex's face. Hehe, that's right, it's a Baby Dragon. Rex knows he's toast.
"You never leave a baby unattended and you're about to find out why. Two Headed King Rex, attack!" Rex said as a two headed dragon appeared...not good. It was then my Baby Dragon was gone. "Poor baby, looks like we found out what he's made of," Rex smirked.
"But, I didn't get to play my combo," I said.
"Hah, and do you know why? Because even three year olds knows how to defend on their first move. I can't believe you actually did that! You rookie!" Rex taunted as I gritted my teeth.
"Everybody makes mistakes, Joey! Just don't make another one," Tea told me. Yugi nodded.
"You can do it, Joey," he said to me.
"Haha, you don't get it do you? Little Joey's already made the one fatal mistake that is going to cost him his entire duel. And that was ever agreeing to this match in the first place," Mai said.
"Ha, with your Baby Dragon gone, my Two Headed King Rex can terrorize the field for the entire match!" Rex told me.
"Okay, maybe I did screw up. But I think I still got one monster in my hand that can beat that thing," I said. I place a card down. "Leogun (1750 ATK, 1550 DEF), show that over grown iguana what the real king of beasts is!" I said as my Leogun went for the attack. Rex laughed.
"You amateur. Since we're on a wilderness field, my King Rex it's a nice big power bonus. Tough luck for your pussy cat," he told me.
"Field bonus?! Now he tells me!" I freaked. It was then my Leogun as gone.
(Rex-2000, Joey-1670)
"Let's go! You're the appetizer and I wanna get onto the main course!" Rex smirked.
"I still got plenty to serve up. That is if I finally figure out how to use this field power bonus thing right," I said. I picked a card then. "Here goes nothing. Axe Raider (1700 ATK, 1150 DEF)" I said. I play the card then and I got the field power bonus of 2210 ATK, 1495 DEF. "Hey! I got a field power bonus!" I cheered. My Axe Raider attacked and took Rex's monster down. "I did it!"
(Rex-1870, Joey-1670)
"Don't let it go to your head! Sword Arm of Dragon (2275 ATK, 2630 DEF), chop that Axe Raider down to size!" rex ordered. Oh crud. "Sword Tail Slash!" He said next. And like that my Axe Raider was finished.
(Rex-1870, Joey-1605)
That's my third monster he's trashed. Even with the field power bonus I can't beat him.
"Joey! Don't let dino dork intimidate you! Remember, we're all right behind you!" Tea told me. I then remembered what Nikki told me.
Just know that we're fighting right beside you. Fight for your sister she told me. Yeah right, that's why Nikki, Yugi, and Tristen ditched me. So much for fighting by my side, Nikki.
After a little bit we finally managed to find Tristen by a creak. He was splashing his face with the water and I walked up.
"You okay there, Tristen?" I asked him.
"Nikki? Yugi? What are you doing here? You should be helping Joey!" He told us. We chuckled a little.
"Joey made it pretty clear he didn't want mine or Yugi's help on this one. And since you left, I figured I should too," I told him.
"Me being there and you being there are two different things. Without your coaching, Joey won't last two minutes against the conniving freakasaurus. I don't care what he says, you've gotta go back there and help him out pronto," Tristen told me.
"I can't do that. Joey needs to do this duel on his own and I've gotta let him," Yugi said. Tristen grabbed Yugi by the collar making me glare.
"Yugi!" He said.
"If I go back on my promise and help Joey, he'll be disqualified. Besides, we've gotta believe in him so he can believe in himself," Yugi told him with narrowed eyes. Tristen let him go.
"Yeah, well, maybe I don't think he can win," he told us as he turned away.
"But Tristen, this is about something more important than winning or losing. This about Joey learning to be a strong big brother for his little sister. And even though he doesn't need our help, he needs to know he has our support," I told him.
"...I don't know," Tristen told me. I sighed.
"Tristen, if you can't be there for Joey and support his decisions...then are you really his friend?" I asked. He looked at me startled.
"Of course I am!" He told me.
"Then prove it! Friends stick together no matter what. Friends are like family, sure we have our spats, but we always support each other through anything that's thrown at us. When you walked away...that's pretty much like throwing Joey away. Joey needs you to cheer him on and you're letting him down," I told him. Tristen's face softens. He thinks for a moment and sighs.
"You're usual. Let's go," he told me with a smile. I smiled back and nodded.
"Well, let's go!" Yugi said. We all then got going back to Joey.
My little sister is counting on me, there has to be something in this card that I can play....That's when I noticed Time Wizard. Too bad I don't have Baby Dragon to play it with anymore. But I think it couldn't hurt to put it on the field anyway.
"Time Wizard!" I said.
"Rex, what out for that Time Wizard!" Mai warned him. Shut up, Mai.
