Nikki Vs. Seto

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Kemo was laughing still holding Mokuba as I looked shocked at Seto. How could this be possible?
"You don't stand a ghost of a chance against Kaiba, because this time, Kaiba is a ghost!" Kemo said.
"Stop it, Kemo!" Mokuba glared.
"It's a fact. Witnesses saw Kaiba fall to his doom," Kemo said. When he said that, I felt a jolt of sadness bringing a tear to my eye. Seto can't be gone...why am I feeling like this for Seto? I mean, he hurt my grandpa then force Yugi to duel him! But it still hurts! I shook my head.
"That's not Seto Kaiba! I just know it!" I said shaking the tears away. Yami grabbed my hand worried for me.
"Liar!" Mokuba accused. "Take back what you said!" He demanded.
"Get used to it. All that lefts of Kaiba are your memories. Plus just a really cranky ghost looking for revenge," Kemo said.
"That's not him!" Yami and I denied.
"Well, he's seen better days. It's time to duel with the ghoul," Kemo said.
"It can't be, that guy is nothing but a fake. A trick by Pegasus. It doesn't matter, I'll duel him anyway," I growled walked to the platform.
"What's wrong, Nikki? You look as if you've seen a ghost. I am no longer in this world and it's all because of Yugi," Seto said. I looked at Yami who looked at me with worry. "I could have had it all, but when Yugi beat me, he took more than just the match. He took my life and destroyed my soul," he lied. I glared at him.
"Shut up, fake. You're nothing but an imposter, so stop with the lies and start the duel. You may look like Seto but there is no way you can imitate his deck," I told him.
"Beat him, Nikki! He's nothing but a fake!" Mokuba told me. I nodded.
"Alright, beautiful. I'll wager four stars," he told me.
"Good, after this I'll have nine," I stated as I shuffled my cards.
"Let's duel!" We both said.
(Seto-2000, Nikki-2000)
He begins the duel with...Hitotsu-Me Giant (1200 ATK, 1000 DEF)?! What? No way! This is how he started his battle with Yugi!
"Is something wrong? It's turn to play, Nikki," 'Seto' told me. Definitely starting how as he did with Yugi. I grabbed my Queen of Angels card.
"I'll start with this card. Go, Queen of Angels with the strength of 2700! Angel's Light Wing attack!" I ordered. It was then his Hitotsu-Me Giant was defeated.
(Seto-700, Nikki-2000)
"So much for your giant," I said.
"Haha, you're as strong as ever, Nikki," 'Seto' laughed making me grit my teeth.
"You see that? That carbon copy Kaiba is laughing!" Joey glared.
"It's finally how things have become full circle, Nikki. What are you think in the feeble brain of yours right now? I bet I know. You've come to the conclusion, no matter what there's no way you can win. And you couldn't be more right. Even a simpleton like you knows I must be Seto Kaiba. And once you accept that fact you may as well accept defeat," he told her. I glared at him.
"I don't care who you are! You are going to lose to me just the same!" I stated.
"But, Nikki, Yugi barely even beat me the last time he and I dueled. And I know he hasn't given you Exodia. But do you have any cards that powerful?" He asked me. My eyes widened. Is he trying to get me to leer my monster out? No, I can't use Slifer right now otherwise Pegasus will see and we'll have more trouble.
I was sneaking into the mansion after my little stunt show making them think I was dead. Seemed to work. I jumped over to the fence and found the secret passage that led me underground. I made it to the library and pulled one of the books. Cliché, but it works. There is a locked door that involved an eye scan. I walked up and it scanned my eye. I was able to get in and saw the control room. I flipped on the lights and turned the computer on.
"Running verification protocol. Please state your name," the computer said.
"Seto Kaiba," I said into the mic. The computer loaded then.
"I thought I had seen it all, but having to break into your own house?" My computer told me.
"It's too long a story for right now," I said her.
"Too long a story? Well maybe I'm not in such a talkative mood myself right now," she told me.
"I find that hard to believe," I smirked.
