The Brother

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"Wow, Yugi, I can't believe you already got five star chips just as Nikki has eight," Tea said.
"Yeah, soon you two will have ten to get into Pegasus' castle and rescue your grandpa," Tristen agreed.
"I wish I had more star chips," Joey said.
"Don't worry about it, Joey. You're doing fine and you'll be able to help your sister soon," Yugi told him.
"I sure hope so. My sister's counting on me and I won't let her down," Joey told him. I smiled at him. He really cares about his sister.
"HELP!" We heard someone scream.
"What's that?" Tristen asked.
"Help me! Somebody, please! Let go of me! Somebody, help me please!" I heard again. We all ran forward to find a big guy manhandling a kid.
"Hold on, kid, we're coming!" Tristen called over. The big guy turned.
"Help! You gotta help me!" The kid pleaded.
"Let that kid go!" Tristen ran ready to punch. Tristen grabbed the guy and flipped him over as the kid fell. "Not too shabby," Tristen said proud of himself. The guy just landed on his feet then kicked Tristen down.
"Tristen!" I called over worried. The man then went for the kid again. "Put the kid down," I growled. Good thing I learned karate, kendo, and tai chi when I did.
"You heard her, needle head. Put the kid down," Joey ran up beside me with Yugi.
"What do you think you're doing?" Yugi asked.
"This is none of your business. This duelist lost his star chips and the rules say he's to be kicked off the island," the man said.
"But I didn't lose my chips in a duel! They were stolen from me, my cards too!" The kid told him.
"I don't care what lame excuse you have, kid. You need star chips to duel and you haven't got any, so you're shipping out of here," the man told him. He started walking away then. "Those are the rules, those are my orders from Pegasus himself."
"That big creep, I say we follow him," Tristen said getting up. I nodded.
"Let's go," I agreed. We all then ran after them and found a boat dock, Weevil was in the boat too. "Hey!" I shouted getting the boy's attention. "Hey you, what did the guy who stole your star chips and deck look like?" I asked him.
"Well, I couldn't see his face, it was covered with a bandana, but he was a little guy and he challenged me in the meadow," the kid told me.
"He challenged you to a Duel Monsters game?" Yugi asked.
"Yeah, but as soon as I put my star chips and Duel Monsters deck down, he snatched them up and ran off with them," the kid replied.
"You shouldn't be shipped off the island for that. We'll get your star chips back," Yugi told him.
"This boat leaves in exactly thirty minutes. Anyone without a star chip ships out," the man told us. I glared at him making him flinch.
"Then we'll get his chips back by that time," I lowly growled at the man.
"We won't let you bully him out of the game," Tristen agreed.
"Nope, we'll catch that little thief and bring him to justice. Believe me, kid. You can count on us to track him down and get those star chips back," Joey said.
"But, who are you guys?" The kid asked us close to tears. I smiled at him.
"We're the guys that are gonna save your chips," Joey said gaining the attention. "Don't worry, you got the brilliant mind of Joey Wheeler on the case and I always get my man," Joey said making me and our friends sweat drop.
"He's losing it," I mumbled. "Okay, that's it. Times awastin'! Move it!" I told the group to get us going before Joey could embarrass us anymore. About five minutes later I was pushed down making groan. "Ouch," I said. Yugi helped me up.
"You okay, Nik?" Yugi asked me. I nodded.
"Okay, who's the kid that did that so I can lecture him?" I asked. I then saw a kid with a purple hat and a bandana. "And bingo was his namo. We found the thief," I pointed to the kid.
"I found you at last, Yugi!" The kid said.
"You're right, he's the runt we're looking for!" Joey agreed.
"How about handing over those chips and cards?" Tristen asked.
"Hold it, fellas. I know what he's after. You want a duel, don't you?" I asked the kid.
"That's right! I choose to duel you!" He pointed to me. I nodded.
"Fine, but if you lose, you return those star chips and cards. Then you're getting a major lecture from me," I stated moving the platform. I then saw Yugi's Puzzle glow making my Bracelet glow as well. "Now, how many star chips will you wager?" I asked.
"To wipe you out? All eight," he told me. I nodded.
"Fine with me, but only because I think I know why you're doing this," I stated removing my star chips. I placed them down.
"I don't care what you think, Nicole, because I think you're gonna lose!" The kid told me. I frowned at the kid. He's really cocky. But for some reason, his eyes...they read pain and sadness. I've had those eyes before.
"Duel!" The kid and I said.
(Kid-2000, Nikki-2000)
I looked at Nicole as I remembered what happened with my brother.
"Seto, you gotta leave now if you're gonna make the boat for the tournament in Duelist Kingdom," I told my big brother. "Seto, open the door!" I knocked before walking in. I found him looking at his cards. "Huh? Seto?" I asked.
"I'm not going, Mokuba," he told me.
"Not going? Why not?" I asked him.
"There's no point," he said as he tossed his card.
"What do you mean 'no point'?" I asked.
"Kid, I am in no condition to duel anyone," he replied.
"What are you talking about? You always say cards are power and you've got all the strongest cards," I told him.
