Another Encounter

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"Allow me to clarify that you are not rogues. I am simply commanding you to leave my guard. You have lost your rights to be here. However, you are welcome to join any other pack in France. They will not persecute you in the same manner as a rogue," he elaborated, standing at the top of the staircase.

I wasn't laughing anymore.

Damien pressed his lips into a thin line as the other wolves hung their heads in shame, and my lips pulled into a frown.

The guard who escorted them in gestured towards the door, and they all began turning towards the exit, but I stood up, stopping them.

"Wait," I said softly, my voice low, and they looked back, hesitating in their steps.

I stared at Livius, who gave me a confused look.

"Sure, they did some stupid shit, but I think my beating was enough," I told him.

He gave me an appalled look, "are you asking me to excuse them?"

"Yeah, basically," I shrugged, and he gave me a pointed look.

"My queen they must be disciplined appropriately. I cannot simply let them go. They committed a crime," he argued.

"A crime that helped me find you," I replied, looking up at him, and he fell silent, eyes softening.

I crossed my arms, "Livius, have you ever heard of the moons mandate?"

He nodded slowly, recognition flashing in his eyes, and I continued.

"For a second, let's just assume that they were meant to break in. That it was why they were chosen to go on that trip with you. So we could meet. You told me yourself that you'd been in the area several times before and never even caught a whiff of my scent. Maybe the moon goddess sent them with you for this purpose. Everything has a reason. Let's trust the goddess, and give them the benefit of the doubt," I insisted.

"Why are you defending them?" he asked instead.


"You heard me."

"I'm simply asking you to excuse them just this once," I said, staring into his deep blue eyes, and getting lost in their depth.

He thought for a moment, then:



"Alexandria, I can't just let them go, there's a reason why I'm King, and I'm sorry to say that I do not tolerate insubordination from any of my wolves. They are not leaving here without a proper verdict," he stated in finality.

I pouted up at him.

He narrowed his eyes, "don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" I asked, biting my lip, and I held back a laugh when his eyes caught the movement, before he fully looked away.

"Why are you doing this?" he sighed.

"Damien is my friend," I replied, pointing at the man, and Livius' eyes drifted to him.

"Your friend?"


"When did this happen?"

"We met in the library while you were at the Altair pack," I answered.

"Yea, now he's definitely leaving."

Damien shot me a look that said, "just shut the fuck up, you're making it worse."

"I'm also friends with Jayden, are you gonna send him away too?" I asked, and my mate rolled his eyes.

I watched as his gaze drifted back and forth from me to the wolves, a torn expression on his face, before he waved his hand, "If you insist they stay, then fine. But one more stunt and they're out," he grumbled, displeased.

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