"Such a smart guy. While you were off gallivanting, a hostile takeover Kaiba Corporation has begun. At the same time, Maximillion Pegasus kicked off his duelist Kingdom Tournament. If Pegasus or his representative can beat Yugi, the new Kaiba Corporation board has promised to turn over Kaiba Corp. to him," she told me.
"Pegasus can't beat Yugi. He's unbeatable and he has Exodia," I said remembering my battle with him.
"Yeah, well, sometime after you lost to Yugi, he lost Exodia!" She told me. What?!
"No way!" I said.
"Pegasus knows all about the corporation bylaws that require a living Kaiba heir to make any change of control legal. Mokuba is Pegasus' prisoner, and with you out of the way, Pegasus will exert pressure to make Mokuba do what he wants," the computer informed. Another worry came to mind.
"What about Nicole Fudo?" I asked.
"That girl? I see someone's caught your eye," she told me. I narrowed my eyes.
"Just check," I ordered.
"Alright, alright. She's currently on the island," my computer stated. So she was right about being forced onto the island for her grandfather. "So, what are you going to do?" My computer asked me.
"Pegasus will keep Mokuba safe, at least until the takeover is complete. So I have to make sure Pegasus doesn't beat Yugi in a duel, no matter what. I'm not going to give up Kaiba Corporation without a fight. It's takeover time-by me! I'll hack into Pegasus' mainframe. Next stop: Duelist Kingdome," I said.
"Are you here to play head games or Duel Monsters? It's your move," I said irritated making 'Seto' chuckle.
"It's going to blow your mind. This next card is a blast from the past, Nikki. With the emphasis on blast," 'Seto' told me. He then showed me Blue Eyes White Dragon. He really has Seto's deck, but how?!
"I attack with the Blue Eyes White Dragon!" 'Seto' said placing the card down.
"Only one deck has got that card!" Joey said. We were all shocked seeing the card.
"Hehe, looks like the advantage is mine," 'Seto' said to me. If he really has Seto's deck...if he's really Seto he really gone? "Don't worry, Nikki, my feelings weren't hurt when you called me a liar. Now admit that you were wrong," 'Seto' told me. He chuckled. "Not having a real body isn't so bad. I still get to savor the finer things in revenge!" He told me.
"Shut up! Please, someone make him go away!" Mokuba whimpered. Mokuba...I have to do this for him!
"It almost breaks my heart...if I had one," Kaiba taunted.
I finally managed to break through the system, it was too easy. I looked over the map.
"When it comes to computer duels, Pegasus has met his match. Now it should be a piece of cake to find the field in which Yugi is dueling," I said.
"I'm looking, I'm looking," the computer told me. After the load. "Access denied!" She said.
"What did you do?" I asked standing.
"Don't blame me! I finally found the security and it's all around Yugi's data!" She told me. I said down sighing.
"I should have known," I said. I smirked. "Fine by me, Pegasus. Go ahead and give it your best shot. There isn't a computer system anywhere on earth that I can't break into. Here's the thing, every computer has a back door if you know where to look. And guess where we're gonna look," I said.
"Beats me," she told me.
"It'll be quicker if I take over on Manuel for a while. The data from all the dueling is being beamed from the island to an orbiting Industrial Illusions satellite, and back to the mainframe. The systems are highly encrypted, but if we can force the mainframe online, the backup security won't have as much security," I said.
"Well, how are we going to make Pegasus' computer crash?" The computer asked me. I smirked.
"A crash is exactly what I'm planning to do. And I'm planning on using Pegasus' own satellite to do it," I said.
"But I've already tried to hack into their systems," she told me.
"My idea's different. Once the security is down, we should be able to free access the data. Be ready for a search with the Dark Magician or the Queen of Angels," I said. I have to find it. If Nikki's dueling, then she would use this card. I remember seeing her old duel videos online. She used this card a lot and it's helped her.
Since he placed a card faced down, it's either a trap or a defense mechanism. To stay safe I'll place Queen of Angels in defense mode. Then I'll add Angel of Death (2300 ATK, 2000 DEF) into defense mode as well. That's when Seto activates his trap card, Defensive Paralysis. He then uses his monster to attack my Angel of Death bringing my life points down. No, not her!
(Seto-700, Nikki-1000)
We finally managed to find the Queen of Angels in arena 146. It appears Nikki is the one dueling.