"Since I lost my duel with Yugi I just don't know what I think anymore. And that girl...Nikki Fudo...I've never felt this way for a girl before," I heard him say. Nikki Fudo? That Australian Champ? "Everything's different, it feels as if I lost a piece of myself that day," he told me.
"But Seto, you're the best. You're the champ," I said to him.
"Not since I was defeated by Yugi," he said before whipping a card at me. I caught it. "Here, Mokuba. I'm going away for a while. I don't know how long I'll be gone, keep this, it was always your favorite," he said to me.
"But why? Why are you leaving?" I asked.
"Because I don't know who I am anymore," he answered walking to the door. "Take care, kid," he said before closing the door.
"Seto, don't go!" I begged. He was gone. You and Yugi ripped my family apart, Nicole and now I'm gonna break you up. "My first card is the Man Eating Plant," I said playing my card in attack mode.
"Now it's my turn. I'll counter your attack with Cyber Angel," Nicole said playing her card. A girl in white and purple cyber armor appeared. Her hair was white with blue streaks and she had white angel wings.
"Ha, bad choice, Nicole. My Man Eating Plant will eat your Cyber Angel alive. So now you're finally going to pay for what you did, Nicole. And your stupid angel is going to be plant food. Man Eating Plant, attack!" I ordered.
"Cyber Dance!" Nicole shouted. Her Cyber Angel twirled while glowing before sending a kick which emitted a light. The light then destroyed my Man Eating Plant.
"My monster lost?" I asked shocked.
(Mokuba-1400, Nikki-2000)
"You can't win a duel with cards that don't rightfully belong to you. How could your heart ever live in cards that belong to someone else?" Nicole asked me.
"Be quiet. I don't believe in that 'heart of the cards' stuff you're preaching about. Cards have nothing to do with heart, it's all about power," I told her. She smirked.
"And the Kaiba shines through," she stated. My eyes widened. "You're his little brother, Mokuba Kaiba," she stated. How did she know that? I've never even met her!
"How did you know?" I asked removing my bandana. "Well, it doesn't matter," I said.
"It is Kaiba's brother!" I heard the other girl say. I also removed my hat.
"That's right, Seto Kaiba's my big brother! And he's the best duelist there ever was, but now thanks to you and Yugi he's gone. And now Pegasus is trying to take over Kaiba Corp," I said. Her eyes widened.
"Pegasus wants Kaiba Corp?!" She asked.
"I don't know what you two did to my big brother when Yugi dueled him, but ever since that defeat, he hasn't been the same," I told her. It's not just Yugi's fault my brother left, it's because of her too! He said he felt different around her and that's changing him!
I frowned at Mokuba. All he wants is to have his brother back and I can honestly understand that. I wish I could have my parents back, and now my grandpa.
"He ran away because of you two! And with him gone, Pegasus moved right in. Some Kaiba Corp executives invited him to some secret board meeting," he told me. He then told us about what he heard from Pegasus and the executives and how he was captured. "And it's all yours and Yugi's fault! Seto deserted me because of you!" He accused.
"You don't understand. Mokuba, your brother hasn't deserted you, he's searching for himself," I said softly.
"Liar! Tell it to my monster! Go, Crocodilus!" Mokuba ordered. I sighed.
"Cyber Angel, Cyber Dance!" I ordered again. My angel attacked and defeated his monster.
(Mokuba-1100, Nikki-2000)
"Battling me won't bring your brother back! And we want to stop Pegasus as much as you do. He's taken mine and Yugi's grandfather prisoner," I informed the kid.
"That's right, Pegasus is the bad guy here. Can't you see that, you crazy little kid?" Joey asked.
"You're wrong! I have to protect my brother's company and Yugi and Nicole are the one's Pegasus has to beat in order to take it over!" Mokuba told him.
"Wait, I get it. Mokuba is trying to save his brother's company be defeating Nikki in a duel," Tea said. Yami nodded.
"So Pegasus wouldn't have to face either of us at all!" Yami agreed.
"What do you mean?" Tristen asked.
"What do you mean, what do I mean?" Joey asked.
"I wasn't talking to you!" Tristen said.
"Sorry, what did you mean, Tea and Yugi?" Joey asked making the two sigh.
"If Mokuba can keep Pegasus from beating either me or Nikki then he won't be able to take over Kaiba's company," Yami stated.
"That must be it," I agreed. I looked over and Mokuba was gone. "Hey, where'd he go?" I asked. Mokuba appeared behind me and grabbed a few of my star chips.
"If I can't beat you, I'll have you disqualified!" He said before jumping off.
"My star chips!" I gasped. "Mokuba, listen to me! You'll never save Kaiba Corporation that way!" I shouted to the running kid. He stopped and looked at me and I got down.
"Your big brother is just confused. After I defeated Kaiba in our duel I opened his mind. I removed from him all the dark influences that clouded his thoughts and actions. Free of that evil essence," Yami told him. I walked over and bent down to him.
"Seto is struggling. Now he realizes his way wasn't the right way and he's searching his heart for answers. And you know in your heart that what you're doing isn't the right way either," I told him as I grabbed his hands. He looked down.