"Without Yugi and Nicole's help, this chumped doesn't even know how to use it," Rex said to her. I then played Rock Ogre (1200 ATK) afterwards in defense. Rex ends up countering it with Megazowler (2340 ATK) with its' field power bonus. My Rock Ogre was destroyed then. I play Flame Swordsman (2340 ATK) next. I have it attack Megazowler and Rex's monster was taken down.
(Rex-1330, Joey-1605)
This surprised us both.
"I actually won that?" I asked. I chuckled, looks like I found a weakness to his dinosaurs. Rex then played Sword Arm of Dragon again and I had my Flame Swordsman attack again. It kept going like that with a few of his other dinos.
"Yeah! I knew you were going to make a comeback, Joey!" Tea cheered.
"This is far from over. Once card won't win this for you, ya know," Rex told me. I smirked...I've been around Nikki too long.
"Alrighty then, I'll just bring out another for ya," I told him. I placed the cared down. "Swamp Battle Guard (2340 ATK, 1950 DEF)," I said. With the field power bonus, it's stronger now.
"Big deal. I have a beast that will wipe that smirk right off your face permanently," Rex said. He then smiles as he sees his card...I'm not liking this. "Meet the top of the food chain! Serpent Knight Dragon (2350 ATK, 2400 DEF)!" He said as the monster appeared. So not good! This card was rewarded to him because he made it to the finals of the Regional Championship. It was then my Flame Swordsman was taken down. He was my best card. Man! There's not a monster in my deck that can save me now. I then picked up a card from my deck...wait, this was Tristen's card. I suddenly remember when Tristen came to the warehouse I was in. I was defending a kid from some group. That's when Tristen appeared asking if I needed help. Tristen and I then took the guys out. Tristen then asked if I was okay and that I shoulder have called him. I had smacked his way asking why he was there. I told him I could have taken those guys, and that I appreciated his help but I didn't need to be babied. Now, if finally hits me. Tristen's always been looking out for me, not just because he thinks I need his help but because he's a true friend.
"Yo, Joey!" I heard. I looked over and saw a smiling Yugi, Nikki, and Tristen. "We're here for you, buddy! So how about it? You gonna take that card of mine for a test drive or what?" Tristen asked. Nikki nodded agreeing. I smirked and nodded.
"You go it, pal! Go, Lava Battle Guard!" I said. My card was played then.
"Cool, my cards on the field," I heard Tristen say. Rex then went to use his monster on my Swamp Battle Guard. But I was surprised, the attack was deflected back at him taking his monster down. My friends cheered.
"Way to go, Joey!" I heard Nikki say. It was then I saw it. Lava Battle Guard blocked for my Swamp Battle Guard.
"Tristen's card was right there when I needed it most," I said.
"Of course! Those two monsters are like best friends! So when they're both on the field, they help each other out. Just like how you and Joey help each other out in real life," Yugi told Tristen.
"That's what being a buddy is all about," Tristen said. I looked at him.
"Thanks for everything, man. I owe ya," I told him. He gave me a thumbs up. It was a great team, not only did my monster become stronger but Rex's life points went down as well.
(Rex-840, Joey-1580)
"Right, and now that we're together again..." I started.
"There's not a monster out there Rex has that can stop us," Tristen finished. Rex then said my monsters may have control of the field but now he wants to see if I can hold that control. He plays Trakodon (800 DEF) in defense mode. I then ask my Lava Battle Guard to destroy it. Oh yeah! The two Battle Guards are like a tag team. That's what Tristen says which Yugi and Nikki agree to. They told me to take Rex out, but Rex apparently had a trick up his sleeve. He then played his ultimate card...the Red Eyes Black Dragon.
"What?!" I heard Nikki gasp. "That's the rival of the Blue Eyes White Dragon!" She said. It was then Rex added Dragon Nails making it stronger. It now had 3000 attack points like Kaiba's Blue Eyes. Its then both of the Battle Guards are destroyed shocking me and Tristen.
(Rex-840, Joey-235)
I tell myself to stay calm while Tristen tells me to hang in there. Tea tries asking Yugi and Nikki how there has to be some way to beat it, but they don't answer. I sneak a look at Nikki, she looks worried. I see something flash in her eyes, she has an idea, but she can't help me or I'll be disqualified. I remember, I still have my Time Wizard on the field. Mai tries to help Rex but he tells her to stay out of it. I flip the card over and activate it.
"That's it, Joey!" Nikki told me. Was this the plan she was thinking of. I tell the Time Roulette to start then. Nikki then starts explaining that if the arrow lands on the skull it will take a chunk out of my life points. That's when it lands...Time Machine! I tell the Time Warp to go as my friends cheer. Its then the Red Eyes is fossilized. Rex tells his dragon to attack but...the head falls off. Hehe. Rex's life points then hit zero. I actually won!
"I guess you won my star chips," Rex mumbled.
"Not just your star chips, but I won your Red Eyes too, fair and square," I reminded him. I walk over to my friends where Tristen and I were finally best friends again.
