Separation Part 1

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It's about time. This book is ending. There's two more chapters and the epilogue left after this one. It's been a wild ride. Thank you to everyone who has been reading this book.
Two months later
Millie's POV

Me and Finn has just got done doing the devils tango. I pulled my orange jumpsuit on over my bra and underwear. I looked at the boy who was doing the same. His curly hair falling in front of his face. I waved goodbye to him before skipping out of the cell, to lunch.

I sat next to Sadie and stared over in the direction of Finn's table. Lately I've been feeling sick so I didn't feel like eating. Sadie put her hand on my shoulder as another spell of nausea washed through my body. Noah looked at me with a worried look on his face.

I shrugged it off and pretended as though nothing happened. I excused myself from the group and quickly sprinted to the bathroom. Barely making it in time, I leaned over the toilet and threw up the remnants of last nights dinner.

I leaned my head against the bathroom stall's walls. I closed my eyes before feeling another spell of nausea. I leaned over the toilet and threw up once more.

After a few minutes I stood up and flushed the toilet. I walked towards the sinks and washed my hands. I also fixed my hair, I noticed the dark circles around my eyes and how my stomach looked a little bigger then usual. Again I shrugged it off and washed my hands in warm water before walking back to the cafeteria.

Sadie and Noah looked at me with confused looks on their faces. I rolled my eyes at the two. I noticed Finn was sitting with his friend, laughing. I smiled ever so slightly and Sadie nudged me on the shoulder playfully. I shook my head at the red headed girl.

After lunch I walked back to the cell, resisting the urge to throw up again. My eyelids were heavy and I lazily collapsed on my bed. My eyes fluttered closed and I fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke in the nurses office, my eyes darted around the room. I wondered why I was here. The nurse walked through the doorway and sat in her chair, a little ways away from me.

"Oh hello dear" the old nurse smiled at me and I half smiled back. "Your friend found you passed out of your bed. He noticed you haven't been eating, he was worried." The nurse stated as she typed on her keyboard. I thought of Finn, a smile spread across my face.

"Anyways we ran a few tests but the doctor said he wants to do more." The nurse handed me a cup and gave me a, you know what to do look. I walked towards the bathroom with a weak sigh.

I have been in this nurses office, all day! I'm bored out of my mind and I want to see Finn. I rested on the cot. My head rested on the slightly uncomfortable pillow. I stared up at the ceiling. A sigh escaped my lips when I thought about Finn.

The nurse appeared with a clip board, her eyes scanning down the piece of paper that was on it. "Hello dear." The nurse quietly said, her eyes still focused on the paper. I rolled my eyes but mumbled a greeting.

I watched as the nurses eyes widen ever so slightly before returning to normal. The old lady walked out the door again and I was left alone in the room.

About an hour later the nurse returned once more. I noticed the warden walking behind her. The warden shut the door before pulling a chair up to my cot. I looked at the warden with a sigh. I read his name tag. "David Harbour" I mumbled and the warden looked at me.

"Okay kid. We have bad news and bad news." The warden said, leaning over so his elbows were on his knees and his chin was resting in his hands. The warden made direct eye contact with me which made me shudder ever so slightly.

"Bad news one. You're moving." Warden David stated. My eyes widened. "Moving!? Where!?" I almost yelled. "To a new place." David sighed. "What!? Why!?" I shrieked. What about Finn? What would happen if I left him?

"Because kid, you're pregnant."

-mental stability has left the chat-
Anyways, sorry that was short, I'm super tired but I didn't want to leva enough guys hanging. Anyways what do you think will happen. Don't be afraid to comment!

-Ari the bad writing bítch.

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