"Nikki must be there," I said. My computer tries to get inside, but no luck. I try it myself then which is when I discover the virus. It was activated when I searched for the card. "Nikki must be inside," I said. I was able to get the door open then finally. Worst part is the virtual fortress blocking the area.
"You won't blast through this door, it's impossible to penetrate without a password," my computer told me.
"I guess that Pegasus wouldn't think anyone could get this far. The password is easy though," I said. I then smirked. "Pegasus," I said.
How can I defeat the Blue Eyes White Dragon?
"For a stiff, Kaiba's got game," Kemo said. Mokuba looks at me.
"I know he's not my brother, Nikki! I know he's not mean like this! He is my best friend in the whole world and that things not him!" Mokuba told me. I nodded. I then found a card...Yugi said he had an extra and gave me this! I was leaning against the railing of the boat when Yugi walked out.
"Hey, Nik. Aren't you tired?" He asked me. I shook my head.
"I just keep worrying about Grandpa," I told him. He nodded.
"Well, when we duel, I think you'll need a card to help you out. This might ease your worrying a little," he told me as he handed a card to me. Magical Hats!
"But this is your card!"
"I still have mine, I just thought you should have one too. It's helped me out of jams, it can help you too," my brother told me. I smiled at him and hugged him.
"Thank you. I love you, brother," I told him. He hugged me back.
"I love you too, sister." And now here we are. I smirked.
"I play Magical Hats and conceal my Queen of Angels. Queen of Angels is under one of them, but which one?" I asked. 'Seto' chuckled.
"You must be desperate playing hat tricks." He asked me. I kept my smirked.
"Now, why don't you do the math? With four hats, there's only a twenty-five percent chance you'll find Queen of Angels when you attack. The real questions is, what else is hiding beneath those hats?" I asked him.
"Way to go, Nikki!" Joey cheered.
"All right! You show him, Nikki!" Mokuba cheered next.
"I know where the Queen of Angels is hiding!" 'Seto' said before launching an attack on one of the hats. He chose the wrong hat making the others cheer.
"Your guess was wrong," I sang mockingly. "If you guess wrong again, it'll cost you! There are three hats left," I smirked.
"She's taking a big chance there," Joey said.
"If Kaiba guesses right, then it's over," Tristen agreed. Tea looks at Yami.
"Do you think she can do it, Yugi?" She asked him. Yami smiled at me.
"I have every confidence that my sister will win. She fights with honor, respect, and heart. She believes in only one power...the power of the heart," I said. I smiled at him as a way of saying 'thank you'. He nodded at me. Its then 'Seto' tells his dragon to attack the middle hat. I chuckled.
"You just activated my trap card. Spellbinding Circle which will lower your Blue Eyes attack to 2300. That makes better for my Queen of Angels. Queen of Angels, Angel's Light Wing attack!" I ordered. It was then his Blue Eyes was destroyed.
(Seto-500, Nikki-1000)
'Seto' just plays another Blue Eyes White Dragon. He orders the dragon to destroy Queen of Angels.
(Seto-500, Nikki-500) Queen of Angels. I'm so sorry, mom. 'Seto' then tried to remind me of his duel with Yugi.
"Who doesn't know about your little battle by now? You're just another loser taking on the form of Seto," I said irritated.
We finally made it in and now I can help Nikki out. My computer tells she is rerouting to confirm whether Nikki was battling or not.
"I'm sure she is," I said to my computer. That's when we saw them. Nikki was tied with her opponent and she had just lost her Queen of Angels. The look in her eyes was saddened.
"What more interesting is Nicole's opponent," my computer told me.
"Who is it?" I asked. I then saw it...Seto Kaiba?! How is that possible? "Pegasus must have my deck," I glared. His points are at 500 as well so Nikki is fighting strongly. I know what I have to do. I have to help her win by weakening the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Just hang on, Nikki. I'll help you as fast as I can.
I looked at my cards and sighed as I grabbed one.
"I play Angel of Nature (1300 ATK, 1600 DEF) in attack mode," I played.
I looked and saw that Nikki had placed Angel of Nature into attack mode. Not good!