"But then, what can I do?" Mokuba asked.
"You can start by trusting me in me and Nikki and together we will defeat Pegasus," Yami told him. I nodded.
"I promise you, we can only bring Pegasus down if we stick together. We'll help you protect your brother, Mokuba, but you've got to help us, okay? You have to go back and return those cards and star chips to the kid you stole them from," I told him.
"You guys are right, then we'll take on Pegasus together!" Mokuba said.
"We only got three minutes left till the boat leaves," Tea told us.
"Let's get going, Mokuba," I smiled at him.
"Let's do it," he agreed. We then started running to the pier. I looked at Mokuba. "So, mind telling me why you thought this was also my fault?" I asked.
"Seto said he never felt the way he did with any girl until he met you. What that means, I don't know," Mokuba answered. I blushed.
"I means your brother has a crush on me," I mumbled.
"A crush? My brother has a crush?" Mokuba asked shocked. I nodded a little shocked as well. I then showed Mokuba the necklace.
"Hey gave me this a day after Pegasus took my grandpa," I showed it to him.
"So that's what those drawings were fore. I saw drawing of it in his office. He must have had it designed for you, Nicole," Mokuba told me. I was blushing more now. Seto did that for me? I looked at Mokuba.
"Oh, and just call me Nikki, kiddo," I told him. He smiled and nodded.
I still just couldn't wrap my head around what happened. How could a kid that that came out of nowhere defeat me? And this could this one girl who just moved here capture my heart? I've done computer simulations, probability charts, and have gone through the battle several times in my head. I still can't figure it out, how could this have happened? And Nikki...her face is always in my head, her voice and her laugher is like a song I would never stop listening too, how the sun would light up the natural golden highlights in her black hair, how her emerald green eyes makes the gem itself look like a piece of coal, and the way she moves drives me crazy. How could one girl from Australia affect me so much? Hundreds of beautiful girls throw themselves at me, but not Nikki. She's the one I want. She's the most beautiful and is very intelligent. She also knows my pain. I always believed Duel Monsters was a game of sheer power, but Yugi and Nikki claim the cards have a heart. It sounds crazy, I know, but could they be right? Is there really a heart of the cards that can affect the outcome of the duel? Is that how Yugi won? The only way to be sure is to face Yugi again. Now, I have been working on a new way to duel, being able to have holograms without an arena. When I face Yugi again, I will receive my answers...and I could see Nikki again. If I can just get to...
"Seto Kaiba! We know you're in there, open the door or we'll break it down!" One of Pegasus' lackeys shouted from the door. While hearing those two idiots try to break down the door, I loaded my brief case with my prototypes then I just waited. The lackeys came in expecting me to surrender. Yeah right. "Pegasus would like a few words with you."
"I bet he would, but it will take more than you two goons to get me," I said coolly.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Which is it, wise guy?" The lackey asked. I kicked my chair at them then jumped out the window. I was down by the craves near the ocean when I realized something...I had forgotten my deck.
We were too late, the boat had already left. But the guy from before was still there. We confronted him, but he hit the star chips out of Mokuba's hand.
"What gives?! A bunch of those star chips belonged to Nikki, you big jerk!" Joey said. Mokuba frowned at me.
"I am so sorry, Nikki," he said to me.
"Huh, you losers should keep a tighter grip on your valuables don't you think? Then accidents like that wouldn't happen," Kemo said. He then grabbed Mokuba. "Now, let's go you. Back to the cage. This ingrate is a special guest of Master Pegasus and he's been invited to tend a special dinner in his honor back at the castle, right, Mokuba?" Kemo lied.
"Nikki!" Mokuba called.
"Hold on! I still five of my star chips left. I challenge you to a duel and if I win then Mokuba comes with us!" I glared. He smirked.
"I don't know why you would risk your star chips for this little punk, but if that's how you want to waste your last star chips, then meet me back at arena 146 in exactly four hours. You'll have your duel," Kemo told me. Mokuba whimpered making my face soften.
"Just hold on, sweetie. I'll get you out of this," I told him softly. He nodded at me as Kemo carried him away. "I swear to god, if I find one hair on his head gone, there will be hell to pay," I growled as I watched them leave. Four hours then passed.
"Alright, we're here. Where's antenna head?" Joey asked.
"Nikki, over here!" Mokuba called. I frowned seeing Kemo still carrying him. "Get him off me!" Mokuba pleaded.
"Mokuba! Put him down now!" I growled walking up.
"I'll consider it if you win the duel," Kemo said.
"Oh, I'll beat you more ways than one," I glared harshly.
"I never said I would duel," Kemo pointed up. "There is your opponent," he said. I looked over and gasped. "He's an old friend who's dying to see you again. He met with an unfortunate end earlier today, but he's come back just to duel you," Kemo said.
"What are you saying?!" Mokuba panicked. I covered my mouth with my hand.
"Seto!" I gasped. Seto chuckled. He looked so much more sinister.
"Yes, Nikki, it's me Seto. And this time you and your friends don't stand...a ghost of a chance," Seto chuckled. I shook my head. This can't be Seto Kaiba...can't it?

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