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Blood. Blood. Everywhere. The knife fell from his hand as he looked at the mangled bodies that laid on the floor in front of him. The curly haired boy looked down at his hands. Blood dripped down his arms. His white shirt was now stained red. His breathing picked up. His eyes darted around the room. He spotted the phone. Tears dripped down his face and mixed with the blood that coated it. He carefully stepped over the bodies and walked through the blood. His bare feet hit against the wood floor as he walked to the phone. His hand reached out. He grabbed the phone and typed in a number he had heard many times.

Someone picked up on the other end. "911 what's your emergency" a female voice asked. "I killed them." The boy whispered. "What'd you say?" The female voice asked. "I killed them all." The ebony haired boy said in a more joyful tone. A wicked grin spread across his face. He hung up the phone before the voice could speak again.

He walked and sat by one of the bodies. He gently caressed its ebony hair similar to his. Tears flowed from his eyes but the same grin stayed on his face.

The boy soon heard sirens approaching his house. He stood up from the ground and kissed each of the dead bodies before walking outside and seeing the police cars surrounding the house. A few police men ran up and pushed him hard to the ground. His head hit the asphalt and everything went black.

Finn awoke. Sweat coated him. He was breathing fast.

"You okay, Pretty Boy?" He spotted the familiar brunette who sat on him. "I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't get up." The girl stated with a shrug before rolling off the bed onto the floor with a giggle.

"Cmon, Pretty Boy it's almost time for breakfast." The girl said in a cheerful tone. She hopped up from the ground and walked towards the door. Finn rolled his eyes and stood up. He walked to the little dresser that they had. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out a comb that he had snuck in inside his jumpsuit.

The boy carefully combed through his knotted ebony curls. After a few minutes his hair was fully combed out and he put the comb back in his drawer. He walked towards the door and saw Millie there talking to a girl with red hair. They both had handcuffs on. A guard came up to him and put handcuffs on him too.

"Oh hey, Pretty Boy" The british brunette said with a smile. The pale red haired girl grabbed Millie's hand and pulled her away. Finn watched as they walked down the hall side by side with two guards.

The ebony haired boy followed one of the guards to the cafeteria. He saw about ten tables full of kids his age. A few people glanced his way. He heard a few whispers but ignored them.

Once he got his tray he looked around the room for a palace to sit. "Over here, Pretty Boy" Finn heard a familiar voice yell. He turned his head towards the brunette. She was sitting at a nearly full table with six other teenagers.

Finn almost immediately walked the opposite way and sat at an empty table with a few other boys. They looked at him but he ignored it. His eyes shifted towards the "food". It didn't even look edible. There was some nasty runny off white mush and a meat patty that looked like cardboard. He hesitantly grabbed a plastic fork and picked up the stiff meat.

He cautiously took a bite. Finn wanted to vomit. It tasted like cardboard that you found in the bottom of a dumpster. Finn gagged and hesitantly swallowed the nasty food.

The ebony haired boy picked up his spoon and spooned some of the weird runny mixture. He ate it. It seriously tasted like nothing.

Millie watched him from afar. She was sad and mad that he didn't sit with her. "You okay Mills?" the blonde haired girl asked. "Yeah I'm fine, Lilia." The brunette said in a low tone.

A few guards walked around passing out the pills everyone had to take. Millie held her hand out and the guard put five pills in her hand. One was white, another was red, one was blue, one was clear and the last one was red and white. Millie carefully placed each in her mouth and grabbed her cup of water. She downed it and cringed at the feeling of the pills sliding down her throat.

Finn looked at the guards confused. One handed him seven pills. Each one was a different color and size. Finn never liked pills. It took Finn awhile to finally take all the pills. The guards came back again and took half the people to their cells and the other half got to go to the living room sort of place to watch tv and hang out.

Finn and a few people from his table were taken to the living room. He sat on the couch that smelled musty and like smoke. He watched as the brunette walked in with her friends. They all went their separate ways.

Millie walked over to the table and chairs in the corner. She hoisted herself onto the table and sat with her legs crossed and her eyes closed.

The ebony haired boy watched confused at the girls actions. "She's insane ya know" A boy with brown curly hair said. Finn just nodded. "The name is Wyatt." The boy know as Wyatt said. "My name's Finn" Finn said in a quiet tone. "Ah so you're the new kid" Wyatt said. Finn just nodded again.

Millie's began to play with her hair. Her eyes were still closed and she was humming a tone.

"Psycho" Wyatt said in a low tone. Finn furrowed his eyebrows at the statement. He stood up and walked over to the table. He hoisted himself up onto it and sat next to Millie.

Millie opened her eyes and looked at the boy with a slightly confused look on her face. Her eyebrows furrowed and she slid off the table.

She walked over to an empty space with a sigh. The brunette thrusted her body forwards into a kart wheel. She landed perfectly and smirked at herself. Sadie walked up, slowly clapping.

"Wow you're getting better Mills." Sadie said. "Thanks Sink." Millie responded. The brunette skipped over to the couch and hopped on it. She hooked her legs onto the top of the couch and hung upside down over the back.

Millie thought hanging upside down was fun. It was like everyone was walking on the ceiling. After a few minutes the guards came in and brought everyone back to their cell. Millie and Finn walked side by side with two guards. They hand handcuffs on their wrists. They arrived at their cell and the guards took off their handcuffs. Millie's walked into the cell and skipped up to the dresser.

Finn watched as the brunette opened one of the drawers and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Finn watched as the girl pulled out one the cigarettes and put the box back in the drawer. The girl put the cigarette between her lips and walked towards the wall. Her hands explored it till she stopped at a crack and pulled out a match.

The girl struck it against the wall and a flame emerged from it. She held it up to her cigarette. The British girl blew out the match. Millie took a long drag of the cigarette. Finn just watched her. She removed the cigarette from her lips and exhaled the smoke.

"Want some?" Millie asked. Finn nodded and Millie handed him the cigarette. Millie walked to her bed and laid on it with a sigh. She felt her eyes grow heavy and she fell into a deep slumber.

Holy holy holy. Wow wow wow.
Hope yall liked this chapter!
-Ari 🥀

1353 words (TRIGGERED)

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