We were walking through the woods then and we noticed it got dark.
"Boy, it sure got dark quick," Yugi commented.
"Yeah, we should set up camp somewhere," Tea said.
"Don't tell me you're afraid, Tea. You've got us to protect you," Tristen pipes in. I scoffed.
"Yeah, but who's protecting you?" I smirked.
"Good point. Let's set up camp," he said making me laugh.
"Relax. There's nothing in these woods but crickets and squirrels," Joey tells us. We then set up camp. We then started telling ghost stories...Tristen was going right now.
"....And when they finally pulled over to look and see what was in the back seat of the car, it was over twenty pepperoni pizzas with double cheese and meatballs!" He said.
"Oh please! What kind of ghost story is that supposed to be, Tristen?" I asked him. Joey groaned.
"If I don't get any food into me soon, I'm gonna turn into a ghost!" Joey complained.
"Those two and their stomachs," Tea said. Yugi and I agreed. That's when we see Joey going for a while mushroom. Yugi warns that wild mushrooms are poisonous.
"So do us a favor and let him eat it," we heard. We turned and saw Mai with a sack. Joey and I glared at her.
"Now what do you want, Mai?" We asked irked. She doesn't answer, instead she takes a bite out of some stomach...
"That's it! You can duel me, you can insult me, but you're not eating in front of me!" Joey told her.
"You're that hungry are you? Okay then, just give me your star chips and I'll give you some food," Mai told him. Why that bitch...I looked at Yugi.
"Hold me back before I take her head for a trophy," I told him. He holds me to him so I don't scalp Mai. It's tempting with every passing second!
"Forget it! Potato chips-I mean star chips are priceless!" Joey tells her.
"I was just kidding, Joseph. I'd be more than happy to share if you'd ask politely like a gentleman," Mai told him. I stop struggling and look at Mai like she's grown a second head.
"Did she really just say that?" I asked Yugi. He was shocked too, but nodded.
"Right, so you can go and make fun of me for that too?" Joey asked.
"Look, by this time tomorrow, I'll have won entrance to the castle, so there's no point in hanging onto an entire knapsack full of food," Mai said. I sighed in defeat.
"It would be nice to duel tomorrow without an empty stomach" I whined as Yugi patted my shoulder in comfort.
"How do we know this isn't another trick? Give me one good reason to trust you," Joey says not convinced. I don't blame him though.
"Because it's either me or that poisonous mushroom," she told him. Okay, we're convinced. Mai then spreads the food around making us look amazed on the food.
"Dibs on the candy bars," Joey said.
"Potato chips," I said.
"Dibs on chips," Tristen said next.
"Canned fruit...soda," Yugi said next.
"Dibs on the soda," Joey said. I mock glared at him.
"Well, don't leave something for us why don't ya!" I said to him.
"Sorry, boys. No dibs on anything yet. At least not until you complete your chores. I want Yugi to go look for some firewood," Mai said.
"Sure," Yugi agreed. Mai then looks at Joey and Tristen.
"And you two boys can go fetch us some water," she said to them.
"You bet," Tristen agreed.
"Man, if she's not slinging in subs then she's barking orders" Joey pouted. Tristen pulls him along.
"I'm willing to swallow my pride if it means swallowing some food," Tristen tells his best friend. Yugi smiles at me and Tea.
"I'll go get us some firewood," He said.
"Okay," Tea and I told him. I send a look that says 'help me!' He just chuckles, mean brother. Mai looks at me and Tea.
"What are your names? Tea and Nikki, right?" She asked. I nodded at her as Tea answered with a hum. "Well, if you two want to freshen up a bit, there's a make shift shower just over there," she pointed. I was shocked that she was helping us, but I smiled a little.
"Um, thanks, Mai," I said to her.
"Hanging out with those boys is no reason to smell like them," she told me. I chuckled.
"I would be used to it anyway. I have a brother so I'm kinda used to it," I told her. She smiles at me. I took my shower first then we wait for Tea. Mai looked at me.
"So, where did you get those cards? I've seen any of them," she said to me.
"My mother and father," I answered with a frown.
"They must really love you to give such special cards," she mused.
"Yeah...they really did," I said. Mai frowned.
"'Did'?" She asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, well, they were both lawyers meaning they would get enemies. I as in school when my house was set on fire with my parents still inside," I stated. Subconsciously, my hand reached for the pendant Seto gave me. She was about to say something until we heard Tea scream a little. Mai and I walk in to see if she was alright. "Tea, what's wrong?" I asked worried as she wrapped herself.
"I heard something move around right outside," she said with a little fear in her voice. I walk in and comfort Tea while Mai checks it out. She comes back.
"Well, it's gone now," she told us. I sigh in relief and give Tea a smile.
"I must have just been a squirrel or something," I told her. She nodded and I left while she got dressed.

Angel of the Blue Eyes Season 1Where stories live. Discover now