"Nikki, you couldn't have waited a few more seconds? Can't we get that virus to upload faster?" I asked impatient and worried for Nikki.
"We're already half way there and this is as fast as it goes. The viral implant is at sixty percent, but it doesn't seem to be working. The Blue Eyes White Dragon's attack is still at 3000 points," the computer told me. Now I'm more worried. God, something is wrong and I feel useless to help Nikki! It's then we see the points going down.
"It has to get weaker or it'll beat Nikki," I said. I see it lower down more and tell the computer to work on the third dragon. Worst part is when a crazy looking rabbit appears on my screen. Pegasus! The attack is getting lower, but not fast enough. It's then I see the monster launch and attack. "NIKKI!" I shouted.
"Nikki!" I hear Seto shout. I look at the Blue Eyes who turns the attack on itself. I see happiness in its eyes.
"Seto..." I whispered. I smiled, it has its master back and that means...Seto is alive! Thank you, Seto.
"Why? Why me?" Ghost Seto asked. I smirk.
"I'll tell you why. Because the real Seto Kaiba, is alive!" I told him.
"But I am Seto Kaiba!" The ghost insists.
"No you're not. I know that for sure. Seto just called to me...he believes in the heart of the cards now. You may have taken Seto's deck, but you won't ever be like him. He is alive and well. He was the one who stopped you because right now, he is watching me. Now, show us who you really are!" I pointed to him. He then turns into a clown.
"It doesn't matter now, I will still defeat you," he told me as he play Grappler (1200) in defense mode. I smirked.
"No you won't," I refused. I took Warrior Angel (2100 ATK, 1800 DEF) and placed it into attack mode. I used it to destroy Grappler. Ghost then plays Mystic Horseman (1550) in defense mode while placing another card face down. I place one card face down myself then use Reborn the Monster to bring back Angel of Death. I ended my turn. It was then Tea told me to wipe the smile of the ghost's face. Ghost brings out another Blue Eyes White Dragon and says to attack, but I activate my trap card, Mirror Face making the attack reflect back at the Blue Eyes. He counters with Negate attack. I hear Mokuba say it's over. I start laughing. Everyone looks at me and hold up my card Angel of Music. "It's time to finish this duel once and for all," I smirk. "Using the great ability of my Angel of Death I'll bring back the Blue Eyes White Dragon!" I said. The Blue Eyes appeared on my side.
"That won't do you any good. The two Blue eyes are evenly matched," Ghost told me. I just kept my smirk.
"The powers are not the same. I've still got my Angel of Death, who can bring any monster I want back from the dead twice as strong. And with my Angel of Music card, she can play a lovely tune making my Blue Eyes much stronger. But I'm raising it to 6500 rather than lowering it like Seto did yours," I told him. He goes into panic. "Consider this a message from the real Seto Kaiba, you lose! Now my dragon, obliterate!" I ordered. Blue Eyes attack and the battle was over. "You will never escape the Shadow Realm ever again, never!" Yami came up beside me as I then looked the ghost in the eye as I felt something on my forehead...we sent him to the Shadow Realm. I looked at my Bracelet that was glowing. I then looked up.
"Pegasus, we can sense that you are watching. Consider this a warning; anything you send against us won't stop us," Yami said looking up with me.
"Once we meet and duel, victory will be ours. We will win our grandfather's soul and you will pay for all those you have hurt in the name of your sick game," I continued.
"We're coming for you, Pegasus!" Yami and I finished. I run over to the Ghost's platform and grab Seto's deck and star chips. I looked at the card I gave Seto and smiled. I'll have to thank that boy when I see him. I add the five star chips to my gauntlet giving me a total of nine. I run over to the others then. Tea looks freaks.
"What's wrong, Tea?" Joey asked.
"That creep took Mokuba!" She said. I froze before I looked around.
"Mokuba!" I called out. There was no answer and I felt tears in my eyes. Yami pulled me to him in a comforting brotherly hug.
"We'll find him, sister. I promise you," he told me. God...Seto, I'm sorry I couldn't protect him.

Angel of the Blue Eyes Season 1Where stories live. Discover now